NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (21.93 Ko)
Instructions for
Commodore Cassette
Amstrad Cassette & Disk
ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+
A. Connect your datacassette to your Commodore 64 or 128 and switch your
TV/Monitor and Computer ON. (C128 owners should now select 64 mode
by typing GO64 and pressing RETURN, then Y and pressing RETURN).
B. Insert your cassette into the datacassette and ensure it is fully rewound.
C. Hold down the SHIFT and RUN/STOP keys on the computer together.
Then press the PLAY key on the datacassette.
A. Switch your TV/Monitor and Computer ON.
B. If your computer has a built-in disk drive you should now connect a
compatible cassette player to your computer and then type | tape and press
RETURN. This sets your computer ready to load from cassette.
C. Insert your cassette into the cassette player. Ensure it is fully rewound.
D. Press the CTRL and the small ENTER key together, then press the PLAY
key down on the cassette player.
A. Switch your TV/Monitor and Computer ON.
B. If your computer has a built-in cassette player you should switch your
computer OFF and connect a compatible disk drive to your computer. Now
switch the disk drive and the computer ON and type | disc and press
RETURN. This sets your computer ready to load from diskette.
C. Insert the diskette into the disk drive, label side up.
D. Type RUN" DISC then press the ENTER key.
A. Connect your cassette player to your Spectrum computer in the usual
manner. (If your computer features a built-in cassette player this is already
B. If you wish to use a joystick, insert the necessary interfaces now. (See
Joystick Notes below for details of compatible joysticks).
C. Switch your TV/Monitor, cassette player and Computer ON. (If your
computer now shows a menu screen, you must select 48K BASIC).
D. Insert your cassette into the cassette player. Ensure it is fully rewound.
E. Type LOAD""then press the ENTER key. Now press the PLAY key on
the cassette player.
Commodore 64 owners may use any C64 compatible joystick. Amstrad CPC
owners may use any CPC compatible joystick.
Interfaces that may be used by Spectrum owners are Kempston, Interface II and
cursor compatibles.
All controls and movements allowed are listed throughout the PLAYERS
GUIDE as JOYSTICK controls or FUNCTIONS. Amstrad and Spectrum players
may prefer to use keyboard keys instead for Players 1 or 2, and these are listed against
the equivalent feature below. Refer to this table when playing by keyboard. P1
indicates Player 1, P2 indicates Player 2, and Functions A-D are specific features
which may be used. Commodore players may use joystick only, port 1 for player 1,
port 2 for player 2.
Keyboard control table for GBA CHAMPIONSHIP BASEBALL
Player NO./Function Spectrum Key Amstrad Key Commodore Key
P1-Joystick FORWARD W W Joystick FORWARD
P1-Joystick BACKWARD X X Joystick BACK
P1-Joystick LEFT A A Joystick LEFT
P1-Joystick RIGHT D D Joystick RIGHT
P1-Joystick BUTTON S S Joystick BUTTON
Function A C64 versions only F1
Function B C64 versions only F3
Function C P P F5
Function D P P F7
P2-Joystick FORWARD U 6 Joystick FORWARD
P2-Joystick BACKWARD M 5 Joystick BACK
P2-Joystick LEFT H T Joystick LEFT
P2-Joystick Right K R Joystick RIGHT
P2-Joystick BUTTON J G Joystick BUTTON
(To obtain any valid diagonal joystick movements from keyboard, press both above
keys together so that the diagonal line lies between.)
[] Championship Baseball takes you out to the ballgame. With a unique behind the
plate perspective on the action. All the drama and depth that make baseball the
American passion and the National Pastime.
[] YOU! As a manager. Call the pitches. Make the moves. Take the heat
[] YOU! As a player. You make it happen. At the plate and in the field. Make the
tough catches and the long throws. Take a pitch or take your cut.
[] This Player's Guide includes all the information you'll need to play Baseball like
a Champion ... so keep it with your kit!
Commodore 64/128 owners should insert a joystick into port 1 for a 1 player
game, and a second joystick into port 2 for a two player game. Amstrad CPC
and Spectrum owners may use either joystick or keyboard to play. If joystick is
preferred, insert a suitable joystick now.
