Issue 5/85 - Cobra (A. HESS) (PAS) (LS) - Kruemi (Markus BUEHLER) (PAS) (LS) - Haunted Castle (Rainer KROTZ) (LS) - Q-Bert (O. KIESSLING) (LS)
Issue 6/85 - Tastaturbelegung (???) (PAS) (LS) - Cave-Runner (Torsten RUSSEK) (LS) - Old Shurehand (JeBaSoft, Jens BARTH) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 7/85 - Data-Wandler (H. WEBER) (PAS) (LS) - Secret Valley (Rainer KROTZ) (LS) - Smileymat (W. RUSCHEWEYH) (PAS) (LS) - CPC 464 Super-File (Martin KNOPP) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 8/85 - Copter-Patrol (Christian MOELLER) (LS) - Achsen-Demo Fuer Schneider CPC-464 (J. GLAUBRECHT) (PAS) (LS) - Zehnmal Kreis - Nicht nur fuer den CPC-464 (???) (PAS) (LS) - Suchraetsel (Zabel Soft) (PAS) (LS) - Tower (O. Zabel) (LS)
Issue 9/85 - Duell (Bernard MORELL) (LS) - Rem-Killer (Andreas BARUFE) (LS) - Crash (Bernard MORELL) (LS) - Citylander (Jujstronic Software) (LS) - Zurueck Von Klondike (Georg THIMM) (LS)
* Correction - Super-File (LS)
Issue 10/85 - 3D-Labyrinth (Christian MOELLER) (LS) - Single Disk-Backup (Frank BRALL) (PAS) (LS) - Catch (Bernard MORELL) (PAS) (LS) - Mini Car Race (Alwin ERTL) (LS) - Inka Sogra (Hernandez CORTEZ) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 11/85 - Etis (A. M. SOFT) (PAS) (LS) - Alien Hunter (Peter DANES, Andreas GOEHN) (LS) - Demon-Attack (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Discshow (J. Holger LANGE) (PAS) (LS) - Datenverwaltung (Juergen HESSE) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 12/85 - Tronic CPC Checksummer v1.0 (Frank BRALL) (LS) - Two Cherry Chaps (Stefan ZLATINTSIS) (PAS) (LS) - Demospiel Meteor (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Erwin Im Zauberschloss (Markus BUEHLER) (PAS) (LS) - Drucksteuerung NLQ-401 (Wolfgang BOENIGK) (PAS) (LS)
* Correction - Demon Attack (LS)
Issue 1/86 - Tronic CPC Checksummer v1.0 (Frank BRALL) (LS) - Defender (???) (LS) - Boulder Dash (Ralf MOEHSE) (LS) - BASIC-Befehle auf den Funktions-Tasten des CPC 464 (???) (PAS) (LS) - Tapefile (Frank BRALL) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 2/86 - Tronic CPC Checksummer v1.0 (Frank BRALL) (LS) - Alien 2001 (Rainer KROTZ) (LS) - Directory (Oliver IHNS) (PAS) (LS) - Diamond Hunter (Oliver HEGGELBACHER) (LS)
* Corrections - CPC 464 Super-File (LS) - Two Cherry Chaps (LS)
Issue 3/86 - Smily (M. MEIER, C. DISCH) (LS) - Screpri (Thomas GMACH) (PAS) (LS) - Das ist die Graphik, die bewegt werden soll (???) (PAS) (LS) - Dischelp (J. Holger LANGE) (PAS) (LS) - Die Verrueckte Fabrik (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 4/86 - Space Rescue (Rainer MUELLER) (LS) - Texteditor (Robert BOETTIGHEIMER) (PAS) (LS) - Trace (Wolfgang BOENIGK) (PAS) (LS) - Retter (JR - Soft) (PAS) (LS) - Starfight (A.M. Soft, A. HAUBER) (LS)
* Correction - Dischelp (LS)
Issue 5/86 - Star Tank (Peter DANES, Andreas GOEHN) (PAS) (LS) - Grafik-Designer (Frank BRALL) (PAS) (LS) - Cross-Reference (Wolfgang BOENIGK) (PAS) (LS) - ITEXT (Holger EMDEN) (PAS) (LS)
* Corrections - Space Rescue (LS) - Starfight (LS)
Issue 6/86 - Forth, UPN-Simulator (Martin KOTULLA) (PAS) (LS) - Listing Von Bankman (???) (PAS) (LS) - Super-Save (???) (PAS) (LS) - Starcommand (Markus WINKLBAUER) (PAS) (LS) - Disk-Sort v1.3 (JeBaSoft, Jens BARTH) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 7/86 - Poker Plus (Serge HOMMEL) (LS) - Diskettenarchiv fuer Schneider (Wolfgang BOENIGK) (PAS) (LS) - Cave-Walker (Michael BUSSMANN, Lutz KLEIN) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 8/86 - Combat Tank [1/2] (???) (LS) - Disc-Operator (Andreas BARUFE) (PAS) (LS) - Creepy [1/2] (Klaus GRESE) (LS)
