JEU -> Aventure
© Domark (1987)
Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less


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JEFFREY ARCHER NOT A PENNY MORE, NOT A PENNY LESS THE COMPUTER GAME INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: It is advised that you read the book before seriously attempting the game. INTRODUCTION You have in your hand a new type of computer game based on the Speech and Graphical adventure which puts you straight into lhe action of lhe first book by best selling author Jeffrey Archer. If you are used lo playing normal adventures then you will find many similar features which will let you gel straight into the game but then there are those clever features lhat make this game excitingly different. Because it is so cIosely basad on the best selling book you will find that, unlike normal adventures, the program will guide you through the plot, presenting you with many puzzles to solve on the way. Obviously, like a book, you cannot "back track" through the plot if you miss something and so lateral thinking becomes important at every stage if you are going to win through. Most computer gamas are "directional" ie, you can go North at any time by just typing "GO NORTH". However, in this game, you must first solve the puzzle(s) in each location belore you are allowed to move on. The game is based on a "real-life" situation (sorry, no goblins in this story) so you must think carefully about what you would do if the events in the plot actually happened to you. Silly answers may be fun but will nol gel you very far! THE PLOT You play the part of Stephen Bradley, a visiting Fellow at Magdalen College in Oxford, who finds himself the victim of a swindle. Left penniless by a company collapse caused deliberately by its unscrupulous owner, you set out to get revenge in a very 'novel' way. You must gel together with other victims of this evil man and, without his knowing anything about it, you must steal the money back to the last penny! Each victim will have his own method to get the money back and it is your job to control the group as they help each other with the stings! THE VOCABULARY The game will understand and react to sentences typed into the computer in plain English eg. "TAKE THE MAGAZINE FROM THE TABLE" and will make your character (Stephen) do the particular action requested. Shorter forms of command will also sometimes work (only if the meaning is not in any way ambiguous.) eg. "TAKE MAGAZINE" You can also speak to other characters using the form: "SAY "HELLO"" As clever as the program is it cannot understand every possible sentence that you could type in and so, sometimes, it will need yoo to rephrase your command so that it will understand. Other useful word are: HELP - a cryptic clue to use only if you gel really stuck GET - add an item to those you are carrying TAKE - eg. TAKE CAMERA or GET NEWSPAPER GO NORTH/EAST/WEST/SOUTH/SOUTHWESt etc (No short forms are allowed eg. N, SW etc.) You will be told by the game if you can move in these directions. OPEN - use on doors, cupboards, etc. CLOSE - use on doors, cupboards, etc. EXAMINE - can be used in two ways 1) to look closely at an object or 2) at certain times EXAMINE ROBIN/JAMES etc wil take you into their location. An important feature of the game is Stephen's dossier which must be filled up with facts as the game develops. EXAMINE thls every so often to keep yourself up to date. (In Stephen's room only). OTHER USEFUL PHRASES FOLLOW - useful if a character wanders off SAVE - (File name) save game positions to tape/disk so that you can start next time from where you left it. LOAD - (File name) reload a previously saved game position. GRAPHICS ON/OFF - switches speech (if present) ON and OFF. SPEECH ON/OFF - switches speech (if present) ON and OFF. There are many more words that the program will accept and it is up to you to find them but remember, the nature of the game means that a word may be meaningless in one location and yet be perfectly acceptable in another - you will have to experiment! SPECIAL FEATURE We are introducing a unique feature this adventure - Speech. Although voices have been heard before on computer we believe this is the first time it has been used to such an extent on 8-bit machines WITHOUT ADDITIONAL HARDWARE. Throughout the game you will hear the computer speak sections of what you see on screen (NOTE: the amount of speech varies with the computer type and the BBC version is text only). HINTS InclUded in this package is a copy of Jeffrey Archer's book "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" which contalns all the hints you should need! If you still find yourself stuck then a detailed hint sheet is available from Domark only on receipt of an A4 Stamped Addressed Envelope. Sorry but no telephone enquiries will be taken. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ANO MACHINE SPECIFIC COMMANDS LOADING ATARI ST - Insert disk "A" in drive A and switch on (or reset) the machine. The program will auto load. At the prompt insert the 'B' disk. SPECTRUM 48K - Type LOAD "" and press ENTER key (LOAD is obtained by pressing the 'J' key). SPECTRUM 128K/+2 - Insert tape into recorder, switch on machine, press ENTER and start tape. The program will load automatically. AMSTRAD CPC TAPE - Insert tape into recorder, hold down CTRL and press small ENTER key. Press PLAY on recorder and any key on the computer. AMSTRAD CPC DISC - Insert disc into drive, type |CPM and press ENTER. (| is obtained by holding down SHIFT and pressing @). CBM 64 TAPE - Insert tape into recorder, hold down SHIFT and press RUN/STOP. Start tape. BBC TAPE - Insert tape into recorder, type CHAIN "" and press RETURN. Start tape. Once the program has loaded remove the Cassette/Disc and insert a blank tape/formatted disc if you intend using the SAVE game option. Using the original tape/disc will damage it and could prevent subsequent loading. MACHINE SPECIFIC COMMANDS QUIT can be used with all versions to end the game. ATARI ST Arrow keys move cursor 1 character left or right Backspace key will delete last character ESC deletes all the line F1 calls up Iast line typed F2 moves cursor to start of the next word F3 gives SPEECH OFF F4 gives SPEECH ON F5 gives GRAPHICS OFF F6 gives GRAPHICS ON Typing EIGHTY, FOURTY, 80 or 40 followed by COLUMN MODE will select the text size. F7 gives 40 column mode F8 gives 80 oolumn mode If a High Resolution B/W monitor is connected !hen 80 columns only is valid and graphics are not available. NOTE: When using SAVE do not give an extension as .NAP is automaticaIly inserted. SPECTRUM 48/128/+2 Cursor keys move the cursor left or right DELETE (Caps Shift/O) deletes last character typed EDIT (Caps Shift/1) recalls the last line typed Caps Shifl/3 moves cursor to the next word AMSTRAD CPC Arrow keys move cursor left or right DELETE will delete last character typed SHIFT/DELETE will delete all of the line F1 recalls the last line typed F2 moves cursor to the next word F4 gives SPEECH ON F5 gives SPEECH OFF F6 gives GRAPHICS ON F7 gives GRAPHICS OFF CBM 64 "CRSR " key moves cursor left "CRSR " key moves cursor right DELETE will delete last character typed RUN/STOP key will delate all of the line F1 recalls the Iast line typed F3 moves to the next word F5 gives SPEECH ON F7 gives SPEECH OFF BBC B/+/Master Arrow keys move the cursor left or right DELETE will delete last character typed ESC will delete all of the line F1 recalls last line typed F2 moves cursor to the next word

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par Kukulcan © 2007-2025 tous droits réservés.
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