If you are using the Commodore 64 or 128 cassette version of BASEBALL,
please note that you have additional options available to you prior to the main
game. These are detailed at the back of this Player's Guide under
these now and as necessary.
[] During game play, you can use the FUNCTION C key any time to pause the
action. Use FUNCTION D to restart where you left off.
[] If you've selected a 1 PLAYER game, you'll take on a hard-hitting computer
opposition team. If you've selected a 2 PLAYER game, you face human
[] During play, you're either batting or pitching and fielding. Your job is to stop the
opposition gaining a high score, and vice versa.
[] As each hitter comes to the plate, his position, ratings (B for BATTING, C for
CATCHING, R for RUNNING and T for THROWING), and hitting style are
displayed for several moments on the scoreboard strip at the top of the screen.
[] Particularly when you're fielding, it's important to study the hitter's batting and
running ratings and his hitting style. This will help you decide how to pitch to him
and if he gets on base - how much of a base-stealing threat he is.
[] When you're batting, your options are to Bunt or Swing Away.
[The Bunt]
To bunt, press and hold down the joystick button just before the pitcher releases
the ball. Release the joystick button before the ball reaches the plate to take the
[Swing Away]
To swing away, press the joystick button after the pitcher releases the ball.
[Running the Bases]
When you put the ball in play, the batter automatically runs toward first base.
Once he reaches the bag on first base, however, you control the rest of his
baserunning on the play. You can take a lead, retreat back to the bag, start a
runner on the pitch, steal bases and slide.
[] If there are runners on the base, you control the lead runner, and only the lead
runner can steal a base. When the ball is in play, all other runners advance and
retreat automatically if forced. As soon as the lead runner scores or is put out,
your control shifts immediately to the next lead runner. On a home run, all
runners score automatically - you can sit back and savour the moment!
[] Running the bases effectively requires alertness, quick reflexes and a thorough
knowledge of each player's running ability. And of course sliding can make the
difference between "Safe!" and "Out!".
Dive back into the Slide into the bag
bag when retreating when advancing
| / |
| O / |
| \ / |
Retreat to last |<----- O ----->| Advance lead
base passed | / \ | runner
| / \ |
| / \ |
Dive back into the Slide into the bag
bag when retreating when advancing
To move the lead runner ahead, push and hold the joystick to the right.
To retreat to the last base passed, push and hold the joystick to the left.
To stop the runner on or between bases, return the joystick to the neutral centre
To slide, push the joystick diagonally as your lead runner approaches the bag;
diagonally right to slide into the next base, diagonally left when retreating to the
last base passed. Timing your slide is important, since it slows you down.
[] Stealing bases or putting on the hit-and-run requires alertness and good timing,
especially when you're playing against a computer controlled team. When taking
your lead, stealing or putting on the hit-and-run you control the lead runner only
- any other runners on base will follow the lead runner only if and when the ball
is put in play, and only when forced.
To take a lead, ease the joystick just slightly to the right and release it. Keep your
eye on the pitcher - he may try to pick you off. To retreat to the bag, push the
joystick to the left.
To send the runner, push and hold the joystick to the right. It's important to time
his start just right. If the opposing pitcher has not started his delivery to the plate,
he can always whirl and fire, throwing out your runner or catching him in a
rundown. If you start the runner too late and your batter takes the pitch or swings
and misses, the opposing catcher may be able to throw the runner out!
[] When you're playing against the computer and you take a big lead off third base,
the catcher will step out of the box and take a throw from the pitcher, then hold
the ball until you retreat to the bag.
[] Any runner taking a lead or running on the pitch will retreat to the bag
automatically on a foul ball. All runners will retreat automatically if they're
running on a fly ball and it's caught; as soon as your lead runner has tagged up,
you take over control of his movement again.
[] Whether you're trying to steal or hit or run, don't get so involved in taking a lead
or sending the runner that you forget what you're doing at the plate.
[] At the start of each half inning and each time the ball is returned to the pitcher
following a play or a pitch, the pitcher bends over and looks for a sign from the
catcher. (At the end of each play and when a pitch is swung on and missed, press
the joystick button twice to return the ball to the pitcher, then twice more to "set"
your pitcher.)
