COMPILATION -> Officielle
© Mastertronic (1990)

CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor

Mots Clefs


COMPILATION -> Officielle               
La compilation KPP15 a été distribué uniquement en Italie et comprenant 99 jeux et un programme de démonstration, le tout sur 8 cassettes.

Les 99 jeux :
01. "180"
02. "3D Invaders"
03. "Ahhh!!! Laser Malfunction"
04. "Amaurote"
05. "Angleball"
06. "Atom Smasher"
07. "Back To Reality"
08. "Ball Crazy"
09. "Bosconian 87"
10. "Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge"
11. "Caves Of Doom"
12. "Centre court"
13. "Chronos"
14. "Colony"
15. "Con-Quest"
16. "Crazy Golf"
17. "Doors Of Doom"
18. "Dr Jackle And Mr Wide"
19. "Dr Scrime's Spook School"
20. "Dragon's Gold"
21. "Electro Freddy"
22. "Energy Warrior"
23. "Escape From Khoshima"
24. "Fantasia Diamond"
25. "Feud"
26. "Fighting Warrior"
27. "Finders Keepers"
28. "Five A Side Soccer"
29. "Flash Gordon"
30. "Fly Spy"
31. "Formula 1 Simulator"
32. "Fu-Kung In Las Vegas"
33. "Galletron"
34. "Geoff Capes Strong Man"
35. "Grand Prix Driver"
36. "Grand Prix Tennis"
37. "Hero Of The Golden Talisman"
38. "Hollywood or Bust"
39. "How To Be A Hero"
40. "Hyperbowl"
41. "Into Oblivion"
42. "Invasion"
43. "Jammin"
44. "Kane"
45. "Kentilla"
46. "Knight Tyme"
47. "Kobyashi Naru"
48. "Kwah!"
49. "Locomotion"
50. "Masterchess"
51. "Molecule Man"
52. "Motos"
53. "Ninja"
54. "Nonterraqueous"
55. "Oh Mummy"
56. "Pool" (Compatible SSA-1 et DK'Tronics Speech Synthesizer)
57. "One Man and His Droid"
58. "Qabbalah"
59. "Radzone"
60. "Rasterscan"
61. "Redhawk"
62. "Revenge Of The C5"
63. "Roland Goes Digging"
64. "Roland Goes Square Bashing"
65. "Roland In Space" (Compatible SSA-1 et DK'Tronics Speech Synthesizer)
66. "Roland In The Caves"
67. "Roland In Time"
68. "Roland On The Ropes"
69. "Roland On The Run"
70. "Room Ten"
71. "Shard Of Inovar"
72. "Sir lancelot"
73. "Soul Of A Robot"
74. "Space Hawks"
75. "Spannerman"
76. "Speed King"
77. "Spellbound"
78. "Sport Of Kings"
79. "Storm"
80. "Stormbringer A True Graphic Adventure"
81. "Streaker"
82. "Strike"
83. "Sultan's Maze"
84. "Super Pipeline II"
85. "Technician Ted"
86. "Terminus"
87. "Terrormolinos"
88. "The Apprentice"
89. "The Curse Of Sherwood"
90. "The Fear"
91. "The Galactic Plague"
92. "The Island Of DR. Destructo"
93. "Trashman"
94. "Trashman Goes Moonlighting"
95. "Travel With Trashman"
96. "Vagan Attack"
97. "Venom"
98. "Xcel"
99. "Zub"

Le programme de démonstration :
- "Welcome To Amstrad"

Edité par Mastertronic


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