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Spiky Harold
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NOTICE PDF n° 1 (432.99 Ko)
Notice français, allemand, italien, hollandais, espagnole, danois (8 pages)
Transféré par Loic DANEELS
Taille réelle : 2425 * 1202 px = 334.68 Ko
NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (3.76 Ko)
SPIKY HAROLD © A. ROGERS 1986 THE GAME You must help Spiky Harold to prepare for hibernation. Each of the 57 chambers beneath the Hedgerow contains an item of food which Harold can eat. However, he must avoid the creatures who will try to stop him, as well as conkers, sulphur clouds, bouncing balls and peeping periscopes. On his travels, Harold may find some coins which will give him extra lives, and wine glasses that will make him drunk. When you have helped Harold to collect all 57 objects, he must be guided to his home cavern where he can hibernate. BEWARE . . . A sharp frost has been forecast so Harold must have hibernated by the time 24 hours have elapsed, as indicated on the clock, at the bottom of the display. LOADING 1. If you own a CPC 464, then place the rewound cassette into the tape unit, press play, and press CTRL and ENTER on the keyboard. 2. If you own either a CPC 664 or a CPC 6128, then type TAPE and press ENTER. Then follow the same procedure as for the CPC 464, making sure that you have connected a suitable cassette player to your computer according to the User Manual. PLAYING THE GAME You may use either a joystick or the keyboard to help Harold on his travels. If you wish to use a joystick, select the redefine keys option and define the keys as follows: MOVE LEFT <- MOVE RIGHT -> JUMP COPY To use the keyboard, just select the keys you wish to use with the redefine option. WARNING: Copyright subsists in all Firebird Software, documentation and artwork. All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, transmitted in any form, or by any means, hired, or lent without the express permission of the publisher. If this program is faulty, or fails to load, please return it to the address below CLEARLY MARKED "RETURNS" and it will be replaced free of charge and postage refunded. This offer does not affect your statutory consumer rights. Other exciting games in the Firebird 199 Silver Range * Spectrum 48K/+... Booty Short's Fuse Cylu Spiky Harold Seabase Delta The Wild Bunch Helichopper Spike Ninja Master Amstrad... Short's Fuse Seabase Delta The Wild Bunch Spiky Harold Commodore 64/128... Booty Cylu Seabase Delta Raging Beast Thrust Caverns of Eriban Commodore 16/Plus 4... Runner Shark * Correct at time of printing HEY THERE!!! Have you joined the IN CROWD? Are you a member of the SILVER CLUB? If not, then we in the SILVER CLUB would love to hear from you! To become a member just send a cheque or postal order for £1.99 made payable to FIREBIRD SOFTWARE, along with your name, address, age, and the type of computer you have to the address below, clearly marking the envelope 'SILVER CLUB' and we'll send you a bumper pack of goodies including: * BADGES * STICKERS * POSTERS * NEWSLETTERS * AN EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP No. * YOUR OWN MEMBERSHIP CARD (Subject to availability) PLUS . . .We'll also send you a FREE SILVER GAME OF YOUR CHOICE!!! (Please let us know which game you would like.) Then, every three months or so, we'll send you a newsletter containing details of up-and-coming Silver games, competitions, special offers and other news. Firebird Software, Wellington House, Upper St. Martins Lane, London WC2H 9DL. Firebird and the Firebird logo are registered trademarks of British Telecommunications plc.
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