UTILITAIRE -> Outils pour disquettes et cassettes
© STS Software (1991)
Soft-Lok v2.2


TXT (1)

NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (12.93 Ko)

STS Software, P.O Box 2358, London, E6 2PF ========================================================================== Code written by HANGMAN from STS software and (c) 1987/1988/1989/1990/1991 ========================================================================== SOFT-LOK instructions --------------------- All code copyright S.T.S software 1991 Remember..it is illegal to effect a transfer of a game without the copyright holders specific permission. SECRETSOFT does not condone piracy. SOFT-LOK is a utility devoted to transferring a wide range of SPEEDLOCKED tape to disk. Please Note: - Once transferred, the games transferred by SOFT-LOK V85 and SOFT-LOK V86 are fully compatible with 464+disk drive (no expansion needed!) The games transferred by SOFT-LOK V87 and SOFT-LOK V88 can, however ONLY be run on a CPC with expanded RAM. Although there are seven Soft-Lok programs for the seven versions of Speedlock, you can find out which program is needed by loading the VERSION DETECT program from the main menu. This will indicate which option (Soft-Lok 85 to 91) should be chosen from the menu to transfer the game. ANY games listed as stand-alone can, however be RUN on ANY MACHINE, by typing "RUN"filename", where filename is the large (42k FILE), no matter what option was used to transfer them. The different options can be accessed from the main menu by typing RUN"DISC" and selecting the appropriate menu option NB : It is advisable to run the "ROMOFF.BAS" file BEFORE using any of the copier files, as this will switch all the ROMS except the DISK ROM OFF. CORRECT INKS ------------ If you wish the inks to be correctly set up, the you should use the following loader (GAMELOAD.BAS):- 10 for a=0 to 15:read b:ink a,b:next 20 load"gamename.bin" :call &be80 30 data 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ;first eight inks numbers 40 data 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ;next eight inks numbers where the numbers in the DATA statements are the ink colours given by the INKS programs. (More of which next folks!!) If you do not set the inks up, all the inks will be set to black (ink 0) alter the GAMENAME in line 20 to the your chosen name. If the screen appears DISJOINTED then the file 'GAMELOAD.SPC' MUST be used , in exactly the same way. INKS(2).BAS ----------- The INKS programs are designed to show you the correct inks and mode that a SPEEDLOCK program uses. After RUNing the program ,insert your rewound tape, and press PLAY, then any key, After a short while the inks, and the mode will be displayed. If all the inks repeat them selves in pairs, then use INKS2. Once the inks are displayed then you should note them down and use the EDIT the GAMELOAD/GAMELOAD.SPC loaders to use the inks. HEADER READER ------------- Yes, another one....but this one is different. Not only will it display the normal rubbish about a file, but it will also tell you how the file/game is protected. Generally speaking SOFT-LOK will transfer most of the games given by the header reader as 'SPEEDLOCK V1'. SOFT-LOK V85 ------------ Just run the file, Swap over to a blank disk (or disk with >57k free on it!), and type in the save filename. After transfer just RUN this filename. IE if you typed in ARKANOID then type RUN"ARKANOID" <RETURN>. SOFT-LOK V86 ------------ This file was designed for the newer SPEEDLOCKS and works in a slightly different way. RUN it and After typing in the filename wait for the screen to change , and insert the SAVEing disk. Other than that the effect is the same as using SOFT-LOK V85. SOFT-LOK V87 ------------ This file was designed for the LATER (1987) SPEEDLOCKS and works in a slightly different way again. RUN it and After typing in the filename wait for the screen to change , and insert the SAVEing disk. Other than that the effect is the same as using SOFT-LOK V86. SOFT-LOK V88 ------------ This file was designed for the LATER (1988) SPEEDLOCKS and works in a slightly different way again. RUN it and After typing in the filename wait for the screen to change , and insert the SAVEing disk. Other than that the effect is the same as using SOFT-LOK V87. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Below is an actual example of how to transfer the game POWERBOAT SIMULATOR from CODEMASTERS. 1 - Type: RUN"DISC" <RET> 2 - Select: SOFT-LOK V87 from the menu (Version Detect would tell you to choose this option). 3 - Insert a blank disk in the drive 4 - Type in a filename <RETURN> 5 - The loader wi,p be saved to the disk. 6 - Insert the rewound tape into the recorder and press PLAY and any key. 7 - After a short while, the screen will change colour. 8 - Wait for about five minutes 9 - The disk drive whill start up and whirr for about 30 seconds (ignore any funny lines - They ARE supposed to be there 10- The computer will then reset. 