JEU -> Actiontypeins
© Amstrad Computer User (1989)
CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor

Mots Clefs


1 joueur
I remember buying this game many years ago and it still manages to get me back to the keyboard. The aim is simple - just guide your snake round the arena eating the pills as you go but beware because colliding with either the walls or your tail is fatal. There is, of course, a catch to this game and that is your tail. The offending appendage grows with each pill consumed, thus making it more difficult to avoid.

Paru sous forme de listing dans le magazine Amstrad Computer User (August 1989).
Auteur : R. MURPHY

- BUGS -
Le listing, comme publié dans Amstrad Computer User, ne fonctionne qu'avec BASIC 1.1 parce qu'il utilise les commande FRAME et COPYCHR$, mais il est possible de le modifier afin de faire fonctionner avec BASIC 1.0 :

20 LOCATE#1,1,2:PEN#1,1:PRINT#1,"Score:";s%;TAB(30);"Hi:";hi%: WINDOW#0,1,40,4,26:x$="^T^T^T^T":y$="^I^J^K^L":dx%=0:dy%=-1:s%=0: fx%=0:fy%=0:ft%=0:k$="*":WHILE k$<>" " AND k$<>"Z" AND k$<>"X":k$=INKEY$:WEND:CLS#0:PEN 1:FRAME:EVERY 50 GOSUB 90:DI
40 PEN 1:IF x%=0 OR x%=41 OR y%=0 OR y%=23 THEN SOUND 1,999,25,15,,,31:GOTO 10 ELSE x$=CHR$(x%)+x$:y$=CHR$(y%)+y$:LOCATE x%,y%:IF COPYCHR$(#0)=CHR$(202) THEN SOUND 1,999,25,15,,,31:GOTO 10
100 LOCATE fx%,fy%:IF COPYCHR$(#0)=CHR$(202) OR (fx%=ox% AND fy%=oy%) THEN fx%=0:GOTO 90 ELSE ft%=10:LOCATE#1,15,3:PRINT#1,STRING$(10,CHR$(143)):PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(231);:PEN 1:LOCATE h%,v%:ak%=1:RETURN

20 PRINT#1,"Score:";s%;TAB(30);"Hi:";hi%: WINDOW#0,1,40,4,26:x$="^T^T^T^T":y$="^I^J^K^L":dx%=0:dy%=-1:s%=0: fx%=0:fy%=0:ft%=0:k$="*":WHILE k$<>" " AND k$<>"Z" AND k$<>"X":k$=INKEY$:WEND:CLS:PEN 1:EVERY 50 GOSUB 90:DI:RESTORE:FOR a%=48 TO 54:READ p%:POKE a%,p%:NEXT
40 PEN 1:IF x%=0 OR x%=41 OR y%=0 OR y%=23 THEN SOUND 1,999,25,15,,,31:GOTO 10 ELSE x$=CHR$(x%)+x$:y$=CHR$(y%)+y$:LOCATE x%,y%:CALL 48:IF PEEK(55)=202 THEN SOUND 1,999,25,15,,,31:GOTO 10
100 LOCATE fx%,fy%:CALL 48:IF PEEK(55)=202 OR (fx%=ox% AND fy%=oy%) THEN fx%=0:GOTO 90 ELSE ft%=10:LOCATE#1,15,3:PRINT#1,STRING$(10,CHR$(143)):PEN 2:PRINT CHR$(231);:PEN 1:LOCATE h%,v%:ak%=1:RETURN:DATA 205,96,187,50,55,0,201


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