Session end : 11h59m50s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2025 : 170.00 € |
Last month "sic" we published a database listing, giving an incorrect credit to Alan Kennedy for the hard work. In actual fact, due to a mix-up of discs, the program, in fact, forms a part of the Tug 2 disc available from Alan Scully's Scull PD library.
1390 LOCATE 29,12:PRINT"Enter Filename: ";:LINE INPUT"",N$:WHILE LEN(N$)>0:IF ASC(N$)=32 THEN N$=RIGHT$(N$,LEN(N$)-1:WEND
1390 LOCATE 29,12:PRINT"Enter Filename: ";:LINE INPUT"",N$:WHILE LEN(N$)>0:IF ASC(N$)=32 THEN N$=RIGHT$(N$,LEN(N$)-1):WEND
1820 h$="BROWSE FILES":GOSUB 1740:LOCATE 8,10:INPUT"Which record number do you want to start from?for No 1 ",R2:IF R2=0 THEN R2=1 ELSE IF R2>tr THEN R2=tr
1820 h$="BROWSE FILES":GOSUB 1740:LOCATE 8,10:INPUT"Which record number do you want to start from?for No 1 ",R2:IF R2<=0 THEN R2=1 ELSE IF R2>tr THEN R2=tr