Mots Clefs
1 joueur
Vous devez enquêter sur la mystérieuse mort de Marshall Robner qui a été retrouvé sans vie dans sa bibliothèque, victime d'une forte dose de médicaments. La famille et les amis de la victime évoquent le suicide d'un riche industriel dépressif mais quelque chose ne tourne pas rond. En tant que bon détective, vous décidez d'élucider le mystère, mais faites vite, vous n'avez que 12 heures !
Idée originale de 1982, sortie sur CPC en 1986.
Deadline was Infocom's 3rd game.
Some special commands you should know:
ACCUSE (someone) OF (something)
ANALYZE (something)
ANALYZE (something) FOR (something specific)
ARREST (someone) -- This ends the game, so be sure!
ASK (someone) ABOUT (someone or something)
(someone), TELL ME ABOUT (someone or something) -- same thing with the above!
EXAMINE (something) -- the most usual adventure command!
FINGERPRINT (something) -- same as ANALYZE (something) FOR FINGERPRINTS.
SEARCH (someone) FOR (something specific) -- for example search for a GUN!
SEARCH NEAR (something) -- this is stronger than EXAMINE (something)!
SHOW (something) TO (someone) -- show them something that might shock them! (Hey, don't make dirty thoughts!)
SHOW ME (something) - ask someone to show YOU something or lead you someplace.
TIME -- or T for short: tells you what time it is.
WAIT FOR (someone or some amount of time) -- if anything exciting happens (say, a dog pees all over your leg) waiting stops automatically.
WHAT'S WRONG? - an original command this one, lets you know what others think!
WHERE IS (someone or something) -- ask someone where is someone!
CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par
Kukulcan © 2007-2025 tous droits réservés.
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