JEU -> Run & Gun
© CRL Group (1986)
11.00 / 20.00
Blade Runner

CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor

Mots Clefs


JEU -> Run & Gun               
1 joueur
Votre objectif est de traquer les replicants qui se sont infiltrés dans la population de la ville de Los Angeles. Pour cela, vous devez patrouiller dans les rues à bord de votre voiture et scanner les environs. Si un replicant apparaît sur l'écran, vous sortez et continuez la traque à pied. Il faudra alors éviter les voitures et les passants qui occupent les rues et tirer sur la bonne cible.

Inspiré du film "Blade Runner", réalisé par Ridley SCOTT, sorti en 1982 avec Harrison FORD, Rutger HAUER, Sean YOUG, Darryl HANNAH et adapté du roman "Les androïdes rêvent-ils de moutons électriques ?" de Philip Kindred DICK.

Le jeu est en MODE 1 et via l'utilisation des rasters, permet de dépasser les 4 couleurs par défaut.
screenshot screenshot

Edité par : CRL Group
Distribué en Espagne par : Zafiro Software

- BUGS -
On replicants above level 4, they take more than one shot to kill. Level 5 replicant takes two shots, and level 6 replicant takes 3 shots. There's a bug where on the 2nd shot and 3rd shot (in the case of the level 6 replicant) it also registers as shooting a pedestrian! You're only allowed to shoot 5 pedestrians per game. In the code when this happens it jumps from &19A7 to &19C9 and there it subtracts one pedestrian hit...

Corrections par Johnny OLSEN :
You are only allowed to hit 5 pedestrains.
The problem is that when you hit one of the harder replikants (2 or 3 hit to die) you also hit a Pedestrian.

After you hit a hard replikant the code jump from &19A7 to &19C9 and there sub one Pedestrian

Try poke &19A8,&19 maybe it solves the problem.

Test just poke &19A8,&19 and poke &19CC,x x=Pedestrian hit default 6

The freeze thing is not a bug - the game wait for a keypress in &3239

I can't find the replikants counter (24 replikants or 6 rounds) maybe you have to kill 36 replikants 36=&24 hex.

When you reach 500.000 point you will see the very nice end screen.
198B: LD HL,(&1911)
198E: INC L
198F: LD A,(HL)
1991: INC L
1991: CP &06
1993: LD A,&82
1995: JR NZ,&19CA

1997: LD DE,&02F2 --- pointer to the word "Hit"
199A: LD (&0287),DE
199E: ADD A
199F: ADD A
19A1: LD A,&03 --- Hit counter (Replikants) - could be 1,2 or 3
19A3: DEC A --- Sub one hit
19A4: (&19A2),A --- save new hit counter
19A7: JR NZ,&19C9 --- if not zero then jump to &19c9 - Try change to jump to &19c2 (&19a8,&19)

19A9: LD DE,&02FA
19AC: LD (&0287),DE
19B0: LD A,&C9
19B2: LD (&1BF5),A
19B5: LD A,&FE
19B7: LD (&2040),A
19BA: LD (&1C47),A
19BD: LD A,&AF
19BF: LD (&17E4),A

19C2: LD A,(&19CC)
19C5: INC A --- add one hit (Pedestrian)
19C6: LD (&19CC),A

19C9: POP AF
19CA: LD (HL),A
19CB: LD A,&05 --- Hit Counter (Pedestrians)
19CD: DEC A --- Sub one hit
19CE: LD (&19CC),A --- save new hit counter
19D1: SRL A
19D3: JP Z,&1AAC --- If Zero the jump to dead
19D6: LD HL,&03F8 --- else pointer to the message "Warning Pedistricide is an ....."
19D9: DEC A
19DA: JR Z,&19E2

Start your score with 300,000 points (when you play the map part) -> Poke &01DC,&03

If you poke &19A2 with 01 you only have to hit the level 5 or 6 replicant's one time - it would make the game much easier!

There are 4 scientists alive at the start of the game. These will be slowly killed off if a replicant on the map screen walks over their location, which can happen very quickly especially when level 5 replicants appear. At the end of a 'wave' - ie killing 4 replicants, 4 new replicants and scientists are supposed to be spawned at a new map location. However the counter for how many scientists are alive is NOT reset at the end of a wave, so if only 3 were left at the end of the wave then only 3 new ones will spawn. This makes the game infinitely more impossible if you intend to reach 500,000 points! Unfortunately we were unable to find a solution for this particular bug, there seems to be some self modifying code which makes tracking down this particular counter in the code difficult. Even worse, on a new wave a replicant can spawn on top of a scientist!

Several times I've experienced random game overs from returning to the map screen after killing a replicant, after 1 second it quits back to the title/menu screen. It may be that the remaining scientists are instant killed - unconfirmed.
Critique en anglais : "CPC Game Reviews"
Database : "Moby Games"
database : "amstrad.es"
Musique : "RolandRadio.net"
Version Commodore 64 : "Lemon64"
Version Spectrum : "Spectrum Computing"


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