SexeDEMO -> Divers
© Arkos (1997)
16.00 / 20.00
Terror Under The Xmas Tree


TXT (1)

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Terror Under The X-Mas Tree - (c) ARKOS 1997 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello world! After some months of lazyness, we are back with this little maxi-demo which should have been released weeks ago... In fact, all the parts of this demo are ready since february but some technical problems ( floppy-disk explosion, lazyness, ... ) have slowed down the making of this maxi-demo... Here are some credits and explanations for the different screens... - Intro part: code...........Rainbird gfx............Rainbird sound..........Rob Hubbard (from the game The last V8) It contains an impressive "smoke-plasma" with lotsa nice colors... - The little greeny dwarf part: code...........Targhan gfx............Rainbird sound..........Tom & Jerry (big thanks to U) This part contains a never seen effect which I like a lot ... I think this demo is the first "AMBIENT" demo on CPC... - The red dad part: code...........Orphee gfx............Rainbird sound..........Targhan This time, it's my part... A nice plasma with "Smurtz" colors (hi rsx!) and some never seen curves because of my strange plasma technic... - The big brown elk part: code...........Rainbird gfx............Rainbird sound..........Targhan (adapted from an amiga tune by GROO) A funny part with some great gfx and a new sort of rolling sprite... That's all for the part... We would like to excuse ourselves for non-answering to many contacts. We were very busy but also very lazy for a long time... But now, it's finished... We are back to pump the volume up! Wanna contact us?? - RAINBIRD - - TARGHAN and ORPHEE - BERNARD Sebastien NEVO Julien and Anthony 103, route nationale Le Louya 59680 COLLERET 35290 GAEL FRANCE FRANCE E-mail: sbernard@hp1.esiea.fr E-mail: anthony.nevo@iut-lannion.fr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Terror Under The X-Mas Tree - (c) ARKOS 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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