Page 1
The Ultimate Sprite Searcher.
Your CPC's memory.................................3
What is a Sprite..................................4
Sprites and how they are stored in memory.........5
Which Version of TUSS should I use ?..............6
TUSS instructions.................................7
Searching for sprites.............................9
The Clipboard....................................10
How To use the Sprite in you own code............12
By-products of TUSS..............................13
Dictionary of terms..............................14
TUSS (c) Sentinel Software by Richard Wildey 1993.
41 Enmore Gardens, East Sheen, London, SW14 8RF
Page 2
The Ultimate Sprite Searcher
The Ultimate Sprite Searcher started life as a labour of love, a
utility for my own personal use but gradually after several all night
programming stints TUSS started to grow into a saleable item. Which
is what you have here. This manual is designed for people with little
or no serious CPC knowledge so those in the know please bear with me
if you find this manual a little simple at times. You may even like to
skip straight to page 7
It must be pointed out that to pass off any graphics ripped from a
program as your own would be a blatant infringement of copyright laws,
and by no means does Sentinel condone such acts.
The Ultimate Sprite Searcher copyright 1993 Richard Wildey.
Sentinel Software,
41 Enmore Gardens,
East Sheen,
SW14 8RF.
Page 3
Before using this program a basic knowledge of your CPC's memory,
sprites and how they are stored in the computers memory is needed.
Your CPC's memory.
Every CPC has 64K of memory (128K owners will be covered later) this
64K is made up of &FFFF (65535) bytes, of these only roughly 42K can
be used to store data reliably under normal circumstances. &40-
approximately &A67B above this is used for the CPC Firmware the
various routines that make a programmers life that much easier. &C000-
&FFFF is the screen memory any data stored here would be displayed on
the screen.
The extra 64K that 6128 owners have is split up into 4 extra banks
each of &4000 bytes long. When a new bank is "paged in" it replaces
all the memory at &4000 to &8000. Bank 0 is normal RAM (The default).
The extra banks (ie not BANK 0) all survive a "soft reset" so you can
load the game, reset the computer with [CONTROL], [SHIFT] & [ESC] or
with the multiface button, then load in TUSS and still view the extra
CPC Memory Map.
&FFFF ////////////////////////////
/// SCREEN MEMORY///////////
////// &4000 BYTES /////////
&C000 ////////////////////////////
&AC00 ///// BASIC WORKSPACE //////
HIMEM çççççççççççççççççççççççççççç (&A67B with out ROMS)
&0040 /////////////////////////////
If you are somewhat lost here don't panic - the long and short of it
is that the graphics you are looking for will be stored in memory some
where in the free space as this is where your game will be, somewhere
between &0040 and &A700. If a game is 128K only or a multi-load on a
64K machine but not on a 128K it is advisable to search the extra
banks as this is very often used for sprite data.
Page 4
What is a Sprite ?
Sprites are the graphics that form what you see on the screen, this
can be anything to characters you control to plants that make up the
background scenery. Take the classic game Pacman for example - There
are many objects in this game but only a few sprites in comparison,
firstly we have Pacman himself and the many ghosts that chase him.
Pacman will probably have a number of "frames" of animation, causing
his mouth to open and close as he eats, a minimum of two.
Though there are many ghosts this will just be one sprite repeated
many times in different colours. The maze Pacman must make his way
around will not be one large sprite but made up from a number of
smaller ones consisting of straight lines, corners and junctions -
much like the ASCII characters 145-159. This process of making large
areas of graphics is a commonly used technic another good example is a
wall in a game. It may contain fifty bricks but most probably this
will be a sprite of three or four bricks repeated a number of times,
this is used in Prince of Persia.
Any character in a game that moves will no doubt have several frames
of animation as explained, each of these will need to be a separate
sprite - example Inzogold. In the above Pacman example one sprite will
be needed with Pac's mouth open and another closed. Larger characters
may well be made up of a number of sections such as a sprite for the
head and body and a separate one for the legs as used in Andy Capp.
