UTILITAIRE -> Graphisme
© Chaos (1995)
The Logo Maker v1.0


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Anyway hope you will all like and use this program. Bye and see you soon... MAIN INFORMATIONS: ------------------ After running Logomaker and seen the intro, you'll get into the main menu part of it. Logomaker is a program which allows you to make logos, if you've got the fonts file. So, let's analyse each option separately: 1) Start with a normal 17kb screen: ----------------------------------- With this option, you can create a logo, if you have a normal (=decrunched) 17kb fonts screen. After selecting this option, you'll get the directory of the disk which is in the current disc-drive. Then you'll be asked to enter the name of the screen file. If you want to return to menu, simply press return (without typing anything). If you enter a filename without the extension, then the extension will be ".scr". Then you'll get another question: "Load palette too (Y/N) ?". So, you've got to press Y, if you want to load a palette too. Otherwise press any other key to continue. Then you'll be asked to enter the X and Y of the font. This might be a little problem, cause you'll have to remember the X and Y of all of your fonts screens... But I've got three advises to give you, in order to find easier the X and Y coordinates: 1) You can use this program (with option 4) to view and search for X and Y of a font. 2) Instead of typing X and Y, you can type 0,0. This will turn on the "Auto searching" mode. The computer will immediately try to find X and Y for you. But it may not succeed in calculating them. But if you, when you design your fonts (for ex. with Art Studio), separate all the fonts with a space (=1 byte long, which is for Y just 1 pixel and for X =2 pixels in mode 0, 4 in mode 1 and 8 in mode 2), then the program will find the X and Y coordinates itself. 3) Find them with Art Studio (with magnify..) and note them down on a paper, so that you won't have to remember them... Then, after entering the X and Y coordinates, you'll be asked to enter the TITLE of the logo which will be created. In the top of this question, you can find some useful informations about the Video Ram (the memory area, where the logo will be printed). The first information is the maximum number of characters that can be printed in a single line. Then you'll get the maximum number of lines that you can print, with the actual font. Also there is another information: The maximum number of characters that can be printed in the screen. Warning... The maximum length of your logo, must be 200 characters. If you want to write a logo with special ascii letters, you'll have to encode your logo's name... For example if you have a fonts screen which starts with A and finishes with Z and you want to type a logo (for ex. CATLOC THE BEST), then instead of all the spaces, you'll have to press the chr$ of the ascii code of the last letter of your fonts screen (here z), plus one. In this case you'll have to press, instead of space the "[" key. In figure 1, there is a list of all the characters, that can be used in Logomaker's encoding. (65-127). Ok, if you didn't do any mistake then your dream became true! Now, you should see your logo ready. If you didn't load a palette, then you can change the mode directly, by pressing 0,1 or 2 (or F0,F1,F2). Finally press space. You'll be then asked to enter the filename of the logo screen, so that you can save it. If you don't want to save it, simply press return to return to the main menu. Otherwise if you don't enter a filename with extension, then the extension will be (again) ".scr". * 2) Start with an Art Studio crunched fonts screen file: ------------------------------------------------------- With this option, you can create a logo, if you've got a fonts screen which you designed with Art Studio and saved as crunched. Here all of the things you'll have to enter are the same with option 1. But let's see them again, in a big hurry: 1) After getting the directory of the disk which is in the current disc-drive, you will be asked to enter the name of the Art Studio crunched fonts screen. 2) Then when you'll be asked if you want to load a palette too, you can press Y to load it, or any other key to continue. 3) Then you'll have to enter the X and Y coordinates of the font. If you want to make the computer search for them, then type 0,0. 4) Then after getting some informations for the Video Ram, you'll be asked to enter the title of the logo, which will be created. 5) Then, when the logo is at last created, you can save it. (Note: If you didn't succeed to create the logo you wanted, then read the first option's analysis again, cause all conditions of option 1, are the same with the conditions of option 2)... * 3) Start with a "SOS" sprite-data file: --------------------------------------- With this option you can create a logo, if you've got a Sos spritedata (with fonts) file. Here again, most of the things that you'll have to enter, are the same with option 1 and 2, but still there are some differences... But let's see this option step-by-step: 1) After getting the directory of all the files which have the extension ".spr" ,of the disk which is in the current disc-drive (A or B), you'll be asked to enter the name of the sprite-data file. 2) Then you'll be asked to load a palette file too, or not. If you want to load a palette, press Y, otherwise press any other key to continue. 3) Then you'll be asked to enter the X and Y coordinates of the actual sprite data fonts screen. Here, there is no chance of an "auto-mode searching" mode. You'll have to enter the values of X and Y, by yourself. 