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The Z80 microprocessor : Architecture, Interfacing, Programming, and Design (Macmillan 1988)


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Auteur : Ramesh Gaonkar
Editeur : Macmillan Publishing Company
Copyright 1988
ISBN : 0-675-20540-9





Part I: Microprocessor Architecture and Interfacing

Chapter 1: Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language

Chapter 2: Microcomputer System : MPU, Memory, and I/O 

Chapter 3: Z80 Microprocessor : Programming Model and Hardware Model 

Chapter 4: Memory Interfacing 

Chapter 5: Interfacing I/O Devices 


Part II: Assembly Language Programming : The Z80 

Chapter 6: Introduction to Z80 Assembly Language Programming 

Chapter 7: Software Development Systems and Assemblers 

Chapter 8: Introduction to Z80 Instructions and Programming Techniques 

Chapter 9: Logic and Bit Manipulation Instructions 

Chapter 10: Stacks and Subroutines 

Chapter 11: Application Programs and Software Design 


Part III: Interfacing Peripherals, Programmable I/O Devices, Applications, and Design 

Chapter 12: Interrupts 

Chapter 13: Programmable Interface Devices 

Chapter 14: Programmable Timers and Counters 

Chapter 15: Serial I/O and Data Communication 

Chapter 16: Advanced Topics in Memory Design and DMA Concepts 

Chapter 17: Designing Microprocessor-Based Products 

Chapter 18: Trends in Microprocessor Technology 


Appendix A: Z80 Instruction Set 

Appendix B: Number Systems 

Appendix C: American Standard Code for Information Interchange: ASCII Codes 

Appendix D: Preferred Logic Symbols 

Appendix E: The Micro-Trainer: Z80-Based Single-Board Microcomputer for Laboratory Use 

Appendix F: Z80 Instructional Summary




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