A text adventure, by Davide Bucci
Your name is Emilia Vittorini, You're the daughter of Augusto Vittorini, who
founded the Industria Torinese Automobili (ITA) with his brother Tullio. Your
father is abroad trying to raise funds, but something went wrong and you heard
your uncle coming back slamming the door. Your mission is to find what happened
and how you can help your family. I will be your ears and eyes.
Good luck.
Here is a link to the Two days to the race webpage on my blog:
Alternatively, check it on
The game is available for many other 8-bit and 16-bit platforms.
A text adventure is a game where all the interaction takes places with text and
you instruct your alter ego by typing command at a prompt. The rest is done by
your fantasy!
Here are some important commands:
"look": describe again the location where the player is present.
"examine object": describe the specified object.
"north" or "n" or "go to north": moves to the north, if possible. Other
directions are "s", "e", "w", "up", "down". At a certain moment of the game,
you will have to use other commands, but instructions will be given at the due
The command "bye" allows to exit from the game and "restart" well... restarts
You can "take" objects that you notice and you can have a list of carried
objects with "inventory".
The following abbreviations are available:
"l" for "look"
"x" or "ex" for "examine"
"i" or "inve" or "inven" for "inventory"
The game is divided in four parts. When you complete one of them, you will get
a code that allows to immediately jump to the beginning of the next part. Those
passwords are important, write them down!
You can also "save" and "load" your progress on disk on most computers that can
load the game from disks.
If you complete the game and you would like to appear on the Hall of fame,
write me an email to and write the final password:
(email containing attachments will be automatically removed by my provider)