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Calculating screen address

Calculating screen address


If we are drawing a sprite, we use our pixel coordinates to define the upper-left coordinate of the sprite.

Since the CPC and KC Compact do not have sprite hardware, we will need to plot the sprites using a software function.

If we want to plot graphics to the display, e.g. to draw a sprite, then we will need to be able to calculate a memory address from our pixel coordinates.

This document will describe how this is done.

The CPC display hardware generates a memory address by using the CRTC MA (MA0-MA13) and RA (RA0-RA5) outputs in the following way:

Memory address SignalSignal SourceSignal name
A15 6845 MA13
A14 6845 MA12
A13 6845 RA2
A12 6845 RA1
A11 6845 RA0
A10 6845 MA9
A9 6845 MA8
A8 6845 MA7
A7 6845 MA6
A6 6845 MA5
A5 6845 MA4
A4 6845 MA3
A3 6845 MA2
A2 6845 MA1
A1 6845 MA0
A0 Gate-Array CCLK


  • CRTC register 9 defines the number of scanlines per CRTC character.
  • CRTC register 1 defines the width of the visible area in CRTC characters. The CPC display hardware fetches two bytes per CRTC character. Therefore the length of a CRTC scanline in bytes is (R1*2).
  • CRTC register 6 defines the height of the visible area in CRTC character lines. Therefore the total height of the visible area in CRTC scanlines is (R9+1)*R6

The screen has the following form:

When R9 is 7:

line 0 0 + &000
line 1 0 + &800
line 2 0 + &1000
line 3 0 + &1800
line 4 0 + &2000
line 5 0 + &2800
line 6 0 + &3000
line 7 0 + &3800
line 8 ((R1*1)*2) + &000
line 9 (R1*2) + &800
line 10 (R1*2) + &1000
line 11 (R1*2) + &1800
line 12 (R1*2) + &2000
line 13 (R1*2) + &2800
line 14 (R1*2) + &3000
line 15 (R1*2) + &3800
line 16 (R1*2) + &000
line 17 (R1*2) + &800
line 18 (R1*2) + &1000
line 19 (R1*2) + &1800
line 20 (R1*2) + &2000
line 21 (R1*2) + &2800
line 22 (R1*2) + &3000
line 23 (R1*2) + &3800


CRTC character row = (y_coordinate/(R9+1))

CRTC character scan line = y_coordinate - (CRTC character row*(R9+1));

Byte offset to CRTC row start = CRTC character row * (R1*2)

Byte offset to CRTC character scan line = CRTC character scan line * &0800

Byte offset to start of line = Byte offset to CRTC row start + Byte offset to CRTC character scan line

For a 16k screen:

screen start byte offset = (((R12 & 0x03)*256) + (R13 & 255))*2

For a 32k screen:

screen start byte offset = (((R12 & 15)*256) + (R13 & 255))*2

On a hardware scrolling screen, there is a problem:



Article créé le : Lundi 30 Novembre 2009 à 22 h 13
Dernière mise à jour le : Mardi 28 Février 2012 à 21 h 23

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Programmation par Kukulcan © 2007-2024 tous droits réservés.
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