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Graphics Designer (UK) (1986) (Version Basic 1.1) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip 3.13 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24) | |||
Graphics Designer (UK) (1986) (Version Basic 1.1) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].dsk [CRC:F5223D18] [HexaDump] [SectorView] [SectorData] (2.87 Ko-190.25 Ko) | |||
INFOSSTRUCTURE Chargement : RUN"GRADESGN.BAS Version de : Ross SIMPSON - COMMENTAIRE -Ne fonctionne pas sous CPC 464 (Basic 1.0) a cause de l'utilisation de la commande COPYCHR$ - CORRECTIONS -I don't know what the original program was supposed to look like, though I've adjusted it and added some transparent instructions for the small graphical numbers. The other annoying bug in the program was if you pressed 'X' while the cursor was in the top left corner it would proceed to draw the cursor the line above that and continue until it had reached it's limit the opposite end to where you're supposed to draw your image. I've changed the program so it won't let you do that now and when it reaches the end to where it supposed to be, I've changed that so it's a little bit tidier and allowed the user to exit the program if they want. :) Graphics Designer (UK) (1986) (Version Basic 1.1) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].dskCreator : SAMdisk100620. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File.. 1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side. -- SIDE 1 -- Sectors used : 7 / 360 Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360) Minimum of sectors in one track : 9 Maximum of sectors in one track : 9 |