COMPILATION -> Officielle
© WACCI (19??)
Wacci Public Domain Disc 85 - Amsdos - Microdesign Art Disc 13

Mots Clefs


COMPILATION -> Officielle               
This disc contains the five complete fonts sets that are used to design WACCI page headers. The DR files are named firstly after the character height (printed using a 24 pin printer) and, secondly, after the character names eg the 23mm high font containing the first part of the alphabet is called 23-ABC+.DR, the middle of the alphabet 23-KLM+.DR and the end section of the alphabet is called 23-UVW+.DR and that's all there is to it. The disc was reviewed in issue 71, page 24. Also included are ten clip art files made up of smaller pieces of artwork.

Edité par : WACCI


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