* Level 1
Man 1: Take the chair and push it under the ladder that leads to the press. Go up and start printing.
Man 2: Take him and go to the bottle filled with water. Jump at it. Now jump away. A passage will appear. Go down the fireplace passage, then along.
Man 1: As soon as the press arm reaches as far down as it can, run to the passage and go down and along.
* Level 2
Man: Go to the drill object down the bottom and stand on it.
Woman: Go on the lift and past the boulder and onto the log. Avoid the pots, then jump off at the other side. Jump up onto the bar, go along and get the key, go down the ladder and past where the wall was.
Man: Go left as far as possible. All the time watch out for bats.
* Level 3
Man: Go right, up the ladder, left, up the ladder, jump left to the ledge, go up the ladder and onto the bar.
Woman: Go right up the ladder, left and stop when you are at the pipe valve. The steam next to the bar at the top should be off.
Man: Go right off the bar and down the ladder.
Woman: Go left, up the ladder, jump left on the ledge, left up the ladder, right and jump onto the bar.
Man: Go up the right ladder and touch the valve. The steam next to it will disappear.
Woman: Go right off the bar, touch the man and go down the right ladder and through the hole where the pipe was.
Man: Go down the right ladder and through the hole. Watch out for the man with the gun!
* Level 4
Man 1: Go and stand under the first hanging switch. When the ball is about to reach the ladder jump up and hang onto it. The ball rebounds off a wall. Jump down as the ball rolls back.
Man 2: Go and stand under the second hanging switch.
Man 1: Jump up onto the switch and let the ball fall through the hole onto the level where man 2 is. Run down to the third switch.
Man 2: While man 1 is doing this, man 2 should jump up to put up the wall and make the ball bounce off it. Jump down to get rid of the wall and close the hole. Keep on doing this until man 1 is at the next switch. Repeat process but at the same time make man 2 go to the lever and push it forward.
Man 1: As the ball goes towards you (travelling from right to left) open the hole and let the ball fall down it and through the gap the second lever was guarding. One of the three slats has been destroyed. Repeat the process two times then make both men fall down the gap where the slats were.
* Level 5
Woman: Go through the right eye hole and stand on the pad.
Man: Jump from the left to the right eye hole and go down the long ladder.
Woman: Wait until a bird with a skull arrives just below you and just across from the man. Then jump twice onto the switch. The egg lands on a new bridge.
Man: Push the egg over the bridge and into place. Go back under the ladder.
Woman: Get down. Repeat four more times. The egg can land in other places, but this is the easiest way. If an egg hatches get the person it is after out of the way. When five eggs have been piled up they form a ladder. Get down off the switch and go to where the man is and make both jump the gap (this may take some time).
Both: Make sure no birds are coming, then climb the ladder and jump right.
* Level 6
Get one man to the switch in the centre and activate it. Get the other man to go through the gap where the gate was. Work your way down, land on the white block then jump right onto the switch. Repeat with other person.
How the blocks work: In the centre there are three coloured blocks. Blue, red and white. Drops will fall and press them.
Colour Hit
What Happens On Left What Happens On Right BLUE
(That is EXACTLY as it was presented in Crash. This is how I think it should look. Gerard)
Colour Hit What Happens On Left What Happens On Right
* Level 7
Man 1: Get both up the ladder then jump onto the hanging bar. Wait until the bat passes then go up the ladder and along the other bar. Fall down and wait until the bat is half way, then jump onto the switch. A box will fall down the bottom.
Man 2: Push the box along, jump on it and jump onto the other switch and push up. The octopus is now down. If not, kill yourself and start again (charming!).
Man 1: Fall off to your right, go right then jump the gap where the octopus was.
Man 2: Go right and jump the gap. Watch out for bats when jumping the gap.
* Level 8
Both: Go up the ladder.
Man 1: Go down one and jump up to the switch. A box will appear.
Man 2: Push the box down to where mama is, then just after she passes the box (going from left to right) fall down, push the box left until it is under (or near) the switch. Jump up onto the box and onto the switch, a box of treasure appears and mama is distracted. Push the box as far right as possible and jump onto the box, then jump right to the ladder, go up and jump onto the flag.
Man 1: Do the same as man 2.
Well done, you have completed the game! Now to it again.