4) Then you'll be asked to enter the exact number of sprites, which will be converted in a 17k normal fonts screen. Maximum number of sprites that you can enter is 255. But if you don't know the exact number of sprites, you can convert all of them by pressing return. 5) And then after getting some useful Video Ram's informations, you'll have to enter the title of the logo, which will be created. 6) And then, after the logo is created, you can either save it, or return to the main menu, by pressing return (without typing any filename). Note: SOS is a program which allows you to create your sprites-screens and many other things and also to convert an Art Studio screen into sprite-data. With option 2 or Logomaker, I am doing the opposite, in order to create the logo you want. * 4) View a screen file and search for its coordinates: ----------------------------------------------------- With this option you can view a screen file and search for its coordinates (X and Y). Let's see this option step-by-step too: 1) At first you'll be asked to enter the type of the screen file, which you want to view. There are three options: 1) a normal 17k screen file, 2) an Art Studio crunched screen file and 3) a Sos spritedata screen file. If you want to return to the main menu, press 4. 2) After entering the type of the screen file, which you want to view, you'll be asked to enter the name of the actual screen file. And then you'll be asked, if you want to load a palette too. If so press Y, otherwise press any other key to continue. If the type of the screen file, which you want to view, is not the third one (=Sos spritedata), then you don't have to read (3). Go immediately to (4). 3) Then you'll be asked to enter the X and Y coordinates of the actual spritedata file and then you'll also have to enter the number of the sprites that you want to view (Max=255). If you want to see all the sprites and maybe more (the maximum possible, maybe more than 255), simply press return. 4) Ok, now you view the screen file you wanted. If you haven't loaded a palette, you can change the mode of the screen directly, by pressing F0, F1 and F2 (F0=mode 0,F1=mode 1 and F2=mode 2). If you don't want to search for the X and Y coordinates of the screen, then you can press space to return to the main menu. Otherwise, there are some keys which allow you to find the X and Y of the fonts file you just loaded: You can use the 4 cursor keys, to move the cursor left, right, up and down. By pressing Enter you set the 'X and Y informations' on. So now, if you try to move with the cursor keys, you'll see the exact values of coordinates X and Y and in that way you can move the double X and Y cursor to the first letter of the font, in a way that you could cover it if you fill the tops of X and Y. Maximum value of coordinate X must be 80 and max. value of Y must be 200. Also you can press the Delete key to set the 'X and Y informations' off. Also, you can set the speed of the 'double X and Y cursor', by pressing F7,F8 and F9. (F7= slow speed, F8= normal speed and F9= fast speed). Also, you can store the current X and Y in Logomaker's memory, by pressing control, so that you won't have to remember them. Finally, you can return to the main menu, anytime, by pressing the space bar. * 5) Change 'View Screen option's cursor byte: -------------------------------------------- When you select option 4, you load and view a screen file and then you try to find the X and Y coordinates, by moving the 'double X and Y cursor'. With this option, you can change the colour of this 'double X and Y cursor', in order not to have problems when you load a strange palette... So when you choose this option (5), you'll have to choose between two options: 1) 'Enter new byte no': if you select this you'll have to enter the new byte number (=colour..) of the 'double X and Y cursor'. This byte number must be between 0-255. 2) 'Return to main menu': if you select this you simply return to the main menu. Below of these two options, you can see the current value of the 'double X and Y cursor' byte. * 6) Change 'Auto-mode searching' parameters: ------------------------------------------- When you want to create a logo, with an Art Studio's crunched, or with a normal 17k fonts screen, you'll have to enter the X and Y coordinates of the actual font, in order to convert it to the logo you want. But if you want to set the 'Auto-searching' mode on, you can simply enter 0,0. The 'X and Y Auto-searching' mode, in order to calculate the X and Y coordinates, does the following things: 1) Loads the screen file at a free memory location (let's call this address 'start'). 2) Searches from address 'start' to 'start'+current scan of the fonts screen, for byte 00. If it finds it, then it succeed in finding X and so it goes to (3). Otherwise it quits operation... 3) Let's say that 'r6' contains the value of Crt's register 6 of the current scan, plus one. Let's also say that 's' is the current scan of fonts screen. So, in this step the computer searches from address start to start+(r6*s), for byte 00. If it finds it, then it succeed in finding Y too. So, with this option you can change the byte number, for which the computer will search in steps (2) and (3), so that you won't have any problems, if your font is painted in strange background colours... So, when you select this option, firstly you'll get some informations about the current CP (=Compare) of X (refer back to step 2) and the current CP of Y (refer back to step 3). Both CP's values for X and Y are written in the following form: Current CP for X (or for Y): (for ex.) 200 (-in demical) = C8 (-in hexademical). So, now you can select between the following options: 1) Change CP of X: With this option you can change the CP of X. 2) Change CP of Y: With this option you can change the CP of Y. 3) Change both CPs of X and Y: Here you can change the CPs of both X and Y. 4) Return to main