NOTICE TEXTE n° 1 (34.9 Ko)
Part I: Getting To Know Your Hydrofoil
Preliminary Training: If this is your first experience controlling a hydrofoil,
you may want to sit back and watch a demonstration. Here's how:
When you have your computer up and running (see your Command Summary Card for
details), you will be presented with a selection of assignments. Each
assignment is a mission taking you to various sensitive parts of the world.
These are described in detail in Part II of this Handbook. To watch the
demonstration, select Mission 0 from the list of nine. As you watch, take note
of the two "view modes" (Bridge and Operations Map) and the features you can
control from each. You may want to read Part III of this Manual as you watch
the demonstration.
When you feel you are ready to undertake a real mission, press Shift-Q to quit
the demonstration and then select another one. We suggest you start with one
of the early missions before attempting the more advanced ones.
Part II: Assignments
Once you have received basic hydrofoil training, you will be in a position to
undertake the following assignments as part of the TAG task force. Of these
eight assignments, the first two are part of your advanced training, and
provide you with simulated combat experience. We strongly recommend that you
gain proficiency in the first two assignments before you proceed to the more
advanced missions.
At the end of each assignment you will receive a score and a rank, based on
your performance during the mission. Scores are calculated on the basis of
five factors, as described below. Note that the actual values will vary from
mission to mission, because of the different objectives of each one. For
example, in the first assignment (Battle Training), speed and destruction are
the most important factors, while survival is not. By contrast, in the fourth
mission (A Better Part of Valor), survival is most important, while destruction
of enemies is relatively unimportant.
1. Main Objective: Full points are awarded if the mission is successfully
completed; no points if the main objective was not accomplished.
Range: 1000 - 5000 points.
2. Enemies Destroyed: Points are awarded for each enemy destroyed.
Range: 50 - 500 points.
3. Enemies Damaged: Points are awarded for each enemy hit but not destroyed.
Range: 25 - 250 points.
4. Time Remaining: Points for time remaining are awarded only when the mission
is successfully completed before time runs out. Points are for each minute of
time remaining.
Range: 1 - 4 points/minute.
5. Survival Bonus: Survival points are awarded when the mission is successfully
completed or when time runs out, assuming you haven't been blown out of the
water by the enemy. Points are awarded for each of the twelve sections of the
ship that are capable of sustaining damage (six for the hull and six for the
systems). Full points are awarded for undamaged sections, half for slight
damage (yellow on the damage display), and no points for heavy damage (red on
the damage display).
Range: 20 - 200.
Ranks are based on points earned, with different scales for each mission,
depending on their relative difficulty. For example, because the training
exercise is the easiest of all the missions, you can only advance to
Lieutenant, no matter how high your score. More difficult missions, such as
the Search For Terrorists, allow you to achieve the rank of Captain, while the
most difficult ones, such as the Supply Convoy, allow you to reach the top rank
of Admiral. In any case, to achieve the top rank in an assignment you must
accomplish the main objective.
The ranks are as follows: Deck Mopper, Ensign, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain,
Commodore, Rear Admiral, Admiral.
1. Battle Training
Ten enemy ships will be introduced to your training area off Key West, one at a
time. These vessels will range from simple patrol boats all the way to the
powerful Nanuchka II missile corvettes. This exercise is designed to
familiarise you with the PHM and its weapon systems.
Objective: Sink all simulated enemy ships.
Rank Attainable: Lieutenant.
Enemy Vessels: Patrol Boat; OSA I, Nanuchka II.
Strategy Tips: This is a good learning assignment. Use your gun on the patrol
boats, and save your missiles for the bigger ships.
2. Graduation Exercise
In this exercise, all the enemy vessels you encountered in the first assignment
will be coming at you at once, doing their best to blow you out of the water.
Sinking all the enemy vessels as quickly as possible is more important than
surviving undamaged.
Objective: Sink all simulated enemy ships.
Rank Attainable: Lieutenant.
Enemy Vessels: Patrol Boat; OSA I, Nanuchka II.
Strategy Tips: Get moving right away; you're a sitting duck if you don't. Use
your missiles on the more distant ships and your gun on the closer ones. Watch
your radar for fast-moving dots approaching your ship. These are enemy
missiles. Use chaff to deflect them (see Part III of your Manual for
instructions on using chaff).
