© _Public_Domain_ (1992)
Domain Word


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******************************* ** * ** D O M A I N W O R D * ** * ******************************* This program is Public Domain, and you are welcome to make as many copies of it as you need. However the code from this program is still subject to copyright, and may not be part or fully used in any other program. Thanks must go to Debbie Howard at Adventure PD.Written by Robert Buckley 1992 This document is a quick reference guide to the program. It is not meant to be a guide for learning. If you do have problems, please do get in touch with the Public Domain company you obtained it from. *------------------------------------------- *INTRODUCTION* Domain word is a full featured word processor, which has most of the functions associated with expensive commercial products. Here are some of the features of Domain Word:- - Can hold documents of 17k or 400 lines - Accepts either ASCII or Domain word format files - Margins, Headers, Page lengths etc can all be set - Printer codes (1-19) are typed from the keypad - Has full and powerful editing facilities - Print-outs can be either normal or justified - User can select screen colour, key click and other variables - Case sensitive Find and Replace facility - Whole or Part document printing, with auto/user-paging This program runs on all the Amstrad range, but on the 464 due to BASIC 1.0 Rom, the program may hang from time to time. *1.1 EDITING* All controls are gained by using menus which appear at the bottom of the screen. The can be called up by pressing the CONTROL key with the appropriate key. eg CTRL-F for the Files Menu The menus are:- (1) CTRL-B Block Menu (2) CTRL-F Files Menu (3) CTRL-P Print Menu (4) CTRL-Q Quit Menu (5) CTRL-S Specials Menu When a Menu is selected a number of options are given at the bottom of the screen. Just type the relevant number. *1.2 SCREEN CONTROL* To move around the screen the four arrow keys can be used. Try moving around this document to familiarise yourself with these controls. For moving at speed through a document CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN move a page up or down in one go. This is the fastest way to get to the start or finish of a document. Pressing CTRL-LEFT or CTRL-RIGHT will put the cursor on the first or last character on the current line. The delete key is used to erase any unwanted text. The character before the cursor is erased if this is pressed. If a line becomes empty it will automatically disappear and the document will move up one line. CTRL-Y can be used to delete a whole line in one go. The document will move up one line Sometimes a document will become messy if you erase a part or whole of a line. When this happens we can re-format the entire document with CTRL-R. This also automatically happens for loading or a change in margin settings. Certain control codes can be placed within a document. These being commands which will effect the printing only. Printer codes 1-9 can be obtained directly from the keypad eg. 1 Bold Print on 2 Bold off 3 Italics on 4 Italics off 5 Underline on... Underline off Codes numbered above 9 have to have  placed before them. This is obtained from pressing the 0 key on the key pad, which effectively means TEN e.g. + = Ten , +1 = Eleven , +2 = Twelve , +3 = Thirteen etc.. The other thirteen codes form 7 - 19 can be set by the user in the loading program "DOMAIN.BAS" This will take a little knowledge of BASIC, but is quite easy to work out as it is fully notated. A line can be printed as either Normal CTRL-N, Centered CTRL-C or Justified CTRL-J. The entire document can be printed either normal or justified (see section 4.1 Part 4), but if a control code CTRL C,N, or J is found that line will respond to that command. If a line is justified there is no automatic hypen system, so any line that does not have a Hard Return will be justified as it is. If the line is very short it will be spread across the printout.Re-formating should rectify this problem. *2.1 BLOCK MENU* The Block Menu offers only two functions. These being FIND and REPLACE. (1) FIND - This will search through the document from the current cursor postion too find a particual word. E.g you might want find the word "DOG". Just by entering the word the word processor find the first occurance of it and place the cursor on it. This will then find the next occurance from the current cursor position, so you can move from top to bottom through the document finding every occurance. (2) REPLACE - The replace command searches through a document to replace a specified word with another. E.g you might want to replace the word "CABBAGE" with "LETTUCE". First the computer will ask for the word to change, and then its replacement. Note the Replacement is case sensitive. I.e - "CABBAGE" -"LETTUCE", " Cabbage" - "Lettuce", "cabbage" - "lettuce". *3.1 FILES MENU* The files menu supplies the facility to Load and Save to disc or tape. There is also a catalogue facility that should only be used on the disc version. The only other function changes the file mode between Domain Word format and Asci format - This will be explained below in full. All files saved or loaded in unless specified have the prefix .DOC. This prefix if automatically assumed so can be ommited. Other prefixs and filenames will have to be typed in full. (1) SAVE - Save stores the document currrently on the screen. When save is chosen from the menu, the program will expect you to type in a filename. The