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Your Computer

Magazine anglais parlant surtout du Sinclair, mais nous trouvons quelques listing CPC de temps en temps.


Inventaire des listings concernant notre Amstrad CPC :


Légende :
(PAS) : Programme A Saisir
: Le Listing a été Scanné et il est présent dans la base de données.



September 1984, Vol 4, n° 9
- Sky Drop (Rod MARKHAM, S. JOHNSON) (LS)
October 1984, Vol 4, n° 10
- Bomber (Daniel WINTER) (LS)
- Amstrad Sound Editor (Paul LAMBERT) (LS)

November 1984, Vol 4, n° 11
- Amstrad Word Processor (Robin J.R. HAMMOND) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Roulette (P. BROOKS) (LS)
- Character Definer (J. GARDINER) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)


December 1984, Vol 4, n° 12
- Music Synthetiser And Sound Effects Plotter (R. MITCHELL) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Light Bikes (R. PEARMAIN) (LS)

January 1985, Vol 5, n° 1
- War Of The Worms (MK MOSTOWYS) (LS)
- Amstrad Sprites (Jason CHARLESWORTH) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Moon Rescue (T. LOTON) (LS)
- Shape, Draw And Fill (Carl ELLIS) [DEMO] (LS)

February 1985, Vol 5, n° 2
- Get Things Moving (Simon JAMES) [DEMO] (LS)
- Death Race (C. J. LEIGH) (LS)
- Drums (Stephen PAYNE) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Submarine (S. EDWARDES) (LS)


March 1985, Vol 5, n° 3
- Artists Only (Wai TSANG) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Destroyer (Philip ORR) (LS)

April 1985, Vol 5, n° 4
- Cross Fire (Jason CHARLESWORTH) (LS)
- Amstrad Disassembler (Kevin PROBERT) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)
- Monitor (Denis RILEY) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)

May 1985, Vol 5, n° 5
- The Landscape Creator (Brian JAMES) [DEMO] [1/2] (LS)
- Amstrad Jumper (Jason CHARLESWORTH) (LS)
- Carnival Shootout (Tony LOTON) (LS)
- Sideways Dump (M. K. MOSTOWYJ) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)


June 1985, Vol 5, n° 6
- Englebert (John KENNEDY) (LS)
- The Landscape Creator (Brian JAMES) [DEMO] [2/2] (LS)
- Juggler (Jason CHARLESWORTH) (LS)


Jully 1985, Vol 5, n° 7
- Space Eggs (Christopher LEIGH) (LS)
- Back Up Utility (KR. LASLETT) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)
- Vampire And Priest (Adam MURRAY) (LS) 
- Header Reader (Howard V. SMITH) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)


August 1985, Vol 5, n° 8
- Fruitie (M. K. MOSTOWYJ) (LS)
- Double Height (M. K. MOSTOWYJ) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Key Helper (Colin NEWCOMBE) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)


September 1985, Vol 5, n° 9
- Amsnake (P. R. KING) (LS)
- Data Moving Routine (Wai Kei HO) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)
- Time Bomb (Chris TURNER) (LS)

October 1985, Vol 5, n° 10
- Extra Power / RSX (M. K. MOSTOWYJ) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)
- Blokker (Colin TURNER) (LS)
- Rem Highlighter (Stuart CLARK) (LS)
November 1985, Vol 5, n° 11
- Trap 'em (Renny GARDERET) (LS)
- Extended Basic Graphics Routines (Andrew WARE) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)

December 1985, Vol 5, n° 12
- Interrupt Driven Music / Musica (Myles DUNLOP) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Maggot Splat (Jason CHARLESWORTH) (LS)
- Megamon (Laurie SINETT) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Screen Dump (Nick GODWIN) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)

January 1986, Vol 6, n° 1
- End Zone (S. CARTWRIGHT) (LS)
- Welcome To The Hotel Horrabelle (???) (PAS) (LS)
- Synthesiser (David WALKER) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
February 1986, Vol 6, n° 2
- Space Invaders (Jason CHARLESWORTH) (LS)
- Alpine-Road Race (P. J. MARSON, A. J. MARSON) (LS)

March 1986, Vol 6, n° 3
- Deek, Doke, Pan & Twist (Richard SARGENT) [UTILITAIRE] (PAS) (LS)
- Partial-Screen Save (David NORMAN) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)

