JEU -> Combat
© Codemasters Software (1993)
15.00 / 20.00
Wrestling Superstars


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WRESTLING SUPERSTARS OK grapple fans, the scene is set. The biggest super slam bash this side of the Atlantic. Join wrestle warriors in the biggest boldest, baddest ring war of them all. Wrestling Superstars, has all the action exhilaration and entertainment of the real thing. It's a simulation of truly awesome proportions. With gameplay so good, it will make you SWEAT! LOADING: on the 464 type RUN"(ENTER) on the 664/6128 type |TAPE(ENTER)RUN"(ENTER) The control mechanism for Wrestling Superstars can be split up into the following... WALKING Use the up, down, left and right to walk in the direction you wish to go. If you keep the direction pressed after a while the wrestler will run. ATTACKING Use fire button with a combination of up, down, left and right for single punches and kicks. ROPE ATTACKS If you run against the vertical ropes you will bounce off them. While flying off the ropes you can press fire on it's own to give the opponent a flying knee. You could also attempt a flying kick by pressing fire and up. Failure to hit an opponent will mean you land badly on the floor. GRAPPLE To get into the grapple position, press fire and down while touching the opponent. And then starts the trial of strength. THE TRIAL OF STRENGTH The trial of strength is indicated by the icons that appear along the bottom of the screen. You must beat your opponent by first pressing left then right repeatedly as fast as you can. The player who raises the bar the fastest, wins the trial. AERIAL ATTACKS Once you have your opponent raised above your head, you can choose to throw him by pressing fire or give him a helicopter spin. Choose quickly or you may be overpowered. To start a helicopter spin, press fire and up. By pressing fire again, you will throw him. Be careful not to spin too long or you'll get Dizzy. ROPE MOVES By pressing fire and up near any of the corners, you can climb the ropes. Balance on the top, and by pressing fire, you will jump with a flying knee kick. By pressing fire and up you can wack your opponent with a flying kick. But make sure you don't stay too long or you'll fall off! PIN MODE An opponent who has been felled to the floor can be pinned by standing over and behind him. Press fire and down to leap on him then enter the trial of strength to get the point. HELP! NEW RELEASE INFO LINE 0891 555 000 (Tells you what is being released this month) If you can't get any further in any of these games and would like us to give hints & tips on how to solve all the puzzles just phone the numbers below. Please don't phone unless you are really stuck and make sure you get permission from the person who pays the phone bill first! ATARI ST, AMIGA AND IBM DIZZY 0891 555 093 MAGICLAND DIZZY 0891 555 001 TREASURE ISLAND DIZZY 0891 555 092 DIZZY PRINCE OF THE YOLK-FOLK 0891 555 002 FANTASY WORLD DIZZY 0891 555 078 SPELLBOUND DIZZY 0891 555 003 LITTLE PUFF 0891 555 095 ROCKSTAR 0891 555 090 SEYMOUR IN HOLLYWOOD 0891 555 010 SPIKE IN TRANSYLVANIA 0891 555 051 CRYSTAL KINGDOM DIZZY 0891 555 012 SPECTRUM, AMSTRAD, C64 DIZZY 0891 555 093 MAGICLAND DIZZY 0891 555 096 TREASURE ISLAND DIZZY 0891 555 091 DIZZY PRINCE OF THE YOLK-FOLK 0891 555 002 FANTASY WORLD DIZZY 0891 555 078 SPELLBOUND DIZZY 0891 555 003 LITTLE PUFF 0891 555 094 ROCKSTAR 0891 555 090 SLIGHTLY MAGIC 0891 555 050 SEYMOUR IN HOLLYWOOD 0891 555 010 SPIKE IN TRANSYLVANIA 0891 555 051 CRYSTAL KINGDOM DIZZY 0891 555 013 Call costs 36p per minute during off -peak time and 48p per minute at all other times. (GREAT BRITAIN ONLY) CODEMASTERS CREDITS This great game was brought to you by .... Design Reflective Design Programming Rob Hulman Graphics Grafix Project Director Paul Ranson Production Stewart Regan and Pat Stanley Art Manager Shan Savage This program, including code, graphics, music and artwork are the copyright of CodeMasters Limited and no part may be copied, stored, translated or reproduced in any form or by any means, hired or lent without the express permission of CodeMasters Limited. Made In England Published by CodeMasters Ltd. PO Box 6, Leamington Spa, England. CV33 0SH

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