NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (2.29 Ko)
Frog in a Pond Collision Test
How it works
Line Function
100-160 Setup Variables, Array & Test Collision Points for cx & cy array
170 Set Screen Mode, Inks, Border & Set Screen Write Mode to Fill
180-210 Draw Pond
220 Define Frog
230 Initial Coordinates of Frog & x, y direction to move frog
240 Set Screen Write Mode to XOR.
250 Main Loop
260 Draw Frog in Grphics Mode using Graphics Pen 1
270-290 Test Top side of Frog, if any of the check points return Graphics
Pen 2, change Y direction of The Frog.
300-320 As above, though checks Right Side of Frog and change X direction
of the Frog.
330-350 As above, though checks Left Side of Frog.
360-380 And this checks the Bottom side of Frog.
390 Update old positions & new positions, also update new coorinates
for array positions.
400 Uses old coorinate position to delete frog by print over itself.
410 End of Main Loop returning to Line 260 as Loop is infinite.
1000-1030 This Routine takes all 16 Check Points (x & y) which were placed
around frog and calculates the new positions around the newly
drawn frog.
The Program:
100 DEFINT a-z:DIM cx(16),cy(16)
110 FOR l=1 TO 16
120 READ cx(l),cy(l)
130 NEXT l
140 DATA 344,202,324,200,328,200,332,200,336,200,340,200,352,198
150 DATA 352,196,348,194,348,190,316,196,316,192,316,188,324,184
160 DATA 336,186,340,186
170 MODE 0:INK 0,11:INK 1,26:BORDER 11:PRINT CHR$(23)+CHR$(0);
180 PLOT 150,100,2:DRAWR 100,25:DRAWR 100,-25:DRAWR -25,-10:DRAWR 100,8
190 DRAWR 100,-8:DRAWR -4,100:DRAWR 4,100
200 DRAWR -100,-8:DRAWR -100,8
210 DRAWR -25,-10:DRAWR -100,-25:DRAWR -100,25:DRAWR 50,-180
220 SYMBOL 255,2,125,191,50,228,90,204,64
230 x=320:y=200:xd=4:yd=-2
240 PRINT CHR$(23)+CHR$(1);
250 WHILE 1
260 PLOT -2,-2,1:MOVE x,y:TAG:PRINT CHR$(255);:TAGOFF
270 FOR ct=1 TO 6
280 IF TEST(cx(ct),cy(ct))=2 THEN yd=-2
290 NEXT ct
300 FOR cr=7 TO 10
310 IF TEST(cx(cr),cy(cr))=2 THEN xd=-4
320 NEXT cr
330 FOR cl=11 TO 13
340 IF TEST(cx(cl),cy(cl))=2 THEN xd=4
350 NEXT cl
360 FOR cb=14 TO 16
370 IF TEST(cx(cb),cy(cb))=2 THEN yd=2
380 NEXT cb
390 ox=x:oy=y:x=x+xd:y=y+yd:GOSUB 1000
400 TAG:MOVE ox,oy:PRINT CHR$(255);:TAGOFF
410 WEND
1000 FOR c=1 TO 16
1010 cx(c)=cx(c)+xd:cy(c)=cy(c)+yd
1020 NEXT c
NOTICE TEXTE n° 2 (3 Ko)
org &8000
ld hl,(pcy1)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de ;; cy contents put into hl
push hl ;; preserve hl
ld hl,(pcx1)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
pop hl
call &bbf0
cp 2
jr nz,ct2 ;; value not found continue to next position
ld hl,-2
ld (ydir),hl
.ct2 ld hl,(pcy1)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcy1),hl
ld hl,(pcx1)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcx1),hl
ld a,(ct)
inc a
ld (ct),a
cp 7
jr nz,checktop
ld a,1
ld (ct),a
ld hl,cy1
ld (pcy1),hl
ld hl,cx1
ld (pcx1),hl
ld hl,(pcy2)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de
push hl
ld hl,(pcx2)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
pop hl
call &bbf0
cp 2
jr nz,cr2 ;; value not found continue to next position
ld hl,-4
ld (xdir),hl
.cr2 ld hl,(pcy2)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcy2),hl
ld hl,(pcx2)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcx2),hl
ld a,(cr)
inc a
ld (cr),a
cp 11
jr nz,checkright
ld a,7
ld (cr),a
ld hl,cy2
ld (pcy2),hl
ld hl,cx2
ld (pcx2),hl
ld hl,(pcy3)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de
push hl
ld hl,(pcx3)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
pop hl
call &bbf0
cp 2
jr nz,cl2 ;; value not found continue to next position
ld hl,4
ld (xdir),hl
.cl2 ld hl,(pcy3)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcy3),hl
ld hl,(pcx3)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcx3),hl
ld a,(cl)
inc a
ld (cl),a
cp 14
jr nz,checkleft
ld a,11
ld (cl),a
ld hl,cy3
ld (pcy3),hl
ld hl,cx3
ld (pcx3),hl
ld hl,(pcy4)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de
push hl
ld hl,(pcx4)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
pop hl
call &bbf0
cp 2
jr nz,cb2 ;; value not found continue to next position
ld hl,2
ld (ydir),hl
.cb2 ld hl,(pcy4)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcy4),hl
ld hl,(pcx4)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcx4),hl
ld a,(cb)
inc a
ld (cb),a
cp 17
jr nz,checkbottom
ld a,14
ld (cb),a
ld hl,cy4
ld (pcy4),hl
ld hl,cx4
ld (pcx4),hl
ld b,16
push bc
ld hl,(pcx1)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de ;; contents of pcx1 in hl
ld de,(xdir)
add hl,de
ex hl,de ;; move contents of pcx1 into de
ld hl,(pcx1)
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,(pcy1)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex hl,de
ld de,(ydir)
add hl,de
ex hl,de
ld hl,(pcy1)
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,(pcx1)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcx1),hl
ld hl,(pcy1)
inc hl
inc hl
ld (pcy1),hl
pop bc
djnz calloop
ld hl,cx1
ld (pcx1),hl
ld hl,cy1
ld (pcy1),hl
.ct defb 1
.cr defb 7
.cl defb 11
.cb defb 14
.loop defb 1
.ydir defw -2
.xdir defw 4
.pcx1 defw cx1
.pcx2 defw cx2
.pcx3 defw cx3
.pcx4 defw cx4
.pcy1 defw cy1
.pcy2 defw cy2
.pcy3 defw cy3
.pcy4 defw cy4
.cx1 defw 344,324,328,332,336,340
.cx2 defw 352,352,348,348
.cx3 defw 316,316,316
.cx4 defw 324,336,340
.cy1 defw 202,200,200,200,200,200
.cy2 defw 198,196,194,190
.cy3 defw 196,192,188
.cy4 defw 184,186,186