This is done to save memory and speed up the movements but
unfortunately means that a bit of extra work will be required to
extract the sprites.
Page 5
Sprites and how they are stored.
Not only are there these methods of printing the sprite but they can
be stored in two primary ways, vertically or horizontally. This is a
bit more complicated so read carefully. When sprites are originally
drawn they must be "grabbed" and put into the code. This is done by
reading each byte occupied by the sprite on the screen and putting
the value into memory. How the programmer chooses to grab the sprite
is his/her prerogative. This can be done by reading the top left pixel
and reading left to right till the end of line is reached and then
stepping down a pixel to repeat the whole process to form a horizontal
sprite. The other method is exactly same except instead of reading
left to right the pixels are read from top to bottom, then moved right
to start again till the complete sprite is read storing a vertical
sprite in memory. Out of the two methods horizontal is far more
common. Vertical sprites are generaly only used for large fonts.
Some MODE 1 games (Spectrum ports mainly) have monochrome sprites -
those that are only one colour so to save on memory the sprite is
grabbed in MODE 2 and displayed in double width in MODE 1 (Rockstar
ate my hamster/Nigel Mansell) I have only ever seen this method used
with horizontal sprites.
A third method is used to display graphics though not strictly
speaking sprites. This is to store a whole screen in memory, this is
rarely used in games but you sometimes find it used for menu screens
and in demos.
Page 6
Which version of TUSS
On the disc are six different versions of TUSS, it is your job to
decide which will suit you best.
RUN "TUSS" to get to the main menu, this gives you the option of
installing the multiface versions or running one of the two stand
alone versions.
1. TUSS 128K
2. TUSS 64K
Options 1 and 2 are the two stand alone versions, no extra hardware is
options 3 and 4 are versions for multiface users only.
If you own an unexpanded 464 or 664 chose the 64K versions 6128 owners
or those with a RAM pack may use either, most commonly you would want
to use the enhanced 128K version though this corrupts banks 3 & 4 so
if you are trying to grab sprites from a 128K game that store sprites
in either of these banks you should use the 64K version.
The other two versions are the same as the stand-alone version but
located higher in memory to give Hackit users a choice.
Each has it's own advantages.
TUSS 128K. The stand alone version is the full version with nothing
missed out.
TUSS 64K. The same though with no clipboard options, but does not use
the extra banks
Multiface TUSS 128K. This has no Load option but has the advantage of
retaining all the colours used in the game make searching much easier.
Multiface TUSS 64K. As above but without any clipboard options. Again
this does not use the extra banks
The other two versions are for Hackit owners and are the same as the
stand alone version just at different locations in memory.
Using TUSS with Hackit.
Interupt your piece of software you wish to hack. Insert the TUSS
disc type [D] , [RETURN] to initialize the Disc ROM,[L] to load and
enter your filename from below and the corresponding load address. Now
[CALL] TUSS with the same call address as the load.
Filename Load/Exec addr Length
TUSSMULT.128 &0040 &1180
TUSSMULT.64 &0040 &1000
TUSS0040.128 &0040 &1451
TUSS8b00.128 &8B00 &1451
TUSS0040.64 &0040&12bf
TUSS8b00.64 &8B00&12be
Using TUSS with a multiface.
Install TUSS from the main menu and press the reset button at the
prompt. Now run your game and press the freeze button and TUSS should
come on. To exit press the reset button again - Do not exit with
[CTRL],[SHIFT],[ESC]. To remove TUSS from the multiface hold down any
key and press the freeze button, you may have to do this repeatedly.
Page 7
Pressing [1] toggles between drives A and B
Load file
Insert your disc you wish to load from and press a key. Then use the
Cursor keys to move the cursor and [COPY] to load that file.
Search memory
The main part of TUSS you are first given a list of ways to search as
discussed in the first part where you can press [H],[V],[S] or [D] you
are then given a screen with what will most probably be a collection
of meaningless pixels. Using the cursor keys you can increases the
width and height of the sprite and if you have chosen the correct
memory address a sprite should appear before you.