current filename is always assumed, and would have to be deleted if incorrect.The maximum number of letters which can be used for a filename is 8 plus the prefix. (2) LOAD - This works in exactly the same way as save, but retrieves a file from disc or tape. The filename must first be entered before a file can be retrieved. (3) DIRECTORY - * This command only works on disc systems. It produces a list of all the files on the current disc. It should be used to check if a files exists before loading. (4) STYLE - Domain word has two different file formats that can be used, and once a style is selected all loading or saving is done in that format. STYLE (Normal) - This standard Domain Word format which allows all the user variables which you have set to be loaded/saved. This will store the document, page size, margins and colours so that when the document is loaded it is exactly how it was before. However Domain Word format can only be worked from Domain Word, and this means other word processors cannot read, or will make garbage with the documents which is loaded. STYLE (Ascii) - This loads in and saves ASCII files. This file format can easily be loaded too or from other word processors, meaning that somebody with a different word processor can load up your file. However with this you lose all user settings - Therefore it best to only use Ascii format when sending files to other people. Note that all files can be changed between ASCII and NORMAL styles at anytime *4.1 PRINT MENU* The print menu is your means of controlling the output to printer. Options about the length of page, margins and print method can be set. The options given on the printer menu are:- (1) PRINT DOCUMENT - This basically sends the entire document to the printer. The printing will pause at the end of every page (2) PRINT - This also will print the document but allows the user to be more specific about what to print. When choosing this option the program will ask which page you want to start from. It will then ask you for the page number you wish to be printed at the bottom of the page. This is so the page number printed could start at page 100 - meaning that a document with numbered paged 1-750 can theoretically be produced. (3) PAGE FORMAT - This menu gives rise to several other menus which change the left/right margin, top & bottom headers and the page length. (see 4.2) (4) JUSTIFY - When printing you have the option to have the print justified or not. This is toggled on and off. The current setting is shown on the menu. *4.2 PAGE FORMAT MENU* (1) PAGE LENGTH - The page length requires the number of printed lines can be fitted on a sheet of paper. Standard A4 is 60. Pressing return on this option keeps the current setting. (2) TOP HEADER - This sets the amount of lines left blank at the top of every page (as does bottom header at the base). This is normally set to zero. NOTE - This does not increase the page length, but cuts the amount of print on a page :- Page Length - Top Header - Bottom Header = Number of lines printed. (3) BOTTOM HEADER - this is the same in principle as above, but includes the page number. Note : Setting the Bottom Header to Zero will remove the Page Number printout. (4) MARGINS - This also gives rise to a subsequant menu givint the option to change Right or Left Margins. After a margin change a Re- format automatically will take place. *5.1 QUIT MENU* The quit menu gives only three options:- (1) QUIT - Quit the program without saving the current document. (2) QUIT & SAVE - Save the document which is currently in memory and then quit the program. (3) CLEAR DOCUMENT - Delete the contents of the memory, which in effect erases the current document. All user settings are maintained when using this option. *6.1 SPECIALS MENU* This menu gives the user a number of settings which although not vital can very benificial. It also includes the setting for overwrite or insert modes of text entry. (1) CLICK - This variable can either be set on or off. The current setting is always shown, and is toggled by pressing the number. Click if turned on will produce a small audible click, which is useful for beginners and experienced users alike. The click noise is only ever made if a character is entered onto,into or deleted from a line. The delete click is set at a different pitch so as to be decernable from normal entry. (2) COLOUR - This allows both background and foreground colours to be altered. The best way to explain this function is to try it! Care should be taken that background and foreground colours are not the same - obvious really. (3) MEMORY - This will show how much memory is left to the user. care should be taken in not going below about 4000 bytes as this might cause problems with loading & saving. The larger the document the slower the program will become. It is best to split large documents of many hundreds of lines into seperate parts. NOTE - The maximum number of lines for a document is 400 - trying to go above this may crash the program. (4) OVERWRITE/INSERT - This changes the input mode between overwrite and insert.The current mode is shown at the top right of the screen, and other option shown in the menu. Overwrite - This will not add any characters unless at the end of a line but will put the character on top of the existing character. Insert - This will place a new character in between what is currently on screen. ********************************** * End of Document... **********************************

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