JEU -> Simulation
© Amsoft (1985)
20.00 / 20.00
Braxx Bluff

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Vendredi 20 Décembre 2013

20 / 20
Really gives a feeling of loneliness & being stranded on a planet. The rove stage is the hardest. You don't have an indicated of how far you can get on your current fuel levels, so you can be doomed before even making it to the end.

Make sure you save (hit esc first, then the A key) often and reload before being sat on by the energy eating krittas.

I played this game when I was 10, and I had been trying to find this game for 20 years. I'd been searching through the whole catalogue to find it.


Vendredi 08 Février 2008

Assez étonnant pour un jeu sorti en 1985. Déroutant, il faut que le point reste au centre du cercle, ensuite tirer pour freiner etc.



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