Left and Right adjust the width of the sprite
Up and Down scrolls thought the memory quickly
[SHIFT] & Left and Right increase/decrease the memory byte by byte
[SHIFT] & Up and Down adjust the height of the sprite.
[.] Clears the screen.
[SPACE] enter new address
These keys may seem odd but they will make sense when you use them.
Once you have found your sprite press [COPY] and you can now use left
right up and down to draw a box around your sprite press [COPY] again
and it will be saved.
Change the Mode. MODE 0 allows 16 colours but a low resolution
(160*200 Pixels), MODE 1 allows 4 colours Medium resolution (320*200
Pixels) MODE 2 Only 2 colours but High Resolution (640*200)
Set inks
Set up the inks you wish to search for the sprites in by using the
cursor keys to move left and right and up and down to change the ink.
Displayed are all the Hardware inks as given by your Multiface if you
chose to take the inks from their "INKS" menu as well as the more
common "Grey scale" colours.
Memory View
Gives a graphic memory dump to allow you to find the Sprite Data
quickly and easily.
Change Memory Address
Enter a hexadecimal address. This is the address which you will start
searching for sprites. Note that for a value such as &A00 - &0A00 must
be entered
Change Bank
Change to any of the 5 banks (0-4). remember that only code from &4000
to &8000 will be affected - 128K owners only.
Page 8
Save Options.
This gives the following sub menu.
1. Save the sprite as ASCII
2. Save the sprite as Binary
3. Save the whole screen
4 Save as an Advanced Art Studio Window
5 Store to the clipboard (128K versions only)
6 Enter filename to save code under
Option 1 will save the sprite when grabbed as a series of Hexadecimal
codes (separated by commas) ready to use in your own source code. This
has been written with Arnor's MAXAM in mind but should be compatible
with most assemblers. You will be asked for a location for your 2K
buffer. This a free space of &800 (2048) bytes. Select a place where
now important data is held. So do not use &000 - &1500 as this is
where TUSS is stored or If you are using any 128K version avoid the
area from &4000 to &8000.
Option 2 saves the sprite out as a binary file.
Option 3 Will save the whole grabbed screen ready to load into you
favourite art package such as G-Paint or Art Studio. An art studio PAL
file will also be saved out with this
Option 4 Will save your sprite out as a Window file to be loaded into
Advanced Art Studio. (Remember to have the extension .Win) again a PAL
file will be saved.
Option 5. Store to clipboard will allow you to place your grab sprite
anywhere on the clipboard screen you desire for you to build a collage
of sprites to save out how ever you wish. 128K Only
Option 6. This allows you to enter any filename to save the sprite
Page 9
How to recognise a sprite in memory
Most hacking programs should give you the option of a Memory Map,
Option 6 in TUSS, this displays a graphic representation of what is in
the memory. An example follows.
Notice the patchy area of code around &4000-&8000 this is the "Sprite
Data" recognised by number of blanks to give it the patchy look.
Sometimes you may see diagonal lines this is probably also sprite
data. Though at times it may only show up as a few blank dots.
Below are a few more examples taken from various games,
************ A few Memory Maps ********
Now press option 7 and enter the memory address you wish to start the
search from this will be for example &2000 in the above game XXXXXXX,
approximately the start of the patchy area.
Check you have the correct mode (For games usually MODE 0 or MODE 1 if
it is a spectrum port).
Now press 3 to search for the sprites, this can be any one of the
four types discussed above, Horizontal, Vertical, Screen or Double
width. The most common of which of is horizontal, you should see a
mass of coloured dots. Using the left and right cursor keys adjust the
width of the sprite and not before long you should see the sprite
appear. If you see something that resembles your sprite but is
elongated and thinner it needs to be widened with the right cursor, if
you see a number of your sprites but shortened and wider the width
needs to be reduced with the left cursor. To give you an idea of the
correct width think of the sprite you are extracting and how wide it
is. The horizontal sprite will be displayed if the height is wrong but
not the width, with vertical it is the opposite. With vertical sprites
the most important thing to remember is how tall they are, if you are
searching for a character in a game start at y=20 or so are work up to
about 70 but beyond is pointless. Just remember the size of the
Graphics displayed as a screen will be spotted easily, it will always
be &4000 bytes long and will have a higher proportion of blanks than
sprite data.