menu: Just returns to the main menu of Logomaker. * 7) Change Scan of fonts screen: ------------------------------- With this option, you can change the scan (=the number of bytes, of a single line), of the fonts screen. So, firstly you get the current scan as a number of bytes and also the Crt first register's value (=no of bytes of scan/2). So, you can change the number of bytes (=the scan), by selecting the first option. Number of bytes must be between 0 and 127. Also you can change the value of Crt first register, by selecting the second option. This value must be between 0 and 63. Finally you can press 3 to return to the main menu. * 8) Change Scan of the logo which will be created: ------------------------------------------------- With this option, you can change the scan of the logo which will be created. In this option, all sub-options are the same with those of option (7). But let's see them again, in a bigger hurry: Option 1: Change the scan (=no of bytes of a line) directly. Option 2: Change the value of Crt's first register.. Option 3: Return to main menu. * 9) Load a palette file: ----------------------- With this option you can load a palette file, for using its colours later, in a logo. After getting the directory of the disk which is in the current disc drive, you'll have to enter the name of the palette file and press return to load it. If you just want to return to main menu, press return. * Other keys that you can press in the main menu: ----------------------------------------------- I) By pressing this key, you'll just see a small message, which advises you to read this manual-file. C) Change colours (pen 0,pen 1 and border only). This option will change the colours of the Logomaker, without destroying the logo's current palette. A) Selects Drive A. B) Selects Drive B. Appendix: --------- 1) Fiqure no.1: ------------ (chr,ascii) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ù 065,A ù 075,K ù 085,U ù 095, _ ù 105, i ù 115,s ù 125, è ù ù 066,B ù 076,L ù 086,V ù 096, ` ù 106, j ù 116,t ù 126, ctrl+2 ù ù 067,C ù 077,M ù 087,W ù 097, a ù 107, k ù 117,u ù 127, chess board..ù ù 068,D ù 078,N ù 088,X ù 098, b ù 108, l ù 118,v ù ù ù 069,E ù 079,O ù 089,Y ù 099, c ù 109, m ù 119,w ù ù ù 070,F ù 080,P ù 090,Z ù 100, d ù 110, n ù 120,x ù ù ù 071,G ù 081,Q ù 091,[ ù 101, e ù 111, o ù 121,y ù ù ù 072,H ù 082,R ù 092,ç ù 102, f ù 112, p ù 122,z ù ù ù 073,I ù 083,S ù 093,] ù 103, g ù 113, q ù 123,é ù ù ù 074,J ù 084,T ù 094,^ ù 104, h ù 114, r ù 124,ù ù ù ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2) An example in action: --------------------- Let's say that you have an Art Studio crunched fonts screen and you want to create a logo, with its fonts: First, you've got to find X and Y (I suppose that you don't know it): We select option 4 (=View screen and search X and Y option) and we select screen type 2 (=art studio's crunched screen). Then with the cursor keys, you move the 'double X and Y cursor' wherever you want and then you press Control to confirm it in Logomaker's memory. And then you return to menu, by pressing space. Then you press 2 (=Create a logo with an Art Studio crunched screen) and type in the screen's filename. Then you enter the X and Y (there will be the same with the previous, just copy them). Then you enter the title of the logo, for ex. SCHIZOPHRENIA. Then you can view the created logo and then you type the filename to save it (for ex. SCHIZOPH.SCR). * 3) Further general informations: ----------------------------- Logomaker can only create 17k logos. If you want to create an overscan 32k logo screen, then you can press (8) and change the scan of the logo which will be created (for ex. make it 92, or register one: 46). Then create a logo and save it. Then if you create another logo and save it too, you'll be able by sending the right values on some Crt's registers and by loading both screens (in different memory locations), to create an overscan screen!... All fonts screens, must start with letter A (=65). Also, the whole font must start from the most up and left byte of the screen (&c000). This program is compatible with Art Studio, Advanced Art Studio, Sos and all other programs that save screens as normal 17k screens.. * 4) Last message... ------------------ This program is public domain. It's a Greek production. All coding, fonts, mathematics, intro's coding and generally everything made by CATLOC of CHAOS, just for fun. All coding made in Maxam, all graphics designed with Advanced Art Studio. Logomaker crunched with Crown cruncher. Thanx to FG, alias Frank Salmas for general help and moral support. Also thanx to Rodnay Zaks, for his well written z-80 books. Basically, I made this program for my personal use, cause I'm also a graphist and many guys were asking me to make them logos... So now with this program, you can create a '200 characters long' logo, in just a minute (or less)! With Art Studio you would need at least half an hour, I guess.... So, hope you understood this manual and how this program works. For further questions, bugs reporting or for anything else, eg. for swapping legal stuff, you can contact me, under the following address: Chris Archontidis, Athinon 121, 165-61, Glyfada, Athens, Greece. Or you can call me at (01) 96.47.432. So, i think that this is enough for now. I already feel dizzy (from the time, I started writting this manual-file and up to now, I have been hearing some classic music)... See you soon and don't forget... Cpc for ever, cause future is Chaos... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * * * * * Yours chaotic, Catloc of Chaos System... *** * * * * ** * * * * * Signed and copyright by Catloc, the 18/03/1995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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