11- Turn the tape over,rewind it, and insert the SOFT-LOK disk. 12- Type: RUN"INKS" <RET> 13- Press play then any key. 14- After about 20 seconds the INKS and SCREEN MODE will be displayed 15- Make a note of the inks. 16- In this case you will see INK NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F MODE COLOUR 1A 00 06 02 01 18 14 07 0A 0C 0F 10 12 00 0B 03 0 Reset the machine and CATalogue the disk. 17- On the disk you should see the names :-POWERBOA.MAI POWERBOA.SCR POWERBOA.SXL, POWERBOA.BIN. 18- If you do not wish to use the correct inks for the loading screen, then you can type RUN"POWERBOA" and the game will load and RUN. 19- If, however you DO wish to have the correct inks, then grab the notes you made earlier. 20- Insert the SOFT-LOK disk ,and type 'LOAD"GAMELOAD"' <RET> 21- TYPE "LIST" <RET> The program will look as below -: 10 FOR a=0 TO 15:READ b$ 20 INK a,VAL("&"+b$):NEXT 30 LOAD"gamename" 40 CALL &BE80 50 ' 60 DATA 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 70 DATA 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 Alter line 30 to read LOAD"POWERBOA.BIN" Alter line 60 to read 60 DATA 1A,00,06,02,01,18,14,07 and line 70 to read 70 DATA 0A,0C,0F,10,12,00,0B,03 The program will now look like this :- 10 FOR a=0 TO 15:READ b$ 20 INK a,VAL("&"+b$):NEXT 30 LOAD"powerboa.bin" 40 CALL &BE80 50 ' 60 DATA 1A,00,06,02,01,18,14,07 70 DATA 0A,0C,0F,10,12,00,0B,03 22- Insert your SAVE disk and type SAVE"POWERBOA" <RET> 23- RESET your computer and type RUN"POWERBOA" <RET> It looks difficult I know, but you'll soon get the hang of it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> With transfers listed as 'STAND ALONE' you can run the large (42k) file direct IE RUN"FILENAME" <RET> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + NB: Telephone help is available 11am to 10pm MONDAY to SATURDAY on + + (081) 552-8900 ask for ROB. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GAMENAME ROUTINE COMMENTS -------- ------- -------- 3D STARFIGHTER SOFT-LOK V87 11 A SIDE SOCCER SOFT-LOK V87 ARKANOID SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k ARMY MOVES 1 & 2 SOFT-LOK V86 stand-alone 42k BARRY MC BOXING SOFT-LOK V85 BASEBALL SOFT-LOK V85 BASKET MASTER SOFT-LOK V89 BATMAN SOFT-LOK V85 BIGFOOT SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD loader for screen BMX SIMULATOR SOFT-LOK V87 BOUNTY BOB SOFT-LOK V85 BRUCE LEE SOFT-LOK V85 stand-alone 42k CLUEDO SOFT-LOK V85 COBRA SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k DAMBUSTERS SOFT-LOK V85 DIZZY SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD loader for screen DECATHLON SOFT-LOK V85 DEATH STALKER SOFT-LOK V87 FAST FOOD SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD loader and INKS2 FRANKENSTEIN JUNIOR SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD loader and INKS2 FRANKIE GOES TO H/WOOD SOFT-LOK V85 FREDDY HARDEST I & II SOFT-LOK V88 GALAXY FORCE SOFT-LOK V91 main file only GAME OVER I & II SOFT-LOK V88 stand-alone/INKS for colours GRAND PRIX SIMULATOR II SOFT-LOK V87 GRYZOR (Hit Squad) SOFT-LOK V91 main file only GHOST HUNTERS SOFT-LOK V87 GYROSCOPE SOFT-LOK V85 HACKER SOFT-LOK V85 HUNCHBACK 2 SOFT-LOK V87 IK+ SOFT-LOK V85 main file only IMPOSSIBLE MISSION SOFT-LOK V85 INDOOR SOCCER SOFT-LOK V87 KONG STRIKES BACK SOFT-LOK V85 KUNG FU MASTER SOFT-LOK V85 stand alone 42k LEGEND OF KAGE SOFT-LOK V87 LITTLE PUFF SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD.SPC for screen MADBALLS SOFT-LOK V89 MAG MAX SOFT-LOK V88 MATCHDAY SOFT-LOK V85 MATCH POINT SOFT-LOK V85 MIG 29 FIGHTER SOFT-LOK V87 MONOPOLY SOFT-LOK V85 NOMAD SOFT-LOK V85 OPERATION GUNSHIP SOFT-LOK V87 PING-PONG SOFT-LOK V85 PRO SKI SIMULATOR SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD.SPC PRO POWERBOAT SIMULATOR SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k RAMBO SOFT-LOK V85 RAMBO III (Hit Squad) SOFT-LOK V91 main file only RENEGADE SOFT-LOK V86 RENEGADE III SOFT-LOK V90 main file only (c/k) RACE AGAINST TIME SOFT-LOK V87 use GAMELOAD.SPC RAID SOFT-LOK V85 RESCUE ON FRACTALUS SOFT-LOK V85 ROBOCOP SOFT-LOK V90 main file only (c/k) SALAMANDER SOFT-LOK V90 no loading screen SAS COMBAT SIMULATOR SOFT-LOK V87 SCRABBLE SOFT-LOK V85 SHORT CIRCUIT (part one) SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k SLAP FIGHT SOFT-LOK V88 stand-alone 42k SOCCER SKILLS SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k SPY TREK SOFT-LOK V85 STORMLORD SOFT-LOK V90 stand-alone 42k STREET SOCCER SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k SUPER HERO SOFT-LOK V87 SUPER SPRINT SOFT-LOK V85 SUPER STUNTMAN SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k SUPER TAMK SOFT-LOK V87 TAI PAN SOFT-LOK V88 main file, part one only TANK SOFT-LOK V88 main file only TARGET RENEGADE SOFT-LOK V88 main file only (c/k) TOP GUN SOFT-LOK V86 V SOFT-LOK V85 VIXEN SOFT-LOK V89 WINTER GAMES (all parts) SOFT-LOK V85 WIZARD WILLY SOFT-LOK V87 stand-alone 42k XEVIOUS SOFT-LOK V87 YIE AR KUNG FU SOFT-LOK V85 ZORRO SOFT-LOK V85 80 CONFIRMED TRANSFERS AS OF 12/91 Games marked (c/k) although will transfer MAIN FILE ONLY for a small fee (#2.00) we will transfer the code and modify the game to include the extra levels. However, they will only work on machines with 128k or more.

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