JEU -> Aventure
© Sand-Rabbit-Software (2017)
Pirate Island


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PIRATE ISLAND by David Meny ** DOCUMENTATION ** Well, young pirate! Thar she blows! Thars the old Mobby 'Ick. Your great - oh so great - grandfather named 'er. Well, back to buisness. You 'ust find thee location by longitude and latitude of the SPOOKY Pirate Island, explore it and bring back the famed Spanish coin supposdely to be thar. Don't try to cross any of me' crew or else. Especiall' don't try to to cross me'. You bett'r find the coin before you come back to me' ship or else this' cutlass will be you' last wish! Now yous begin on me' ship 'The Eagle's Nest' and you must locate the islands' longitude and latitude from yous' sources and those on me' ship. When yous' reach the island - if yous' do -explore it for the coin and then return its' back to me' ship. Have thar good time! ** IMPORTANT COMMANDS ** Har are of few commands Is' know: I or INVENTORY - Shows what ye are carryin' GO NORTH - To move north GO SOUTH - To move south GO EAST - To move east GO WEST - To move west GO UP - To move up GO DOWN - To move down (NOTE - GO NORTH can be abbrivated N, GO SOUTH to S, etc.) GET (object) - To get a certain object DROP (object) - To drop a certain object CLIMB (object) - To climb a certain object SWIM - To swim UNLOCK (object) - To unlock and object OPEN (object) - To open an object plus many more... ** AUTHOR'S NOTES** I hope you enjoy this program and if you do you might want to try my first adventure, Escape from Soviet Science and Detention Base available from PC-SIG. David Meny 2923 Carmel Way Fairfield, CA 94533 P.S. - If you like this adventure and would like to encourage me to write more, send any amount of money (U.S. currency please - I am only an honest programmer and don't travel alot!) to me. Thanks!

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