Vos commentaires
  The author has gone to some trouble making sure no BASIC 1.1 commands were used and it almost works, but the game makes use of CHR$(8) and CHR$(10) to move cursor around when handing the string graphics. Modify the following PRINT statements in the following lines to PRINT USING"&";b$ for example substituting the graphics string with the one present on that line and the game will work in BASIC 1.0: 640 650 660 1840 1960 1970 - all print statements There maybe more, though with those changes the game was playing normally.
15 / 20 Pas mal ce petit jeu programmé en pur basic !
13 / 20Je ne comprend pas… je viens de finir le jeu… quand le décompte prend fin, que soit prêt du cpc ou dans les tunnels ou bien au début dans la fusée, la fin reste la même (You did it!)...bizarre… enfin c'est quand même un bon jeu!