COMPILATION -> OfficielleUTILITAIRE -> Outils pour disquettes et cassettes
© Advantage (1986)
CPM Software Compilation II


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____________________________________________________________________ NOTES ON CP/M SOFTWARE COMPILATION II ____________________________________________________________________ DIRECTORY [D] This version of improved directory lists files in alphabetical order, gives the name and type, separated by a dot and the size in kbytes. The bottom line shows total files, system files, space used and space remaining on the disc. FILE MANAGER by David Rand [FILEMAN] A 20 function utility which presents each file in turn and allows a single key entry to select any of the following functions:- COPY, DELETE, PRINT CONTENTS (ASCII files), RENAME, SQUEEZE, UNSQUEEZE, make files READ only, make files "disappear" from the directory, view squeezed files, a screen or line at a time. Files can be "tagged" for multiple functions such as bulk erase, mass copying, squeezing etc. Wild cards are recognised. Note: The squeezing of files can save up to 40% of disc space. Type in ? for menu. FILEMAN.DOC contains application notes. Reference is made on this file and on the title of the .COM file to the original title NSWEEP. DISC SECTOR EDITOR by Ward Christensen [SECTORED] Dumps the contents of any sector in HEX code and ASCII presentation. Lists disc information such as track, sector, size and directory entries. Contents of any sector can be modified and written back to disc. Applications include changing file names, headers, unerasing and code modification. Type ? for HELP after running program. SECTORED.DOC contains application notes. This program can be used to UNERASE erased files under CP/M Plus. The first byte of each file entry in the directory contains &00 for a listed file and &E5 for an erased one. Use the sector editor to change this byte from &E5 to &00 and write back to disc as follows. Run SECTORED and at the : prompt type in the following commands:- T2 [ENTER] - to select Track 2 S1 [ENTER] - to select Sector 1 D [ENTER] - to DUMP the contents to screen You should see the beginning of the disc directory with the first byte being the ERASED/ NON-ERASED status preceding the file name. Type in + [ENTER] to proceed through the directory. If you see a file that has been erased, by noting an E5 byte at the front, you can change it to 00 by typing in:- CHnn,00 [enter] - where nn is the address code indicated on the left hand side of the directory entry to be changed, eg 40. Press D [ENTER] to check your changes and, when satisfactory, type in W [ENTER] to WRITE the sector back to the disc (it must not be Write protected of course). IBM format discs have the directory located on Track 1. It is preferable when undertaking any direct disc editing to do the work on a back-up copy just incase of accidents. ERASED FILE RECOVERY by Gene Cotton [UNERASE] V2.2 only It can be very easy to inadvertantly erase a file. After ERA has been used, although the file is still stored on the disc, it has been removed from the directory and normally there is no way of accessing the data. With this routine, however all is not lost. The file can be easily restored on the directory using this program, and may then be accessed again. If the area of disc occupied by the file has been re-used in the meantime though,the file is definitely lost. Wild cards are recognised but should be used with caution as some unwanted old files could be resurrected. It's best to take a back-up of the disc and use UNERASE on that. If using wildcards eg UNERASE *.COM the disc could appear to contain more files than it has space for because the unerased directory is not accurately representing what is on the disc. Old files on which an attempt has been made to unerase may be logged on directory but only partly remain on disc. UNERASE may be used on a single disc drive system by entering the instruction in the form UNERASE [filename] P Further notes are given in UNERASE.DOC ERASED FILE CATALOGUE [ERACAT] V2.2 only This file will list ALL entries in the directory, including erased files. These are shown with the &E5 code described above. The fact that an erased file is listed in the directory, however, does not guarantee that it is still intact on the disc. Z80 ASSEMBLER [Z80ASM] Read documentation file Z80ASM.DOC Assembler program must begin with an ORG statement stipulating the start address for the machine code to reside in memory. The code produced by this assembler is not relocateable. REVERSE ASSEMBLER [RASM] Read documentation file RASM.DOC LINKER by Ward Christensen [LASM] Read documentation file LASM.DOC Z80 DEBUGGER [Z80DEBUG] Read documentation file Z80DEBUG.DOC Z80 LINKER [ZLINK] Read documentation file ZLINK.DOC Z80 MACRO ASSEMBLER [ZMAC] Read documentation file ZMAC.DOC The two programs above are included as alternative Z80 programming aides but have not been fully tested. FILE SCANNER [LOOKAT] Offers fast ASCII dump (where code is greater than 127 prints a dot) of any file. Useful for a quick search through a file for characters and strings. FILE EDITOR [LOOK] A sector editor which breaks down the contents of the disc into small, easy to use chunks