To start your delivery, press and hold down the joystick button - the pitcher
moves to an upright position and comes set - then move the joystick to control
the type and location of each pitch with your joystick, as shown. (Keyboard
players press both keys which the diagonal lies between at the same time.)
High and inside
Hard knuckler, inside corner Screwball, inside corner
| ^ / |
| O | / |
| \ | / |
Fastball |<----- O ----->| Change-up
| / | \ |
| / | \ |
| / v \ |
Slider, outside corner Curve, outside corner
The high and inside knuckler and the outside knuckler are sure to be out of the
strikezone and the change-up and fastball are certain strikes. Whether the other
four types of pitch catch the corner for a strike or miss for a ball will depend on
the hurler's control and stamina ratings and on how many pitches he's thrown.
The speed of each pitcher's fastballs, sliders, and hard knucklers will depend on
his initial speed rating and stamina ratings and on how many pitches he's thrown.
Every pitcher will tire as a game goes on, especially if he's throwing a lot of
pitches and both the speed and accuracy of his pitches will fall off.
To pick off a runner - or just hold him close to the bag - release the joystick
button before moving the joystick to deliver the pitch. You may then throw to
any base as shown.
3rd base
| ^ |
| O | |
| | |
Home |<----- O ----->| 2nd base
| | |
| | |
| v |
1st base
[] At the conclusion of each pitch or play, including foul balls and home runs, press
the joystick button twice to return the ball to the pitcher.
[] Press the joystick button twice more to get set to pitch again - the pitcher will
look for the next sign from the catcher. You must "set" your pitcher before a new
batter will come to the plate following a hit or an out.
[Fielding and Throwing]
[] When the ball is put in play, the player nearest the path of the ball becomes
eligible to field it. If the ball has a shadow, it's a fly ball; otherwise it's a grounder.
Move the joystick to move the eligible fielder to the ball - he'll move in the same
direction you push the joystick. You may then continue moving the player to
intercept and tag out a runner or to force a runner at any base or throw the ball
to any base or to the pitcher.
To catch a fly ball, keep your eye on the ball's shadow. As the ball descends,
position your fielder so he'll intercept the shadow.
To throw the ball, press and release the joystick button, then move the joystick
as shown to throw to a base or press the button a second time to throw to the
pitcher on the mound.
Press button twice
to throw to pitcher
3rd base
| ^ |
| O | |
| | |
Home |<----- O ----->| 2nd base
| | |
| | |
| v |
1st base
[] The official scorer in Championship Baseball will assign an error when you fail to
make a play that should have been made.
[] To throw out a runner trying to steal, press the joystick button once as soon as
your catcher has possession of the ball, then move the joystick as shown above to
throw to the desired base.
[] To tag out a runner trying to steal home, you must move your catcher to intercept
the runner. If you don't move your catcher, the runner will slip past him and
score. And of course your catcher must have the possession of the ball.
The Commodore 64 cassette has several additional features, detailed below;
simply refer to the features after loading and then as necessary.
Note: This is the first option on the Commodore 64 cassette.
You need to draft a new team each time you play.
NEW TEAM - you first get a chance to name your team. Type in the name you want
from the keyboard (up to 12 letters and spaces) then press RETURN.
When the DRAFT screen appears, you begin selecting your roster starting with your
first baseman, cycling through the infield and outfield positions, and ending with
your catcher, three starting pitchers and one reliever, and two reserves (one utility
infielder and one utility outfielder). For each position other than the reserves, you
have a choice of two players, identified as A and B until you select one and name him.
The numbers to the right of the players represent their skill ratings.
All players other than pitchers are described in terms of their hitting style - LINER
or SLUGGER - and rated for their Batting, Catching, Running and Throwing
abilities. Ratings range from a low of 1 to a high of 3. Added together, no player's
rating may total mare than 8. Sluggers with a batting rating of 3 are power hitters -
they have the best home run-hitting percentages.
