Session end : 11h59m39s | Hide picture Sexe : OFF | Donations 2025 : 170.00 € |
380 FOR a=1 TO 25:READ lev$:FOR b=1 TO 40
380 COUNT=0:FOR a=1 TO 25:READ lev$:FOR b=1 TO 40
780 CLS:PRINT "Well Done!! Your employer is pleasedwith the work you have done, and hasgave you another lawn to mow!":GOT
365 ecran=1
780 CLS:PRINT "Well Done!! Your employer is pleasedwith the work you have done, and hasgave you another lawn to mow!"
784 CALL &BB03:CALL &BB06:ecran=ecran+1
785 ERASE level:IF ecran=5 THEN ecran=1:RESTORE
786 GOTO 370