for viewing, editing and writing back to disc. Type in LOOKAT [FILENAME] [ENTER] FILE CHOPPER [FILECHOP] Although primarily for breaking down a lengthy text file into manageable parts, for editing or forming into other files, any program can be broken up. It basically performs the opposite to the PIP file1,file2 function. The program prompts for the filename and the size of the file sections. If the file is not a text file the break is at the exact number of kbytes requested. Text files are cut after the next CR/LF and have CTRL Z added at the end of each section. Output files are numbered 01, 02 etc with the same type as the original file. The name may therefore be truncated if they are greater than 6 characters. The resulting split files are sent to the same disc as the original file so make sure there is room for them. PRINT FORMATTER [LISTT] Improve the appearance and readability of printed listings and text by creating numbered page breaks, left margin options and heading or date. Prints beginning and ending at specified pages and scores the end of each page to clarify the point of perforation. All variables are prompted when the program is run as LISTT [filename]. SCREEN EDITOR [ACE] for CP/M Plus or [ACE2] for V2.2 Offers full-screen editing facility for program, assembler and text files. To run it type ACE [filename] The documentation for installation and operation of this program is in a separate file called ACE.DOC TYPEWRITER EMULATOR by John Foxx [TYPWRITE] For those small, one-off jobs that don't require the use of a Word Processor such as a short note or address, the TYPWRITE program allows the user to format the page, margins, tabs and enter text which will be printed out as it is entered. Use CTRL Q for Help. To set L and R margin use 2 digit number eg 09. Use delete prints a symbol on screen but the character to the left of each delete symbol will not be printed out. If line exceeds 64 characters the buffer fills and the text is printed out. FILE DISPLAY [DISPLAY] Instead of watching text or ASCII files flash past on the screen at an unreadable rate or fiddling with CTRL S, this program displays them 24 lines at a time. You can also move backwards or forwards through the file. -nP moves back n pages, nP moves on n pages. -nL moves back n lines and nL moves on n lines. ENTER moves on to the next page and E exits the program. COMPARE FILES [COMPARE] Will compare any two files byte-by-byte, for example the new and back-up version of a program, and display two columns, each containing the dump of the respective files. Use the form:- COMPARE [file1] [file2] Read COMPARE.DOC for application notes. BAD SECTOR ELIMINATOR by Gene Cotton & T Shapin [FINDBAD] V2.2 only If a disc is giving problems and it is suspected that it contains a damaged or unuseable sector, the normal course would have to be to throw it away, often with all the other sectors useable. This program will check all blank areas of the disc for errors and then takes bad sectors out of circulation and prevents their use. The rest of the disc can then be used with confidence and the price of a replacement saved. STRING FINDER [FIND] Enter FIND[filename][string] and this program will search through the file for all occurences of that string displaying them on the screen (use CTRL P for printout). Wildcards are permitted. ENHANCED PIP [RPIP] This version offers some extra features. The most useful of these is the ability to change the target disc without having to re-initialise CP/M, avoiding the dreaded BDOS ERROR message, when copying a file to more than one disc. It also has the facility to repeat the last command entered using Q. ENHANCED DDT [NDDT] Read documentation file NDDT.DOC ENHANCED LOAD [MLOAD] An improved version of the LOAD utility used for converting .HEX files to .COM executable programs. Read documentation file MLOAD.DOC UNLOAD [UNLOAD] Performs the reverse function of LOAD, generating an ASCII HEX file from a .COM file. Used in conjunction with the REVERSE ASSEMBLER also on this disc. The output file will have the same name as the original, unless otherwise specified, with the type .HEX. The syntax is:- UNLOAD [DRIVE]FILENAME.COM>[DRIVE]FILENAME.HEX ENHANCED SUBMIT [SUPERSUB] This is an improved version of SUBMIT which is used to generate a series of often-used commands which can be initiated by issuing a single command. Supersub will accept commands from the keyboard as well as from a file on disc. SUPERSUB / calls up the interactive mode where you will be prompted to enter a command on each line. Hit the ENTER key to execute. Type SUPERSUB [filename] to execute a file containing a set of commands which you have previously written using a text editor such as ACE. CODE DUMP [IDUMP] The DUMP supplied with CP/M V2.2 just gives the HEX code of a file, this program gives HEX and ASCII along with the Memory address. ____________________________________________________________________ CP/M is the registered trade mark of Digital Research Inc Amstrad is the trade mark of Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc ____________________________________________________________________ [c] 1986 ADVANTAGE COMPUTER USER GROUP V3.3

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