COMPILATION -> Officielle
© Loriciels (1992)
D. Day [CPC CPC+]


D-Day (F) (4 faces) (1992) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS)  
elementD-Day (F) (4 faces) (1992) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).zip
142.75 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk
[CRC:5B0AC2D6]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (49.73 Ko-191.05 Ko)
D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk
[CRC:C7208CBB]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (26.52 Ko-191.05 Ko)
D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (3. ADS) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (3. ADS) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk
[CRC:2D3C506F]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (30.58 Ko-197.32 Ko)
D-Day (F) (Face D) (1992) (4. Sherman M4) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk D-Day (F) (Face D) (1992) (4. Sherman M4) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk
[CRC:DE987CF9]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (34.86 Ko-197.32 Ko)
Chargement : RUN"DDAY.BAS"
Dumpé par : Dlfrsilver pour Loic DANEELS
Protection : Gaps, STARTER gap F7


* Face 1A : D-Day Infanterie [CPC CPC+]
* Face 1B : D-Day Parachustistes [CPC CPC+]
* Face 2A : Advanced Destroyer Simulation (A.D.S.)
* Face 2B : Sherman M-4

- BUGS -

Pour "Sherman M4" si vous le chargez a partir du menu principal, vous aurez un écran noir après l'écran titre. En le chargeant directement vous n'aurez aucun problème.

D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk150708. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 268 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [Original] [COMPILATION].dsk

Creator : SAMdisk150708. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 150 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (3. ADS) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk

Creator : SAMdisk150708. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 41 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 172 / 369
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (369)
Sectors Specials : Gaps (9)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

D-Day (F) (Face D) (1992) (4. Sherman M4) [Original] [COMPILATION] (GAPS).dsk

Creator : SAMdisk150708. / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 41 tracks formated / 42 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 230 / 369
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (369)
Sectors Specials : Gaps (9)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9
D-Day (F) (3 faces) (1992) [CPC CPC+] [COMPILATION]  
elementD-Day (F) (3 faces) (1992) [CPC CPC+] [COMPILATION].zip
161.08 Ko (Date : 2020-03-24)
D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie + 2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [COMPILATION].dsk D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie + 2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [COMPILATION].dsk
[CRC:F608B6B7]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (85.04 Ko-190.25 Ko)
D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (3. Sherman M4) [COMPILATION].dsk D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (3. Sherman M4) [COMPILATION].dsk
[CRC:3CF029D4]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (33.01 Ko-190.25 Ko)
D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (4. ADS) [COMPILATION].dsk D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (4. ADS) [COMPILATION].dsk
[CRC:33842EAB]   [HexaDump]   [SectorView]  [SectorData] (42.4 Ko-190.25 Ko)
Chargement : RUN"DDAY.BAS
Version de : XOR

D-Day (F) (Face A) (1992) (1. Infanterie + 2. Parachutistes) [CPC CPC+] [COMPILATION].dsk

Creator : Win APE 32 1.0 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 191 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

D-Day (F) (Face B) (1992) (3. Sherman M4) [COMPILATION].dsk

Creator : Win APE 32 1.0 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 146 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

D-Day (F) (Face C) (1992) (4. ADS) [COMPILATION].dsk

Creator : Win APE 32 1.0 / EXTENDED CPC DSK File..
1 side / 40 tracks formated / 40 tracks per side.
-- SIDE 1 --
Sectors used : 152 / 360
Sectors format : SectorSize2 (360)
Minimum of sectors in one track : 9
Maximum of sectors in one track : 9

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CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par Kukulcan © 2007-2025 tous droits réservés.
Reproduction sans autorisation interdite. Tous les titres utilisés appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs.
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