3. Terrorist Attack
Approximately eight hours ago, terrorists attacked a seaside resort, killing
dozens of vacationers and wounding hundreds. The terrorists were seen fleeing
west in various patrol craft. Witnesses estimate seven to ten vessels of
varying types, some suspected to be OSA I missile boats, others small patrol
vessels. Your mission is to seek and intercept these vessels, and sink them.
Be advised that interventionist forces from nearby countries may attempt to aid
the terrorists as they try to escape to their base. Be particularly alert for
enemy ships heading southwest out of Syrian waters. The terrorist base is
suspected to be somewhere on Cyprus, but the terrorists split off into at least
four separate groups when fleeing. An Israeli Flagstaff II with Gabriel
missiles has been made available.
Objective: Sink all terrorist vessels.
Rank Attainable: Commander.
Enemy Vessels: Patrol Boats, OSA I, OSA II, Zhuk.
Strategy Tips: The terrorist vessels are to the west of your starting position
and moving rapidly north. Try to cut them off, while avoiding (or destroying)
their allies coming in from the northeast. Save your missiles for the OSA class
4. A Better Part of Valor
War is brewing in South America. Your PHM is needed there as soon as possible.
From your base at Key West, you will need to navigate the dangerous Yucatan
Straits between Mexico and Cuba in order to reach southern waters. To
accomplish your objective in this assignment, you need only get the PHM to the
southern edge of the map. Look out for enemy vessels who will be trying to
stop you. Use your SeaSprite helicopter to screen your PHM and help you avoid
the enemy, or to help you seek out and destroy them.
Objective: Escape with your hydrofoil off the south edge of the map with as
little damage as possible.
Rank Attainable: Commander.
Enemy Vessels: Komar and Assad missile boats.
Strategy Tips: Keep moving at full speed. Engage enemies at extreme range with
your missiles if they are in your path.
5. Search for Terrorists
Two missile corvettes have unsuccessfully attacked an American base off the
southern coast of Sicily. A Sparviero hydrofoil (armed with Exocet missiles)
and an AB 212 helicopter are available to help hunt them down. The mission
objective is to sink both attackers (who will be fleeing south to a friendly
port) before they escape. They are thought to be fleeing toward Tripoli, and
can be distinguished from similar vesels by their course. Although a variety
of enemy ships will be patrolling along a line north of Tripoli, remember that
the fleeing ships are your main objective.
Objective: Sink the two fleeing Nanuchka II class ships.
Rank Attainable: Captain.
Enemy Vessels: OSA I, OSA II, Nanuchka II.
Strategy Tips: Try to avoid the other ships on your way to your objective (the
two ships fleeing south together). Save your missiles for them.
6. Supply Convoy
A South American country has been taken over by a dictator, who has succeeded
in turning the Caribbean into a war zone. Your mission is to escort a special
high-speed cargo ship carrying medical supplies and food to a group of
refugees. The dictator's forces consist of two varieties of a convertible
Vosper-Thornycroft ship that comes with either two missiles and a small caliber
gun, or just a 76mm cannon identical to your own.
Objective: Get your convoy ship to the southern part of the eastern edge of the
Rank Attainable: Admiral.
Enemy Vessels: Vosper-Thornycroft 121 ft class.
Strategy Tips: Conserve fuel by keeping your engine setting at 2 or less as
much as possible, sprinting ahead at high speed only when you spot enemies or
when you fall behind your convoy ship. Keep the convoy moving at full speed
toward the south one-third of the east edge of the map, and use your
helicopters to spot attackers before they can get close. Keep your hydrofoil
between the attackers and your convoy ship.
7. Surveillance Mission
It is suspected that military equipment is being smuggled to the dictator
through an outwardly neutral South American country. A cargo ship has been
photographed loading up with tanks and aircraft parts in the Baltic, and is
believed to be approaching Nicaragua. Seven ships of similar construction
carrying farm machinery and building supplies are also entering the area to
provide cover for the arms ship. Your mission is to find all eight ships and
photograph them at close range so their identities can be established and
compared with that of the suspected arms ship. Photography is accomplished
automatically by approaching to within 1500 feet of the ship and training your
binoculars on it (by choosing it as a target). Be careful not to sink them!
