NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (11.32 Ko)
Place tape in Datacorder. Rewind to beginning. Switch computer off and then
back on again. Hold down the <CTRL> key and then press the small <ENTER> key.
Press the <PLAY> key on the Datacorder, and then press the <SPACE-BAR>.
Words or numbers in angle brackets such as <ENTER> are keys on your Amstrad.
The function of these is shown in capitals, for example: FASTER. The joystick
plugged into your Amstrad is shown as <J1>, while the second joystick which is
plugged into the first is shown as <J2>. Positions of the joysticks are shown
by for example: <J1U> = <J1> up, <J2F> = <J2> fire, <J1R> = <J1> right, etc.
<COPY> ............. <J2U> ....................................... FASTER
<DEL> .............. <J2D> ....................................... SLOWER
<ARROW KEYS> ....... <J1U,D,R,L> .................. UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT
<M> ................ <J2F> ................................. MAP (on/off)
<ARROW KEYS> ....... <J1U,D,R,L> ................... UP, DOWN,RIGHT, LEFT
<SPACE> ............ <J1F> ............................. MAP MOVES FASTER
<+> ................ <J1U> ................................ INCREASE LOAD
<-> ................ <J1D> ................................ DECREASE LOAD
<ENTER> ............ <J1R or L> ............. MOVE TO NEXT TYPE OF WEAPON
<SPACE> ............ <J1F> .......................... EXIT ARMING SCREENS
<X> and <Z> ........ <J2R or L> ................... CHOOSE WEAPON TO FIRE
<SPACE> ............ <J1F> ........... SIGHTS ON (if sights are required)
<SPACE> ............ <J1F> ............ FIRE WEAPON (after sights are on)
<KEYS 1 to 6> ........................ BASES 1 to 6 (numeric keypad only)
<S> ...................................................... SOUND (on/off)
<P> ................................................. PAUSE PLAY (on/off)
<K> ........................................................... KEYS ONLY
<J> ..................................................... JOYSTICK + KEYS
<D> ............................................. DOUBLE JOYSTICKS + KEYS
<S> ................................ SAVE SCORE TABLE (onto a blank tape)
<L> ................................. LOAD SCORE TABLE (back from a tape)
<KEYS 1 TO 4> ................................ SKILL LEVEL (4 is hardest)
Depending on the skill level that you have selected you will have from three to
six bases which you must support with troops and air cover. Base 1 has an
endless supply of fuel and weapons, and the ability to instantly revitalise
injured troops brought back by your helecopter. All the bases start with 30
able bodied soldiers, and Bases 2 to 6 also have a limited supply of fuel and
weapons. Allied land vehicles move around the battlefield independently of your
control. You provide the only allied air support. Enemy land vehicles will
slowly converge on your bases unless stopped by the allied land vehicles (these
independent battles can occasionally be seen on the intelligence map or flight
screen), by mines that you have dropped, or by the other weapons of your COMBAT
LYNX helicopter. You may attack any aircraft that you see, and all land
vehicles that do not appear with circles around them on the intelligence map
(the circles show they are allied). Your bases may get instantly wiped out in
direct attacks by enemy vehicles, or just suffer a number of casualties as the
result of passing or minor attacks. Base 1 will not be affected by passing
attacks, but will be destroyed by a direct attack. If not stopped, eventually
all the enemy forces will move to attack Base 1, after which you will almost
certainly lose the battle. You are allowed three lives’ before the game is
reset with a complete new battlefield.
Each time you land at a base you will immediately be presented with a set of
screens that will allow you to select weapons and troops to be carried on your
next sortie. At the start of the game the helicopter is hovering just above
Base 1, so to move into the arming screens you must lightly tap the DOWN key to
make your first`landing’. The first arming screen allows you to load up with
armed soldiers. Each time you press the <+> key another soldier will be
included in your load. You will see the total weight increase with each soldier
until you reach the maximum number that you can carry. If you wish to reduce
your load press the <-> key. Each press of the <-> key will reduce the load by
one soldier. When you are satisfied with your load press the <ENTER> key and
you will move onto the next arming screen, which will be for injured soldiers.
There won’t be any injured soldiers at Base 1 at the start of the game so just
press the <ENTER> key again to move onto the next arming screen. Note that as
you increase your load of weapons you will automatically be able to carry less
fuel, and may be unable to reach the other bases. To get out of the arming
screens press the <SPACE> key. Please note that in this game you are allowed to
carry more weapons than would be possible in reality.
