JEU -> Aventure
© TGS (1995)
The Sandman - Love And Magic
Sandman - Magie Und Liebe


-------------------------------[ ENGLISH SOLUTION ]-----------------------------


A Complete Walkthrough Solution
including hints and cheats

After the intro, examine the table in your chamber. You will find a bowl.
Take it. Enter your Gallery and talk to Destiny, then to Death, who will give
you an Ankh if you ask for help. After that, talk to Delirium: She will give
you the idea to visit Hob Gadling.
Go to the throne room and tell Matthew the Raven about Desire's Plans.
Matthew will fly away in a fit of heroism. Pick up his feathers. Go to the
Gallery again and talk to Desire: Ask about Matthew and you will find he has
been taken hostage. Refuse Desire's offer.
Visit the Library and talk to Lucien. Ask him about anything unusual, and he
will tell you that he has been distracted for a while. Then ask if any books
are missing. And indeed, the Necronomicon is gone. After a long talk in which
the history of the book and the Oneirophages is explained, Lucien advises you
to visit Howard Philips Lovecraft in the Soft Places.
Leave your Palace and go to the small river in the fields southeast of your
palace. Fill the bowl with water ("use bowl with river") and go to Fiddler's
Green, in the southwestern corner of the map. Water the dead plant ("use
bowl with plant") and it will come back to life. After a short talk with
Fiddler's Green you will take the flower.
Now travel to Hob Gadling's House.
Before entering the house, take off your helmet ("use helmet"), or Hob will
freak at your sight. Enter the house and go into the kitchen. Look at the
table there, take the egg and travel to the Soft Places. Do NOT talk to Hob
before you have the egg, otherwise you won't get it!
Walk around in the Mansion until you find the mental barrier (the weird door).
Sprinkle some of your sand on the barrier and it will dissolve to reveal a
door. Enter the room behind it and you will be in Lovecraft's study. Remove
your helmet. Then talk to Lovecraft about the Necronomicon, and he will tell
you to talk to John Dee, who translated the book into English. When Lovecraft
asks you about his disease, tell him whatever you like. Travel to the Dreams
of Humanity.
There are various dreams, selected randomly every time you travel here.
Somewhere in these dreams, you'll find a lightning and a secret story. Take
both. Return to the Dreaming.
Visit Abel in the House of Secrets. Give him the story and he'll tell you a
story in return. He will also give you the blanket from the story.
Now go to Eve's cave and give her the blanket. She will give you an apple in
return. Travel to the Soft Places once more.
Go up the tower and talk to John Dee. Ask him about things in general, then
ask about the spell. He says he needs raven's feathers to complete it.
Give him some of your feathers and watch him craft the spell. Apparently,
one needs four symbols of life, raven's feathers and a strong imagination
for it. Nevertheless, his spell will fail and you'll return to the Dreaming.
Use your magic sand (which contains the power of dreams, the above-mentioned
"strong imagination") with any of the four life symbols (Ankh, flower, egg,
apple) or the feathers, and you will create a life spell. Now you are ready
to travel to the Threshold of Desire.
Take off your helmet, and a portal will appear in front of you (Better save
the game now, timing will be crucial from now on).
Enter the heart of Desire's Threshold, and Desire will open the Necronomicon,
weakening you more and more with every move you make. Quickly use the life
spell and restore your energy. Then free the chained Matthew by throwing the
lightning at his chains (NOT at Matthew himself!). Desire starts to run
towards the book, so push it away. It will stumble and fall and be stunned
for about three moves. Quickly talk to Matthew and tell him to grab the book.
You have retrieved the Necronomicon and saved the Dreaming.
Watch the finale. Now go out and buy every SANDMAN book you can find.
Read them.


Of course, this walkthrough is only the fastest way to solve the game.
I would recommend you to talk to all the people and creatures in the game, so
the story becomes a bit clearer. There are also some small sub-stories in the
tales of the other characters, like that of Cain's wife or Hob Gadling's new
love Audrey (I just threw this one in as an insider gag for people who know
the books: Audrey, whom Hob is so in love with now, will be killed by a car
in SANDMAN#59, which casts a dark shadow on his present happiness).
Some other things to do include telling Cain about Abel's story after he gave
you the blanket. Cain will get furious because Abel blabbered out another
secret, and will kill him. This is not necessary, but since Abel dies once in
every major Sandman storyline, it's a way of making the story more complete.
You may also take the gun from the dream of Bruce Wayne (who, as we all know,
became the Batman after the events he dreams of in the game took place in his
childhood), but it's not useful at all. On the contrary, if you try to use it
on things, you will very likely destroy them and block your chances to win
the game. Do NOT try to destroy Matthew's chains with the gun instead of the
lightning - you'll miss and kill Matthew.
Oh yeah, the cheat: Press the small ENTER key when reading the instructions.
An extra line will appear at the bottom of the the text and tell you
something very important that will change your life. Not.

Bye for now, hope you liked the game

The Electric Monk of TGS/Creators
April 17th 1996, 19:20

Addendum: I didn't have an e-mail address when I programmed Love And Magic,
but as I do now, please e-mail me at


and tell me what you think about the game. Constructive criticism is
always welcome, but...
a) hey, it was programmed on a CPC, so please don't make any
nasty remarks about the graphics (yes, the title screen _was_
taken from Sandman #4, but I didn't scan it, I repainted it).
b) no, I'm not gonna make a PC version, because I'm utterly useless
at programming on it, even in QBasic.
c) I *know*, I *know*, Destruction is younger than Dream.
However, this wasn't clear yet when this game was programmed.
Here Destruction is older in order to make the story work.

