NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (5 Ko)
Reset computer byholding down CTRL,
SHIFT and ESC keys together in that order.
Place cassette into the Datacorder. Rewind
tape to beginning then press STOP/EJECT
once. Press CTRL and small ENTER keys
simultaneously then press PLAY followed by
any key.
The full range of Incentive Software is
detailed in our latest price list. For a free
copy send a stamped addressed envelope to:
Incentive Software Ltd.
54 London Street,
Reading RG1 4SQ
All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work
being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying,
hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of
this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no
responsability for errors, nor liability for damage arising
from its use.
WRNING : These programs are sold to according to
INCENTIVE Ltd's terms of trade and conditions of sale,
copies of which are available on request.
You own a home computer and have written a program which
you consider to be of sufficient quality to market. You are willing
to put &500 of your own money into the project. The decisions
are up to you and these will directly influence whether or not you
make it to the top and become a MILLIONAIRE.
First you must choose whether or not you wish to specialise, and
if so, in which area. Your first program can be sold if required to
boost your initial capital.
The section entitled "What makes a good Program?" occurs at
the start of the game and periodically thereafter. This section is
very important as regards sales.
You will be presented with a graphic representation of the offices
belonging to your company, Software Inc. The buildings
will become more impressive as your asset grow. However at
the start of the game you will be working in a mid-terraced house.
The game rotates in monthly cycles. First will appear a display of
the company's programs, sales, tapes in stock, rates, assets and
money borrowed. Next will appear a graph showing the monthly
progress (only sales of 100 + will appear), followed by the news
sheet. Often these pieces of news have a direct effect on the
company and its sales. When news is beneficial, sales should be
boosted and vice-versa.
You must now decide on which main area yuou are going to work.
The following options are open to you.
1. Programming... This will add one new program to your sales.
2. See Honest harry... if you want to get rich quick, or money is
short the H.H. can provide very cheap programs and cassettes
but there is always the risk of finding yourself on the wrong side
of the law.
3. Try to sell products to retailers... This of course will help to
boost sales.
4. Convert existing programs to other machines... This will
increase the number of programs by one.
5. Try to obtain a loan... loans of &1000 can be obtained each
month, with an interest repayment of 10% per month. If your
loan exceed your assets by &10000 then you will be considered
to be bankrupt.
6. Sell out... If you've had enough and want to see how well
you've done then you can sell out. A score sheet will be revealed
showing assets, sale price, popularity rating and a score 0-100.
In order to boost sales you have five ideas, but be careful how
you use these because each can be used once only. Some are
free and others will cost you, however all will, to a certain extent,
boost sales.
When you have programs on the market, you will be asked how
much you wish to spend on advertising; how much you wish to
spend on duplicating per cassette (if you choose the cheapest
then you may find that programs are faulty and this will adversely
effect sales); and how many cassettes you need duplicating for
that month.
The program then returns to the picture and follows the above
routine through for the next month.
Points to note.
If assets reach -&100 or lower then you will be considered
When a fair number of cassettes are on the market, occasionally
one will disappear. The idea behind this is that the programs have
a limited lifespan and may well be taken off the market if they are
not selling well.
The profit margins for the first 18 months are quite high. After
that period there will be a cut in profits to compete with others.
After 30 months, selling will become gradually more difficult, but
the effect of this is only slight.
Prove you can reach &250.000 + for a few months and then relax.
The hard work of getting the company off the ground and
becoming a stable organisation has been done. From here on the
computer will assume that you have the capability to make a
MILLION and you will assess the time taken to reach your goal based
on your performance so far.
The program starts farily easily, for all to gain some measure of
success, but as your assets grow - so do the problems!!