Page 10
The Clipboard. 128K owners Only.
The clipboard is just a blank screen which you can use to grab and
place sprites around. This means you can grab a number of sprites from
different place in memory or even completely different games and store
the sprite on this screen where you can save the sprite out or the
whole screen.
To view the clipboard select bank 4 with a memory address of &4000
then search memory for a full Screen.
To clear the clipboard press [CLR] and you will hear a beep to
acknowledge you have done so. Remember to do this the first time you
use it.
Please note that using the clipboard corrupts banks 3 & 4 so any
sprite data held there will be over written. As the clipboard is
stored in bank 4 it survives a soft rest. This means you may arrange
your sprites on the screen, reset, load another game (assuming it does
not use bank 4),save files to the clipboard and your old sprites will
still be there until you reset by physically turning your CPC off then
on again or press [CLR] to clear the clipboard.
Page 11
Trouble Shooting.
"I've loaded a file but it still says the length of the file at &1500
is &0000."
The problem is that the loaded file is ASCII, the file has loaded but
ASCII files have no header so the length is undetermined.
"I've selected LOAD FILE and the screen has just gone black."
Try pressing [C] for Cancel - you have a disc missing or read fail
"When using the Multiface version I went to search for the sprites but
every thing went black after I selected the method."
A very small number of games (I only know of one: Sgt. Seymour Robot
Cop) can detect that the multiface button has been pressed and set all
the inks to black, this can not be avoided so you will have to set the
inks manually using option 5 SET INKS.
"I've found the sprite but it seems to miss every other line."
You are in a too low a resolution if you are in MODE 2 try MODE 1 and
try MODE 0 if you are in MODE 1
"My clipboard has vertical lines going down it!"
You must clear the clipboard when you first use TUSS press [CLR] from
the main menu.
"Okay, Done that now how do I view the clipboard and grab sprites from
Select bank 4 (Option 8) and change the memory address to &4000
(Option 7) now Search Memory (Option 3) and select full screen ([S]).
"I've installed TUSS into my multiface and now I want the Multiface
menu back."
TUSS has been know to stay in memory for days with the computer turned
off. Reset your machine and hold down any key as you press the freeze
button, this may not work first time so keep doing it until it does.
"When I whish to save as ASCII it works but I just stripy lines
corupting most of the sprite"
When using the 128K versions do not select a 2K buffer any where
between &4000-&8000 unless it can be avoided. If you must depending on
the size of the sprite you should be safe if you select it at &6000
Page 12
How to use the sprites in your own code.
Included on the disc you will find a couple of assembly language
source files (*.SRC) this includes a standard sprite routine and a
demonstration of this DEMO.SRC.
For BASIC users included is an RSX to print grabbed sprites (saved as
Binary) to execute this enter ªSprite,width,height,screen address,data
ªSHELP prints this to refresh your memory.
RSXDEMO.BAS is a demonstration of this.
When useing the assembly language routine save the sprite out as ASCII
the either merge it into your source code or use Maxam's read commad
to load it in.
If you are using the RSX save the sprite as Binary and load it in at
any memory address you whish.
For more information on sprites and assembly language sprite routines
I strongly recommend one of the Pipeline Tutorials - TP 06 The world
of Sprites this is available at œ3 + an optional extra œ3 if you wish
the accompanying disc (or œ1 if you provide the disc). This detailed
guide, one in a series of many highly acclaimed by Amstrad Action,
goes through all the principles of sprites and sprite routines
including animation and movement, as well as using sprites in your own
games and several collision detection algorithms and routines. You
need not be an experienced programmer either, as as with all the
tutorials they are written in a simple non-technical manner going
right back to basics as to not put off the inexperienced yet provide
the experienced with plenty of useful ideas and routines that could
well prove invaluable.