Sinking one of these vessels will result in an international incident, and will
immediately end the mission in failure. Use your two Seahawk helicopters to
scout out the cargo ships. Some of the dictator's forces are believed to be in
this area, so try to identify any ships you find at as long a range as
possible. Watch your fuel usage!
Objective: Find and photograph all eight cargo vessels in the Carribean without
sinking any.
Rank Attainable: Rear Admiral.
Enemy Vessels: Cargo ships, OSA II missile boats.
Strategy Tips: The cargo ships move slowly, but they are scattered all over the
sea and will eventually reach safe port. Move fast, and use your helicopters
to find them as soon as possible.
Your mission is to escort a supply ship out of the Persian Gulf. The only
complication: a war is going on, and innocent ships are being fired upon
without warning. The supply ship is trying to evacuate western workers from
the war zone, but the captain is too frightened to try to escape through the
maelstrom of warring factions that fill the Gulf. You will need to make your
way through the Straits of Hormuz to Kuwait where you will rendezvous with the
supply ship. The supply ship will respond to your controls in the same way as
an auxiliary helicopter (see Part III of your Manual).
Try to avoid conflict if possible. Enemies are less likely to attack if you
are peaceful. However, if you take hostile action or if you get too close,
they will pass the word to their fleet to attack. The supply ship will be a
tempting target for them at all times, so guard it well. In any case, remember
that your primary mission is to get the supply ship out safely - damage to your
hydrofoil is important only insofar as it compromises that mission. Use your
two Seahawk helicopters to provide you with critical information on ship
movements. Watch out for the ongoing battles - if you get too close you will
be presumed hostile and fired upon. Watch your fuel and time limit!
Objective: Escort the supply ship safely into the Indian Ocean.
Rank Attainable: Admiral.
Enemy Vessels: OSA I and OSA II missile corvettes.
Strategy Tips: You're on your own for this one.
Part III: Hydrofoil Operation
The hydrofoil is an all-weather, high-speed, compact weapons system, making it
ideal for strike, patrol and surveillance missions. Because of its fully
submerged foils (see Part IV for technical details), the hydrofoil is capable
of sustained high-speed runs across heavy seas, with a maneuverability
unmatched by any other sea-going vessel. In addition, the hydrofoil carries an
arsenal consisting of a 76mm gun, missiles (Gabriel, Exocet, or Harpoon,
depending on configuration), and chaff for radar deflection.
As hydrofoil commander, you can switch between the view from the hydrofoil's
bridge and a top-down view of the operations map. Each uses its own set of
keyboard and joystick controls. Specific operating instructions are given in
the Command Summary Card, included in your information packet.
Refer to Figure 1, below. The top half of the screen shows the view from the
bridge. Inset at the top of the screen shows a close-up view through
[Screenshot of view from the bridge - see phmpegasus_figure1.jpg]
Figure 1: Bridge View
The lower half of the screen shows the hydrofoil's instruments. These are
described as follows:
Gyrocompass - Indicates hydrofoil's current bearing; north is straight up.
RPM - Indicates engine speed.
Speed - Indicates hydrofoil's speed in knots (nautical miles per hour).
Radar - Shows all craft within hydrofoil's radar range.
Weapons Status - Indicates which weapons are currently active and the number of
rounds remaining.
Fuel - Indicates the amount of fuel remaining.
Warning Indicators - Red warning indicators show a potential problem:
Depth: Indicates danger of running aground. Depth warning flashes to
indicate that the hydrofoil is pointed toward land. An automatic avoidance
system keeps the hydrofoil from running aground; just turn the ship away from
land to stop the warning.
Lock: One or more enemy missiles are locked onto your hydrofoil. This
means that the enemy have fired (or are about to fire) missiles at you.
Damage - The damage indicators show which parts of the hydrofoil have sustained
light or heavy damage. See detailed discussion below.
