You are a detective of the 30s and a rich guy came and asked you to protect him. Typically, the poor soul will be murdered soon afterwards, and you have 12 hours to find out who did it. Before arresting someone, be sure that you have found his motive, the method he followed, and that he had the opportunity to do the murder.
Witness was Infocom's 7th game (and the second mystery game).
Some special commands you should know:
ACCUSE (someone) OF (something)
ANALYZE (something)
ANALYZE (something) FOR (something specific)
ARREST (someone) -- This ends the game, so be sure!
ASK (someone) ABOUT (someone or something)
(someone), TELL ME ABOUT (someone or something) -- same thing with the above!
CONTINUE -- the same as RESTORE
EXAMINE (something) -- the most usual adventure command!
EXAMINE (something) CAREFULLY -- stronger than EXAMINE!
FINGERPRINT (something) -- same as ANALYZE (something) FOR FINGERPRINTS.
SEARCH (someone or something)
SEARCH (someone) FOR (something specific) -- for example search for a GUN!
SHOW (something) TO (someone) -- show them something that might shock them!
SUSPEND -- the same as SAVE
WAIT FOR (someone or some amount of time) -- if anything exciting happens
(say, an alien eats your brain) waiting stops automatically.