This tutorial and more are available exclusively from us at Sentinel
Software please write if you require further information on this or
any other of our tutorials.
Page 13
TUSS by products
Not only can TUSS be used to extract the sprites from CPC game it also
has many other uses here are just a few.
Retrieving Art Studio screens after crash
Picture this, it's 2am you've been working on you CPC for five hours
drawing a screen with Art Studio when suddenly you Romboard wobbles
and crashes the machine or you reset it in a fit of rage. Argggg, time
to start all over again. Well not any more. Boot up Tuss select bank 2
Memory Address &40000, Save options - Save the whole screen, Search
Memory - full screen and press [COPY] twice and hey presto one screen
Saving a Multiface screen as a normal screen.
Screens saved with the multiface are renowned for being incompatible
with a number of art packages but doing the same as above with a
couple of change you can save the file out as normal. Load the file
using option 2, search as a full screen and save it out.
program development
One of the principle reason TUSS was designed was for program
development the save as ASCII option was put in for the purpose. Draw
your sprite as normal save it as a screen the with TUSS you can grab
it and save it ready to use in you own programs. (See the section on
using sprites in your own programmes or DEMO.SRC)
Viewing graphics files.
TUSS can be used to view most CPC graphic file formats, these inlude
17K screens, Art Studio windows, DTP CUTout files and Micro Design
Icon files.
graphics conversion.
Why stop at CPC graphics TUSS can grab quite easily grab other
computers graphics with alarming success. The PC's BITMAP files (.BMP)
can be converted. It works best with "Monochrome bitmaps". Firstly
Convert the PC file using DOSCOPY, 2in1 or other such program and load
it in. Then search for a sprite in MODE 2 horizontal or Double width.
This works fine but for some reason the screen appears upside down -
still can't be perfect eh?
Another PC file format CLP files - Windows clipboard files also
transfer well again in MODE 2 select Horizontal or Double width.
Windows icon files (ICO) work too but are so small it is bearly worth
the effort.
As well as screens I have successfully converted actual PC game
sprites by copying across the correct files and search though these in
again searching for horizontal or double width sprites.
Various ST screen files have also been recognisable namely IFF and NEO
So far these are the only file formats tried but i'm sure there are
plenty other formats please do tell me of others should you discover
Page 14
Dictionary of Terms
&xxxx..........A 16 bit hexadecimal number, a number ranging from 0 to
65535 or &000 to &FFFF
ASCII..........The American Standard Code for Information Interchange,
an agreed set of code for each character.
BASIC..........Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. The
programming language supplied with the CPC.
Bank...........The extra memory with a 128K machine is split into 4
extra lots of &4000 bytes know as a bank
Byte...........A single character.
Data...........A sting of bytes.
Memory Map.....A graphical representation of the computer memory where
an value greater than 0 is represented as a dot.
MODE...........The CPC has three resolution modes. MODE 0 allows 16
colours with 160*200 Pixels, MODE 1 allows 4 colours with 320*200
Pixels and MODE 2 Only 2 colours with 640*200 pixels.
Multiface......Romantic Robot's hacking and copying hardware add on.
Multi-load.....A program that will load in a section of code after the
previous has been used. Ie. Levels in a game.
PAL............Pallet file used to store the inks in Rainbirds
Advanced Art Studio.
PC.............Personal Computer with such as a PC 386.
Pixel..........The smallest element that goes into making a picture on
a screen. ie a single dot.
Hackit.........Siren Software's hacking hardware add-on.
Hardware ink The CPC has two sets of values for inks the commonly used
grey scale (0-26) and the Hardware inks these are rarely used but are
by the Multiface.
Hardware Reset..When then machine is reset with the Hardware ie a
reset button on your multiface.
RAM............All the memory in you CPC you can store data in.
Resolution.....The number of pixels possible to fit on a screen.
Soft Reset Resetting the machine via the software, most commonly with
Source Code....The uncompiled program code.
Sprite.........A numerical representation of a graphic.
TUSS...........The Ultimate Sprite Searcher.