You can switch from the view from the bridge to a map of the surrounding area
(see Figure 2). The map
[Screenshot of operations map - see phmpegasus_figure2.jpg]
Figure 2: Operations Map
shows the entire area of operations for the current assignment. It shows all
the major land masses, the borders of the assignment area, the current location
of the hydrofoil, the locations of all the friendly forces and the locations of
all enemy forces that are within radar range. The hydrofoil is shown in white,
together with its radar range. In addition, the operations map shows the
locations of your helicopters (if applicable, see below). Control of such
helicopters or an escorted convoy is maintained from the Operations Map. See
your Command Summary Card for details.
Your hydrofoil is equipped with the very latest in offensive and tactical
weaponry. The following information is a general description of each of the
weapons and defense systems. Specific operating instructions can be found in
the Command Summary Card.
76mm Cannon
The Oto-Melara 76mm automatic water-cooled cannon is widely used by navies
throughout the world. Its fire rate of 90 rounds per minute makes it effective
even against aircraft and missiles, while its range of almost ten miles makes
it effective against small ships. Note, however, that because of the time
needed for a shell to travel to its target, the Oto-Melara's effective range
against moving targets is approximately six miles. Thus, even though your fire
control radar (see below) allows you to lock on to a target, you will need to
"lead" your cannon ahead of moving targets further than one or two miles away.
The further the moving target, and the faster it moves, the more you will need
to lead your cannon, and the greater the likelihood of error. For best
results, use the "aim corrector lights" around the binocular view to adjust
your aim (see Aiming and Firing Weapons, below), and "walk the shells" in
toward the target.
Chaff Rockets
The Mark 34 Chaffroc system on your hydrofoil allows you to fire exploding
rockets filled with aluminum foil ("chaff") into the air. When they explode,
the rockets disperse their chaff into the air, attracting the enemy missiles
and deflecting them from your ship. Because the enemy missiles will tend to
follow the chaff as your hydrofoil moves away, your best strategy is to fire
the chaff when you are travelling at right angles to the oncoming missile.
Timing is also important. If you fire too early, the missiles will lock back
onto you when the chaff disperses. If you fire too late, the missiles will not
have time to be deflected to the chaff before their proximity warheads explode.
Chaff is best fired when the enemy missile is about a mile away.
Harpoon Missiles
The Harpoon missiles are your most accurate and most potent weapons. They will
hit their target 90 per cent of the time and will destroy most small ships with
a single hit. Because your radar is likely to be more accurate over greater
distances than the enemy's, you can destroy an enemy vessel by firing a Harpoon
at your maximum (40 mile) sighting range even before the enemy has a chance to
launch against you.
Gabriel Missiles (Israeli hydrofoils only)
This missile has a shorter range than the Harpoon missiles (see above), but
their guidance systems are reputed to be slightly more accurate than those of
the Harpoons. In addition, they carry a 400 pound high explosive warhead. Use
the Gabriels against ships beyond gun range.
Exocet Missiles (Italian hydrofoils only)
A French missile, used effectively by Argentina in the Falklands war. The
Exocet is very similar in effect to the Harpoon missile.
Your radar system's range is generally 40 miles, although it is greater from
the front or the back of the hydrofoil. You can take advantage of this by
turning the hydrofoil towards the target. Your hydrofoil is represented by a
flashing "blip" in the center of the display. If the blip is not flashing,
another vessel must be very close to you.
Auxiliary Craft
Some assignments involve the use of search helicopters. In such cases,
helicopters are controlled from the Operations Map (see above). The same
applies to convoy ships, where applicable.
Your hydrofoil is capable of operating even if it sustains damage. The
following outlines the different kinds of damage and the effect each has on the
hydrofoil's operation. Refer to Figure 3, below.
Chaff and/or ____________ ______________ Radar
Gabriel missiles | |
_ | __|_ __________ Cannon
Missiles _______|#\|#\|##| _|__
| |##| |##| /
Engine ----------+##| |#-+--------- Fuel Tank
|##| |##| |##| \
Hull /-+-#| |##| |##| \
Compartments --< |--| |--| |--| >
\-+-#| |##| |##| /
Figure 3: Damage Indicator
Hull Damage
The hydrofoil's hull is separated into six watertight compartments. Light
damage (shown in yellow on the damage indicator, see Figure 3, above) to any or
all of the six compartments does not affect the ship, but serves as a warning
that continued hits will cause heavy damage. Heavy damage (shown in red on
damage indicator) to a critical number of compartments can sink your hydrofoil.
