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Super Star Trek (UK) (2022) [Francesco FIORENTINI].zip 12.32 Ko (Date : 2023-12-30) | |||
Super Star Trek (UK) (2022) [Francesco FIORENTINI].dsk [CRC:4074A7E3] [HexaDump] [SectorView] [SectorData] (12.09 Ko-190.25 Ko) | |||
INFOSSTRUCTURE Chargement : RUN"LOADER.BAS - COMMENTAIRE -10 rem super startrek - may 16,1978 - requires 24k memory (at least)
30 rem
40 rem **** **** star trek **** ****
50 rem **** simulation of a mission of the starship enterprise,
60 rem **** as seen on the star trek tv show.
70 rem **** original program by mike mayfield, modified version
80 rem **** published in dec's "101 basic games", by dave ahl.
90 rem **** modif ications to the latter (plus debugging) by bob
100 rem *** leedom - april & december 1974,
110 rem *** with a little help from his friends . . .
120 rem *** comments, ephitets, and suggestions solicited --
130 rem *** send to: r.c. leedom
140 rem *** westinghose defense & electronics systems cnir
150 rem *** box 746, m.s. 338
160 rem *** baltimore, md 21203
170 rem ***
180 rem *** converted to microsoft 8 k basic 3/16/78 by john borders
190 rem *** line numbers from version trek7 of 1/12/75 preserved as
191 rem *** much as possible while using multiple statements per line
195 rem *** converted to Amstrad CPC (40 columns)
200 rem *** by Francesco Fiorentini on July 2022 Super Star Trek (UK) (2022) [Francesco FIORENTINI].dskCreator : WinAPE 2.0B02 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File.. 1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side. -- SIDE 1 -- Sectors used : 83 / 360 Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360) Minimum of sectors in one track : 9 Maximum of sectors in one track : 9 |