Keep in mind that Championship Baseball is a game of offence and defence. As you
fill out your roster, it's important to go for a balance of power at the plate, speed and
defensive abilities. To help you fill out your line-up card and for planning your
strategy during games, you might also want to write down rating information on all
the players in each roster you select.
Pitchers are rated in three categories: Speed, Control and Stamina. Ratings range from
a low of 1 to a high of 3. Added together, no pitcher's rating may total more than 6.
Each pitcher's Speed will determine the number of "heaters" he can throw during a
game before he loses something off his fastball. His Control will determine how often
he can catch the plate with his "corner" pitches. And his stamina will determine how
many pitches he can throw before his overall speed and accuracy start to fall off.
To select and name a player, place the baseball next to his ratings information and
press the joystick button. Then type in his name from the keyboard (up to 12 letters
and spaces) and press RETURN. When you go to select your reserves, you'll find
there is only one infielder and one outfielder to choose. You still have the
opportunity to name these players.
While you're drafting players you have the option of going back and changing or
renaming any player you've already chosen. To do so, place the baseball next to the
NAME section and move the joystick left and right to cycle through the players
you've already chosen. When you come to the player you want to change, press the
joystick button, then select a new player or change the name of the one you have.
When you press the button again, you'll return to where you were previously in the
drafting process.
Any time while you're selecting your roster, you can move the baseball to the
CANCEL box and press the joystick button if you want to start over.
When you're satisfied with your team, move the baseball to the OKAY box and
press the joystick button.
[] After you finish drafting a new team you must fill out your line-up card.
[] When your BATTING LINE-UP screen first appears, the name, position and
ratings of your first baseman are displayed at the top of a blank line card. Move
the joystick right and left to cycle forward and backward through the players on
your roster - your eight starters and three possible starting pitchers.
Move the joystick backward and forward to move the baseball to the spot in the
line-up where you want the currently listed player to bat, and press the joystick
button to place his name there.
[] When your line-up card is filled out, you can "Swap" any two players in the order.
Use the joystick to place the baseball next to the name of one of the players you
want to swap and press the joystick button - a black marker will appear to the left
of his name. Then place the baseball next to the other player's name and press
the joystick button again.
[] Any time while you're filling out your line-up card, you can move the baseball
to the CANCEL box and press the joystick button if you want to start over.
[] When you're satisfied with the line-up, move the baseball to the OKAY box and
press the joystick button.
[] Diskette users will then have a chance to choose the divisions they want to play
in. In EXHIBITION play you'll be pitted against a randomly selected team from
the division you choose. You'll next be prompted to INSERT GAME DISK and
PRESS BUTTON TO GO ON. In LEAGUE play you'll then see the division
standings. Press the joystick button and the game will begin.
[] Before each half inning (other than the top of the 1st), there is a 5-second delay
during which you can elect to make substitutions in your line-up.
[] To make a substitution, player one uses the FUNCTION A key during the delay
and player two uses the FUNCTION B key. For each player (player one first),
the leadoff man's position in the batting order, name, fielding position and rating
appear on the scoreboard. Below them are the name, position and rating of
available reserves. Only the utility infielder may be substituted for infielders, the
utility outfielder for outfielders and the relief pitcher for the starting pitcher. Tap
the joystick to the left and right to cycle down and up through the line-up.
To replace the currently listed regular with the reserve listed, move the baseball
to the OKAY box and press the joystick button.
If you decide that you don't want to make a substitution, move the baseball to the
CANCEL box and press the joystick button - the scoreboard appears before the
game will resume.
You can make up to three substitutions during any single break. Just press
FUNCTION A (player 1) or B (player 2) when the scoreboard reappears.
Designed by Scott Orr
with thanks to Keith Orr, Vince Kinsch and Abner Doubleday
Developed for Commodore 64 range by Darrin Massena,
with Steve Chin, Mark Madland, Tommy Dunbar,
John Conley, Dan Ugrin, Harold Seeley and Lloyd Ollman Jr.
Developed for Spectrum and Amstrad range by Icon Design
Player's Guide by Steven Young
Edited by Elaine Dean
A Software Studios Production
(c) 1987 Activision Inc. All Rights Reserved.