At any time you can inspect the map by pressing the <M> key. A second press of
the <M> key will return you to the normal flight screen. The map shows the
battlefield in relief with vehicles and bases indicated by black symbols. To
move around the map use the cursor keys. If you hold down <SPACE> at the same
time as a cursor key you will be able to scan the map more quickly. Allied
vehicles are represented by symbols in circles so try to avoid blowing them up!
The following symbols are used:
T ......................... Tank
H ......................... Base
H ... on its side ......... Lorry
Y ... upside down ......... Gun emplacement
X ......................... Helicopter
+ ......................... Jet Plane
CIRCLES AROUND SYMBOLS .... Allied vehicle
The co-ordinate position of any point on the intelligence map may be taken from
the North co-ordinate at the side of the map, and the East co-ordinate above or
below the map. As soon as you turn off the map it is reset to your LYNX’s
current position. You will be able to note your own co-ordinate position and be
able to change your direction to make contact with a vehicle that you have seen
on the map. Note that you cannot control the LYNX’s direction or height while
looking at the map.
Press keys <1> to <6> (on the numeric keypad) to get a report on that base’s
position and manning levels. If no other messages are issued, then after a
short time a list of the fuel and weapons at that base will replace the first
report. You will occasionally receive other messsages which might for example,
warn of attacks on your bases.
Your helicopter is seen from behind. You can see it fly straight (forwards or
backwards) and at an angle of up to 45 degrees to the right or left of the four
points of the compass (N,S,E,W). As this angle increases beyond 45 degrees
the`direction of view’ will flick from one point of the compass to the next,
eg: from the North to West. This may appear confusing at first, especially as
the helicopter will be seen from the right when North is the`direction of view’
and then be seen from the left as you flick through to West as the new
`direction of view’. To keep track of your flight path watch the compass and
your flight co-ordinates next to the compass. At the bottom left of your normal
flight screen you will see three guages marked`T’ for engine temperature,`S’
for speed (nb: forwards and backwards), and`F’ for fuel. When landing you must
use the intelligence map to check that you are directly above a base, the speed
guage to check that you are hovering or moving very very slowly, and the height
guage to check that you are coming down gently.
This is a two or three stage process. First you must select the weapon system
that you wish to fire by pressing the <X> or the <Z> keys. As you press these
keys a small white bar will move right or left across the top of the six
weapons guages which are marked as follows:
R ......... Rockets, multiple strafing type ....... unguided
G ......... Gun pods, machine-gun type ............ unguided
C ......... Cannon, 20mm Oelikeron ................ unguided
T ......... Tank attack, H.O.T. missiles ....... wire guided
A ......... Air attack, Sidewinder missiles ... heat-seeking
M ......... Mines, underslung for air release ...... dropped
You can only fire one weapon system at a time. The active system is the one
with the white bar just above it. If you select mines or heart-seeking missiles
you can release them simply by pressing the <SPACE> key once. Dropped mines can
be seen on the intelligence map, and are effective against all enemy land
vehicles. You can have a maximum of sixty mined squares on the intelligence map
at any one time. A mined square will be effective against two enemy vehicles,
after which you will be sent a message that the minefield has been breached and
is no longer effective. The unguided weapons fire in the same direction as the
helicopter, and should first be sighted by pressing the <SPACE> key. To aim
them you will have to change height and the angle of your flight path. In
contrast to these, the HOT wire-guided missiles can be aimed by the cursor keys
independently of the LYNX. A second press of the <SPACE> key fires all the
weapons that require sights. The sights switch off automatically when you stop
pressing any keys. Remember that the enemy will be firing back at you, so don’t
hang around!
The skill level affects the number of bases that you have to support (from
three bases at level 1 to six bases at level 4), the total number of enemy
vehicles (which are in proportion with the number of bases), and the rate at
which your fuel is used up. Missiles from the enemy aircraft become more
accurate as you fly higher. Enemy vehicles will only launch missiles when you
are infront of them, so attack from behind. Enemy gun emplacements launch
missiles in all directions.
You will receive an efficiency rating on the score table which takes account of
the number of bases, troops, and allied vehicles lost; the amount of ammunition
used, and the number of targets hit. In addition to this you will score points
for destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet Plane ........................... 300
Helicopter .......................... 250
Tank ................................ 500
Lorry ............................... 400
Gun emplacement .................... 1000
HARRIER ATTACK .......... Mike Richardson
SPACE HAWKS ............... Simon Francis
DEATH PIT ................. Simon Francis