Issue 9/86 - Combat Tank [2/2] (???) - Creepy [2/2] (Klaus GRESE) (LS) - International-Formal-Letter (Frank SIMON) (PAS) (LS) - Frutty Man (Andreas LEICHT) (LS) - Mirror Battle (JeBaSoft, Jens BARTH) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 10/86 - Tronic CPC Checksummer v1.0 (Frank BRALL) (LS) - Panicar (Supra-Soft) (LS) - Scurfy Joe (Klaus GRESE) (PAS) (LS) - Draw-Generator v-1.1 (Peter WOELFLICK) (PAS) (LS) - Airfighter (MKP, O. SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 11/86 - Disketten-Hilfe (N. MARTIN) (PAS) (LS) - Morsedecoder (H. GRUBMAIR) (LS) - Horror Driver (MKP) (PAS) (LS) - Disc Of Tronn (A.M.Soft, Luisa VOI) (PAS) (LS) - Space Hawk (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 12/86 - Alien Attack (Markus WINKLBAUER) (PAS) (LS) - Lucky Luck (R. TUELLMANN) (PAS) (LS) - Mouse (J.S CHULTE, M. PIES) (PAS) (LS) - Tracer (???) (PAS) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 1/87 - Electric Gladiators (Mark HESSBURG) (PAS) (LS) - Bildschirm Toolbox (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS) - Supra-Basic (Alexander STROH) (PAS) (LS) - Star Trek (Guenter FELDMANN) (PAS) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Madgoon's Race (Alexander STROH) [Besoin de Supra-Basic] (PAS) (LS)
Issue 2/87 - The Hero (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Smash It! (Rainer KROTZ) (LS) - 16 RSX Befehle (Alexander BLOSS) (PAS) (LS) - DiscStar 2.1 (Peter WOELFLICK) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 3/87 ATTENTION : Les scans sont mauvais (pages coupées) - Boing Boing (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS) - Colors (Uwe SCHAEFER) (PAS) (LS) - Proba Druckerprotokoll (M. MEIER) (PAS) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Aurion The 2nd Mission (Alexander STROH) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 4/87 - Find (Uwe SCHAEFER) (LS) - Tape Backup System (Ekkehard VOSSELER) (PAS) (LS) - Die Schwarzen Diamanten (Cebetronic) (PAS) (LS) - Pacman The 3D-Version (Alexander STROH) [Besoin de Supra-Basic] (PAS) (LS)
Issue 5/87 - Omeganea (Alexander STROH) [Besoin de Supra-Basic] (PAS) (LS) - Bildschirminvertierer (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS) - Screen Dump (???) (PAS) (LS) - Double Trouble (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 6/87 - Break Out (Thomas Michael SCHMIDT) (LS) - Luna 9 (Ralf TUELLMANN) (PAS) (LS) - Autobak / Disk-Backup auf Kassette (Hermann DERTINGER) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 7/87 - Adventure-Writer Genad 2.0 (Thorsten MERTSCHING) (PAS) (LS) - Mini Breakout (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) - Firmjump (???) (PAS) (LS) - Nightforce (Alexander STROH) (LS)
Issue 8/87 - Discmon (Alexander BLOSS) (PAS) (LS) - Orgel-Champ (T. DAHMEN) (LS) - Buffolo Bill (L.A.M.- Soft, M. SANTORO) (LS) - Blizzard (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 9/87 - P.P.S. (Markus ADAMSKI) (PAS) (LS) - Prostar (L.A.M.- Soft, Shapes) (PAS) (LS)
Issue 10/87 - Turbo-Sprites (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (PAS) (LS) - Star Trek - Das Adventure (Stefan BOLLER) (PAS) (LS) - X-Race (Alexander STROH) (LS) - Amsbreak (Carsten LORENZ) (PAS) (LS) - Screen-Commands (Alexander STROH) (PAS) (LS) - RSX-Befehl Create (Alexander STROH) (PAS) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 11/87 - Texter v2.0 (Philipp ROEHRER) (PAS) (LS) - Burning Wheels (T. M. SCHMIDT) (LS) - Syndrom's Message (Thomas ROTTHOFF, Alexander STROH) (LS) - Quadrato (Sebastian RITTER) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS)
Issue 12/87 - Adventure-Writer Genad 2.1 (Thorsten MERTSCHING) (PAS) (LS) - Multimode (Michael FOLZ) (PAS) (LS) - Master Mission (Alexander STROH) (LS) - Fireball (Alexander STROH) (LS)
Issue 1/88 - Symbol Poker (Michael FOLZ) (PAS) (LS) - Hexkey (Michael FOLZ) (PAS) (LS) - Print Pictures (Michael FOLZ) (PAS) (LS) - Windfall (JeBaSoft, Jens BARTH) (PAS) (LS) |
Issue 2/88 - Asteroids (Carsten REINKE) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) |
Issue 3/88 - Discmanager (Johannes MOLNAR) (PAS) (LS) - Light-Gunner (Alexander STROH) (LS) |
Issue 4/88 - Laufschrift (Alexander BLOSS) (LS) - Tron Tornado (Thomas ROTTHOFF, Alexander STROH) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) |
Issue 5/88 - Diskettenverwaltung (?) (PAS) (LS) - Trick By Trees (Alexander STROH) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) |
Issue 6/88 - ??? |
Issue 7/88 - Tapecopy (Michael FOLZ) (PAS) (LS) - The Expedition (Michael KLEIN) (LS) - Zurueck In Die Zukunft (Stefan BOLLER) (PAS) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) |
Issue 8/88 - Style-Zeichensatz (Michael FOLZ) (LS) - Bomb-Pac (Alexander STROH) (LS) - Schneider CPC Checksummer V 2.0 (Ottfried SCHMIDT) (LS) |