Amstrad-Schneider 464-664-6128
ref : PAL AS15
1989 (c) Mastertronic
PROGRAM (c) PAL Developments 1989
Introducing the latest in personal transportation,
The Foourd T-Bird (r).
Capable of 0-600 in 5.6 seconds and with a maximum
speed of 1346 mph, it is equipped with the new and
revolutionary ABS (Automatic Braking System),
Megagettoblast In Car Entertainment centre (500 watts per
channel) and the ultimate in Anti Traffic Warden bolt
Excerpt from the official Foourd T-Bird Brochure.
So there you were, pulling outside your local Foourd
dealer in your clapped out Laader 1000L complete with
free flowing air intakes, (rust!) for a test drive.
However, after taking a wrong turn, you find yourself in the
middle of the local alien communities.
And they are not too happy about you being there!!!
You must fight off the alien attacks against you using only
your skill and agility (and the bolt on weaponry sent to you
courtsey of Foourd).
To collect the weapon that is indicated on the panel, simply
run into the pod that comes towards you.
A pod is only awarded when all the attaking alien have
been destroyed.
Weapons include :
This constantly tops your energy up.
This fires sideways. This will only kill aliens that are directly
to the left or right of your ship.
Makes you invincible for a period of time, destroying all aliens
and meteors.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Eventually you will reach the end of the alien ghetto and
come face to face with the great big mother of a ship that
is used by their leader. This will take many hits to destroy
it although you cannot use missiles against it.
You mak think that all this too much for you puny senses
to bear so Foourd, in their ultimate wisdom, have included
in the T-Bird an anti-collision shield. However, this only has
a limited energy cell and each collision drains it.
Pressing space will fire a missile.
This will destroy all aliens or meteors on screen.
Use Joystick
Hit CTRL & small ENTER keys together,
Then press PLAY then RETURN.
Tapez sur la touche CTRL et sur la petite touche ENTER puis
appuyez sur PLAY et RETURN.
Vous venez d'arriver chez votre concessionnaire Foourd pour essayer
la toute derniere Foourd T-Bird.
Elle est equipee d'un systeme de freinage automatique, d'une radio-
cassette Megaghettoblast et d'armes anti-conctractuels des plus
Pendant votre essai de route, vous prenez la mauvaise direction et
vous retrouvez tout d'un coup au beau milieu du territoire des Aliens.
Et ils ne sont pas vraiment contents de vous voir!!!
Pour vous aider, un certain nombre d'options (offertes par Foourd) sont
a votre disposition et vous pouvez les recuperer.
Il vous suffit simplement d'emboutir le conteneur d'amres qui se dirige
vers vous pour ramasser l'objet indique.
Le fait de ne pas ramasser un conteneur fera avancer l'indicateur.
Utilisez le joystick.
Appuyez sur SPACE pour lancer des missiles.