April 1986, Vol 6, n° 4
- City Defence (John KENNEDY) (LS)
May 1986, Vol 6, n° 5
- Three Point Circle (Nick GOODWIN) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
- Transformers! (Fergusson MAIN) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
June 1986, Vol 6, n° 6
- 3D Colour Animation (Peter BOWERS) [DEMO] (LS)
Jully 1986, Vol 6, n° 7
- Graphics Designer (Paul PARK) [UTILITAIRE] (LS)
September 1986, Vol 6, n° 9
- Planets (A. BALMFORTH) [DEMO] (PAS) (LS) 
- Numbers Up (R. BHATTACHARYA) (PAS) (LS) 
October 1986, Vol 6, n° 10
- Scroll Demo (D. HARRISON) [DEMO] (PAS) (LS)  
December 1986, Vol 6, n° 12
- Mastermind (N. HAMILTON) (LS)   
January 1987, Vol 7, n° 1
- Spectrum To Amstrad Transfert (Richard SARGENT) [UTILITAIRE] [1/2] (LS)    
- Fantasmagorical [1/2] (A. R. WALKER) (PAS) (LS)    
February 1987, Vol 7, n° 2
- Spectrum To Amstrad Transfert (Richard SARGENT) [UTILITAIRE] [2/2](LS)     
- Miner Man (Christopher WILSON) (LS)     
March 1987, Vol 7, n° 3
- Pinball (D. K. HUFF) (PAS) (LS)      




Les listings saisis présents dans notre BDD :

3D Colour Animation (UK) (1986) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
3D Trail Bikes (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
60 RSX Commands (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Alpine-Road Race (UK) [Your Computer].zip
Ams-Drawer (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Amsnake (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Amsnake (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Amstrad Jumper (F) (2021) (Hack) [Your Computer] (Trainer).zip
Amstrad Jumper (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Amstrad Jumper (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Amstrad Sprites (S) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Amstrad Word Processor (UK) (1984) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Arnold In The Haunted House (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Artists Only (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Blokker (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Bolera (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Bomber (UK) (1984) [Your Computer].zip
Carnival Shootout (S) (1985) [Your Computer] (Trainer).zip
Carnival Shootout (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Carnival Shootout (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Caterpede (S) (1986) [Your Computer] (Trainer).zip
Caterpede (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Character Definer (UK) (1987) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
City Defence (F) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Color Stax (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Cross Fire (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Cross Fire (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Death Race (S) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Your Computer].zip
Death Race (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Your Computer].zip
Destroyer (F) (1985) (Hack) [Your Computer].zip
Destroyer (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Destroyer (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [TAPE].zip
Doblealt (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Drums (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
End Zone (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
End Zone (UK) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Englebert (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Englebert (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Extended Basic Graphics Routines (UK) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Extra Power (S) (1985) (Version Basic 1.0) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
File Copier V3.0 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Fill (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Fruitie (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Get Things Moving (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
Graphics Designer (UK) (1986) (Version Basic 1.1) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Guardian (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Hi-Res Draw (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Interrupt Driven Music (S) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Juggler (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Juggler (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Key Helper (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Light Bikes (UK) (1984) [Your Computer].zip
Maggot Splat (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Maggot Splat (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Mastermind (UK) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Megamon (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Miner Man (UK) (1987) [Your Computer].zip
Moon Rescue (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Music Synthesiser And Sound Effects Plotter (UK) (1984) [Your Computer] [TAPE] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Music Synthesiser And Sound Effects Plotter (UK) (1984) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Odyssey (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Overdrive (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Partial-Screen Save (UK) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Pinaut (UK) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Rem Highlighter (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Roulette (UK) (1984) [Your Computer].zip
Roulette (UK) (1984) [Your Computer] [TAPE].zip
Saucer Attack (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Saucer Attack (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Screen Designer (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Screen Kit (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE] [COMPILATION].zip
Shape, Draw And Fill (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
Sky Drop (UK) (1984) [Your Computer].zip
Snake (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Space Eggs (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Space Eggs (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Space Invaders (S) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Space Invaders (UK) (1986) [Your Computer].zip
Split (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Submarine (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Submarine (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [TAPE].zip
Synthesiser (UK) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
The Landscape Creator (UK) (1985) (v2) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
The Landscape Creator (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [DEMO].zip
The Landscape Creator (UK) (1985) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [DEMO].zip
Three Point Circle (UK) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Time Bomb (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Time Bomb (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Transformers! (UK) (1986) [Your Computer] [UTILITAIRE].zip
Trap 'Em (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Trap 'Em (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Vampire And Priest (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Vampire And Priest (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
War Of The Worms (S) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
War Of The Worms (UK) (1985) [Your Computer].zip
Your Computer 1 (S) (1985) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 1 (S) (K7) (1985) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 2 (S) (1985) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 2 (S) (K7) (1985) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 3 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 3 (S) (K7) (1986) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 4 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 4 (S) (K7) (1986) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 5 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 5 (S) (K7) (1986) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 6 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 6 (S) (K7) (1986) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 7 (S) (1986) [Your Computer] [Original] [TAPE] [COMPILATION].zip
Your Computer 7 (S) (K7) (1986) [Your Computer] [COMPILATION].zip


Article créé le : Vendredi 03 Septembre 2010 à 23 h 26
Dernière mise à jour le : Lundi 09 Aout 2021 à 21 h 15

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