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Colour Swapping Demos (UK) (1997) (Version Basic 1.1) (PD) [COMPILATION].zip 7.15 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24) | |||
Colour Swapping Demos (UK) (1997) (Version Basic 1.1) (PD) [COMPILATION].dsk [CRC:C879A6AE] [HexaDump] [SectorView] [SectorData] (6.87 Ko-190.25 Ko) | |||
INFOSSTRUCTURE Chargement : RUN"COLSWAP.BAS - COMMENTAIRE -Ne fonctionne pas sur CPC 464 (Basic 1.0) 10 REM ********************************
20 REM
40 REM (C) 1991-1997 SEAN MCMANUS
50 REM
60 REM ********************************
70 REM This program contains colour
80 REM swapping demos written 1991-1993
90 REM including those written for The
100 REM Basic Idea, a book and disc
110 REM tutorial published 1993 by
120 REM Campursoft. For a copy of the
130 REM book's text, send a formatted PC
140 REM disc and SAE to: Sean McManus,
150 REM 226 Chertsey Rise, Stevenage,
160 REM Herts, SG2 9JQ, UK.
170 REM This program compiled 22 Nov 97
180 REM
190 REM With thanks to everyone who
200 REM made CPC computing as much fun
210 REM as it was and to those who
220 REM continue to support it
230 REM ********************************
240 REM Colour Swapping Demos (UK) (1997) (Version Basic 1.1) (PD) [COMPILATION].dskCreator : SAMdisk100620. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File.. 1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side. -- SIDE 1 -- Sectors used : 27 / 360 Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360) Minimum of sectors in one track : 9 Maximum of sectors in one track : 9 |