DEMO -> Divers
© Overlanders (2002)
18.00 / 20.00
Croco Chanel


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Croco Chanel Mixo Demo ______________________ Yop. I've managed to finish this compilation before it's the other way round. All this delay hasn't even allowed to make it perfect : slow Šfirmware loadings, IRON's part not adapted for classics CPC... An outro for "Bisbilles" was created, but hasn't been included, as Šspace was missing. Switching to a 10 sectors format would have held up Šagain, and the Flower Cruncher used on some files wasn't enough. Anyway, despite my calculations, it didn't run on CRTC 2, so I have Što fix that. It's only partie remise. Use a file-copier like Crime or Copyluck to handle the 187 kb. Don't miss Croco Chanel 4. Madram ~Overlanders~ 29/11/02 "Bisbilles" credits : All gfx : Beb Code and animations : Madram Crappy "Hello mum" jingle : Madram Music 1 : H. Faltermeyer (Axel F.) AY version by Madram (the beginning was cut, I can't stand for this theme) Music 2 : Jeoren Tel (Eliminator -C64) AY by Jochen Hippel

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