JEU -> Aventure
© Infocom (1986)
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire


Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) [Original]  
elementZork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) [Original].zip
72.84 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) [Original].dsk Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) [Original].dsk
[CRC:A02C3758]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (72.62 Ko-191.05 Ko)
Chargement : Charger le CPM/Plus ou le CPM 2.2 (non fourni), puis insérer le disque de Zork I et taper : ZORK1
Dumpé par : Loic DANEELS

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) [Original].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk090602. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 236 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) (CPM)  
elementZork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) (CPM).zip
70.26 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) (CPM).dsk Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) (CPM).dsk
[CRC:86FD4E42]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (70.05 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Chargement : |CPM (clavier Qwerty) ou ùCPM (clavier Azerty)

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (UK) (1986) (CPM).dsk

Creator : Win APE 32 1.0 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 198 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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