This book covers many aspects of computing.. General structured programing, basic usage of CP/M, Artificial Intelligence(various games) and the firmware.
1. The Amstrad Graphics Companion.
2. The Amstrad Disc Companion.
3. Exploring Artificial Intelligence.
4. Logo-K.
5. Entertainment.
6. Creating Adventures.
7. Structures Programming.
8. Utility and Practical Programs.
9. Crackers and Corkers.
Livre comprenant 415 pages (ISBN: 0-907563-82-1).
Les listings :
- 3D Maze
- Blockworld
- Chip Choice
- The Phantom Composer
- "CPC-Thello"
- Dionysian Spiral
- "Dominoes"
- Eliza
- Hanshan
- Label Printer
- Logo-K
- Multi-Self-Learn
- The Patriach
- "The Satan Blinder"
- Multi-Self-Learn ??? (en double ???)
- Snickers
- Spurt
- "Squasher And Squisher"
- Syllogy
- Tictac
- Towering Walls
- Translate
- Warp Factor V
- "Werewolves And Wanderer"
- Wipe Out
- X-Spurt
- Zebra Windmills