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Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat


Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (2 faces) (2023) [UTILITAIRE]    
elementTransfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (2 faces) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].zip
83.89 Ko (Date : 2023-09-13)
Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face A) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face A) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk
[CRC:0AAD7784]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (27 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face B) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face B) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk
[CRC:54F5AB7C]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (56.36 Ko-421.98 Ko)
Chargement : RUN"DISC.BAS
Version de : Phoenix0870


1 'Transferprogram CPC-PC, PC-CPC/Emudat (Change of name, date and time) 2 ' 3 ' Description: 4 ' 5 'This program was designed by Hans-Peter PFENNIG to create a floppy disk 6 ', which is readable and writeable in CPC and also PC. 7 'There have been many programs that transfer this to the PC, but not 8 'were also readable in the CPC at the same time. 9 'In addition, there was H.P.PF.at that time. The idea of finally making this 10 'possible by track 0-39 formatted the PC area 10 sectors &01-&0A and these 11 'too with the PC format DOS with trackinfo. 12 'The CPC range is from track 40-79 also with 10 sectors, but with 13 'DATA format &C1-&CA and SYSTEM format &41-&4A formatted. 14 'This can then be read and written in the CPC with a few POKEs. 15 'This format has been reworked by Phoenix0870 with offset! 16 'Why? So that this transfer is considerably faster. 17 'stand formatting on PC was done with the help of the COPYPRG.DOS QCOPY V2.0 18 ', where he already had this kind of sector optimisation in it at that time, 19 'so that reading and writing was significantly faster. 20 'The CPC range was then defined as &C1,&C3,&C5,&C7,&C9,&C2,&C4,&C6,&C8,&CA 21 ', which clearly helped reading in the CPC area at the time. 22 'If you do it with &C1,&C2,&C3,&C4,&C5,&C6,&C7,&C8,&C9,&CA in this 23 'Sequence had read or written. 24 'But I changed this and for formatting almost the same, but with the 25 'offset, that is, the engine goes to the next track, but does not find 26 'immediately &C1, this I determined with KOMACOPY V3.0, if you also use 27 'normal copy. 28 'This was written down and changed in the program, and lo and behold, 29 'esentially faster went the transfer from CPC area track 40-79 to DOS area 30 '1-39. But that wasn't enough, because copying from A-B / B-A was still too 31 'slowly, I changed the reading and writing behavior, which looks like this: 32 'CPC range: &C1,&C5,&C2,&C6,&C3,&C7,&C4,&C8,&C5,&C9 33 'DOS range: &01,&05,&02,&06,&03,&07,&04,&08,&05,&09,&0A 34 'This was considerably faster because the formatting with the offset and 35 'read and write behavior faster the sectors can be found. 36 'Then I changed the CPC format on the CPC disk at the end. 37 'Again, in DATA and SYSTEM format with the offset. 38 'This is only possible if you consider the reading and writing behavior in 39 'both areas, because the track information has to be added to the program. 40 'If you read in &C1,&C5,&C2,&C6 etc., it must also be read with &01,&05,&02, 41 '06 etc., otherwise the data will be transferred in a mess! 42 'I had a lot of problems with that at first, until I found out, 43 'that you must not do this, because MOVE program data 44 'is added to the track info so that the floppy disk is also readable in the 45 'PC. I added the BANK-SWICHTING to the transferprogram, so that one 46 'from 64-4096KB with self-detection that uses RAM expansion, 47 'so that the floppy drive has to go back and forth less. 48 'With this transfer program it is now possible to go from CPC to PC and vice 49 'vera from the normal DATA or SYSTEM format to the PC. 50 'Just a trick applied here, which is used in the PC as CPCFILE .D00 file 51 'will. 52 ' 53 'To Emudat - Change of file name, date and time: 54 ' 55 'Here you can make a change at will, which then also PC 56 'under File Properties. 57 'Im all, these two programs are indispensable when it comes to transfer 58 'from unprotected floppy disks, which just formats normally 0-39 59 'are. From protected floppy disks, I recommend SAMDisk by Simen Owen! 60 'This is easier for normal use, however, as this is required by the CPC 61 'to PC and vice versa is readable in both directions, so compatible! 62 ' 63 'My last edit was from German text to English 64 'so that everyone can understand and apply this program 65 'can.

Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face A) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk

Creator : CaPriCe 4Ever. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 42 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 211 / 378
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (378)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9
Error: Side 0 Track 3
Error: Side 0 Track 3

Transfer CPC-PC, PC-CPC und Emudat (G,UK) (Face B) (2023) [UTILITAIRE].dsk

Creator : CaPriCe 4Ever. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 126 tracks formated / 80 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 464 / 1214
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (1214)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 10

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par Kukulcan © 2007-2025 tous droits réservés.
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