Thank you for your attention, and pleasant dreams.

The Electric Monk 11/22/96

-------------------------------[ GERMAN SOLUTION ]-----------------------------



Auf dem Tisch in deiner Kammer findet sich eine Schssel, die du mitnimmst.
Geh zur Galerie und sprich mit Schicksal, dann mit Tod, die dir ein Ankh
gibt, wenn du sie um Hilfe bittest. Danach sprich mit Delirium: Sie gibt dir
den Einfall, Hob Gadling zu besuchen.
Geh zum Throsaal und erz„hle Matthew dem Raben von Verlangens Pl„nen. In einem
Anfall von Heldenmut fliegt er weg - nimm seine Federn und geh wieder zur
Galerie. Rede mit Verlangen und frage es ber Matthew aus. Du wirst erfahren,
daá er als Geisel festgehalten wird. Lehne das Angebot ab.
Rede mit Lucien in der Bibliothek. Frag ihn ber ungew”hnliche Vorkommnisse,
und er wird zugeben, eine Weile abgelenkt gewesen zu sein. Frag ihn dann, ob
Bcher fehlen. In der Tat, das Nekronomikon ist weg. Nach einem Gesp„ch ber
das Buch und die Oneirophagen, r„t Lucien dir, Howard Philips Lovecraft in
den Weichen Orten zu besuchen.
Verlasse den Palast und gehe zu dem kleinen Fluá in den Feldern sd”stlich des
Palastes. Flle die Schale mit Wasser ("benutze Schale mit Wasser") und gehe
zu Fiddler's Green im Sdwesten. Gieáe die trockene Pflanze ("benutze Schale
mit Pflanze") und sie wird sich erholen. Nach einem kurzen Gespr„ch mit
Fiddler's Green bekommst du die Pflanze.
Reise zu Hob Gadlings Haus.
Bevor du das Haus betrittst, nimm den Helm ab ("benutze Helm"), sonst
erschreckst du Hob. Betritt das Haus und geh in die Kche. Schau den Tisch
an, nimm das Ei und reise zu den Weichen Orten. Sprich NICHT mit Hob, bevor du
nicht das Ei hast, sonst bekommst du es nicht!
Lauf im Haus herum, bis du die mentale Barriere (die seltsame Tr) findest.
Streue etwas Sand auf die Barriere und sie wird zu einer echten Tr. Betritt
den Raum dahinter, und du bist in Lovecrafts Studierzimmer. Nimm den Helm ab.
Sprich mit Lovecraft ber das Nekronomikon, und er wird dir raten, mit John
Dee zu sprechen, der das Buch ins Englische bersetzte. Wenn Lovecraft dich
wegen seiner Krankheit fragt, sag ihm, was du willst. Reise in die Tr„ume der
Es gibt verschiedene Tr„ume, die bei jeder Reise per Zufall ausgew„hlt werden.
In diesen Tr„umen finden sich irgendwo ein Blitz und eine Geschichte. Nimm
beides und kehre zur Traumwelt zurck.
Besuch Abel im Haus der Geheimnisse. Gib ihm die Geschichte, und er wird dir
zum Dannk eine andere erz„hlen und dir die Decke daraus geben.
Geh zu Evas H”hle und gib ihr die Decke. Sie gibt dir dafr einen Apfel. Reise
wieder zu den Weichen Orten.
Steig den Turm hinauf und rede mit John Dee. Frag ihn ber allgemeines, dann
ber den Zauber. Er sagt, daá er dafr Rabenfedern braucht. Gib ihm ein paar
davon, und sieh ihm beim Zubereiten zu. Offenbar ben”tigt man vier Lebens-
symbole, Rabenfedern und eine starke Vorstellungskraft. Trotzdem miálingt der
Zauber und du kehrst in die Traumwelt zurck.
Benutze deinen Sand (der die Macht der Tr„ume bzw. "starke Vorstellungskraft"
enth„lt) mit einem der vier Lebenssymbole (Ankh, Blume, Ei, Apfel) oder den
Federn, und du wirst einen Lebenszauber erschaffen. Jetzt bist du bereit,
zur Schwelle Verlangens zu reisen.
Nimm den Helm ab, und vor dir wird sich eine Pforte ”ffnen (Sp„testens jetzt
abspeichern, denn ab jetzt kommt's auf Timing an).
Betritt das Herz der Schwelle, und Verlangen wird das Nekronomikon ”ffnen, was
dich mit jedem Spielzug mehr schw„cht. Benutze den Lebenszauber und deine
Energie ist regeneriert. Dann befreie Matthew, indem du den Blitz auf seine
Ketten (NICHT auf Matthew!) schleuderst. Verlangen strzt auf das Buch zu.
Drck es weg, es wird stolpern, hinfallen und fr etwa drei Spielzge auáer
Gefecht sein. Befiehl Matthew schnell, sich das Buch zu greifen.
Damit ist das Nekronomikon zurckgewonnen und die Traumwelt gerettet.
Schau dir das Finale an. Geh und kaufe alle SANDMAN-Bcher, die du finden
kannst. Lies sie.

The Electric Monk of TGS/Creators

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