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© GPA (2008)
Lost Tunes 2


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Cet archive contient des musiques Soundtrakker 128 extraites de vieilles disquettes retrouvées en faisant du rangement. La majorité de ces musiques ont été utilisées dans des demos ou des fanzines, mais quelques-unes sont inédites (trop mauvaises pour être diffusées ?). C'est le moment de ressortir le Soundtrakker 128 et mettre Starkos au placard :-). Désolé pour les allergiques a l'anglais (eh les gars, on est au 21eme siècle !), les petits commentaires désabusés sont dans cette langue... Et si vous n'êtes pas content, la prochaine fois, ce sera en japonais ! Hi worlwide CPC user ! This disk is filled with Soundtrakker 128 music made in the last years of the XXth century. Some have been used in demos or french fanzines, others have never been launched in the wild. You need the Soundtrakker 128 music composer tool (now free !) to listen to these music. Sorry for the awful english... BYTE 98 (1998 !) ---------------- A little music started in the Byte'98 meeting, done for Seb aka Candy (he needed a "funny" music for the Byte'98 meeting demo). Never used. CHANCE (1996) ------------- Short music, used in the end part of Boxon #3, a french fanzine. Nice one, in the style of my earlier music on the Soundtrakker. DEEP SPACE INTRO (1995) ----------------------- My god, a really old one ! Nothing special to mention. Used in "Deep Space", a GPA demo. DESCENT (1996) -------------- Second tune of my part of the Ovl'96 meeting. Better than ERRARE, even if the drums are too repetitives... ERRARE (1996) ------------- First music done for my part of the Ovl'96 meeting. The main theme is nice, but the drums are really lame (always the same rhythm, not a little varation... ). HARDCORE (1996) --------------- Well, this music is absolutely no hardcore style :-). Anyway, even if the drums are still repetitive, I like this tune, as it creates a real atmosphere. Used in the Byte'96 meeting demo (GPA/AST System). NICKY (1996) ------------ Short music, composed after having played many many times with the game "NICKY BOOM" on Amiga :-). I think it has never been used. PREP (1995) ----------- The most famous music of this pack ? At the beginning, just a way not to forget a piano composition. Used in the "Terror under the X-mas tree" from Arkos. PSS570 (1995) --------------- The song name comes from my electronic keyboard (Yamaha). It is still alive in 2008 ! I love the second part of the tune. Never been used. STRIPPED (1997) --------------- A Depeche Mode mix from the CD "Black celebration". Used in Boxon 4 preview in a slightly different version (lost !). TECHNO (1998) ------------- Very short tune, done for the Ovl'96 meeting pre-intro. VIETNAM (1995) -------------- Copy of a C64 music, heared in a cracktro. The music has been used in Boxon 3. VIRUS-MENU (1997 ?) ------------------- Music done for the Virus Megademo (Mortel). As many CPC projects, this megademo has never been finished, so the music was sleeping on a lost disk since ten years...

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