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/ -_--__---
/ Pac-Man Emulator by SyX & TotO in 2012-4 ---_--__-
Pac-Man arcade emulator for Amstrad/Schneider CPC.
128KB of memory. (Must support RAM configs $C1 and $C3, as DK'Tronics or X-MEM)
YOUR provided ROM files. (Renamed pacman.6e, pacman.6f, pacman.6h, pacman.6j)
Otherwise, a red flash will warn you and the program stop!
Use WinAPE or iDSK or another tool to insert ROM files in the DSK.
Type RUN"PACMAN" and press ENTER.
The program will load automatically...
Cursor Keys / Joystick = Move Pac-Man
1 / Fire 1 = 1 player game start
2 / Fire 1 + Fire 2 = 2 players game start
3 / Fire 2 = Insert coin
TAB / Fire 3 = Settings menu
TAB / Fire 3 = Apply changes
ESC = Discard changes
SPACE = 50/60Hz switch
Cursor keys / Joystick = Move and set entries
SHIFT + Left cursor / Fire 1 + left = Adjust the screen position to the left
SHIFT + Right cursor / Fire 1 + right = Adjust the screen position to the right
V1.0: Initial release (04/01/2012)
V1.1: Arcade edition (06/05/2014)
40Crisis speed-up hack that reduce the cpu wasted by the arcade.
Reworked this for running the game without interrupts (making smaller and
even 10% faster, although that extra speed is not visible anymore).
Various optimization and fixes (faster decruncher, improved sprite align, ...).
We would like to thank at Simon Owen, because without his extraordinary emulator
for Sam Coupe and ZX Spectrum, our work would not exist.