NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (2.41 Ko)
This is the first release for Claudia Zoom Edition, last code was done in August 2014.
-> Load .BMP and .SCR saved with ConvIMG CPC!
-> Watch them!
-> Optimize them with the Zoom tool!
Fullscreen and PLUS palette is managed!
1. Menu:
Move with LEFT and RIGHT cursors and select with SPACE.
Change current drive with UP and DOWN cursors.
2. Zoom:
When a file is loaded and displayed, press TAB to enter the ZOOM mode.
ESC to exit.
2.A. During the ZOOM session:
Cursors = move a cursor on the current pixel in the ZOOM zone.
CONTROL+cursors = move the ZOOMed zone.
SHIFT+cursors = move in the palette.
F0/F. = for OCP fans... ;)
F1/F4/F7 = plays with the RGB
F2/F5/F8 = plays with the RGB
F2/F6/F9 = plays with the RGB
Better use on Amstrad Plus and its 4096 colors palette...
2.B. Special Supersly feature for the palette:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I : select a color
SHIFT + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I : swap with the current color
3. Catch:
Reformated 16KB screen, sprite and OCP Window
Cursors = move the zone to catch
SHIFT + Cursors = change the format of the zone to catch
CAPS LOCK/TAB = enter/exit the coordinates mode for a precise capture (you can still use Cursors and SHIFT+Cursors during this mode)
4. Save:
ENTER = Select 1 or several format(s) to save
SPACE = save the list of required files
W means Windows (it saves 4 .WIN for OCP)
O means Overscan (insane name for "fullscreen")
P means Palette
Please look if there is space enough on disk...
The best format to use is O FULLEXE which is the ConvIMG CPC fullscreen format. The saved file is executable by a simple run"filename.SCR".
- Beta Version: no test is done to verify the free-space, so a crash is possible after an unsuccessfull attempt to save a file...
- Zoom works only in MODE 0.
- Mini-Booster and CPC Booster are detected but the feature that enables to load files directly from your PC via AFT is not fully active.
- A kind West Highland Terrier has been used for testing.
- I can't be considered responsible for your bad taste in palette choice.
- Hotline is +33.4646-128-256 (9.99 euros/minute)
Thanks to:
- Ced for drawing the interface
- Supersly for his advices and ideas
- Exin for having worked on a Benediction logo with this tool
- Ced, Rex, Made and the unknown author of LAKE.BMP for painting nice pictures
July 9th 2015