This critical number varies among the different hydrofoils, as follows: the PHM
can sustain heavy damage to four compartments before sinking, the Israeli
Flagstaff will sink after heavy damage to three compartments, while the Italian
Sparviero, the smallest of the three, will sink after heavy damage to two
compartments. Note, however, that even with a critical number of compartments
heavily damaged, a hydrofoil can still remain afloat while foilborne, but will
sink only when hullborne. Note also that when foilborne, more of your hull is
exposed, increasing the probability that enemy hits will damage it.
System Damage
76 mm Cannon: Light damage may cause your gun to misfire; heavy damage
will disable it completely.
Radar: Light damage restricts your radar range to 20 miles; heavy damage
restricts the range to 10 miles. Even though your radar may be heavily
damaged, you still have a limited longer range view on your Operations Map,
which simulates spotting by binoculars to compensate for the damaged radar.
Chaff: With light damage, the chaff rockets may misfire, expending a round
in vain. With heavy damage, they will not work at all.
Missiles: With light damage, missiles may misfire; with heavy damage, they
will not work at all. The same applies to the Gabriel missiles on the
Flagstaff hydrofoils.
Fuel Tanks: Light damage increases fuel drain; heavy damage increases it
even more. If you run out of fuel, your mission will end in failure. Keep to
low speeds if you are running out of fuel.
Engines: Light damage decreases your maximum speed. Heavy damage
decreases your maximum speed even more, sometimes to the point of rendering you
completely immobile. Note that with light damage you may still have enough
power to remain foilborne, but if you come down off your foils you may not have
enough power to get back up. This could result in difficult tactical decisions
in circumstances where you need to choose between staying foilborne and
maintaining a higher speed, and coming down off the foils to slow down and
conserve fuel.
You can operate your hydrofoil either from the Bridge or from the Operations
Map. To switch from one to the other, press V on the keyboard. From the
Bridge you can maneuver the hydrofoil, or select, aim and fire your weapons.
You can also adjust your radar scanning range from 2.5 miles to 40 miles. From
the Operations Map you can control your auxiliary vessels (helicopters or a
convoy of ships, where applicable), or you can set your hydrofoil on a course
using automatic pilot. Some operations are available in either mode. Thus,
from either the Bridge or the Operations Map you can pause and restart
proceedings, you can quit and select a new mission, and you can speed up or
slow down the passage of time. (You can speed time up to 128 times; when you
do so, every element is affected equally).
These are discussed in greater detail below. Specific commands are given in
the Command Summary Card.
Maneuvering the Hydrofoil: You can maneuver your hydrofoil with either the
keyboard or joystick. Moving the joystick forward speeds up the hydrofoil,
while moving it back slows it down. Moving the joystick right or left moves
the hydrofoil right or left. See your Command Summary Card for keyboard
equivalents. Note that maneuvering the hydrofoil manually from the Bridge has
the effect of disengaging the automatic pilot (see discussion under Operations
Map, below).
Aiming and Firing Weapons: You can also use the joystick to aim and fire your
weapons. Pressing the Spacebar toggles the joystick between maneuvering the
hydrofoil and aiming your weapons. To aim at a target, you first need to
select it from among the enemy craft within your radar range by pressing T
several times until the target is bracketed on your radar screen. At that
point the targeted vessel appears in the binocular view at the top of the
screen. To aim your gun, move the aiming cursor (see Figure 1) so that it is
over the target in the binocular view. Move the joystick forward to move the
cursor up, and move it back to move the cursor down. Moving the joystick left
or right moves the cursor left or right. To fire a weapon, press the joystick
fire button or Return on the keyboard. You can correct your aim by using the
"aim corrector" (see Figure 1, above): move the aiming cursor toward the aim
corrector and fire again. Note that you only need to aim your gun. Missiles
automatically go toward the ship in the binocular view at the time of firing,
while chaff affects all incoming missiles depending on their distance from the
hydrofoil. You can select among the available weapons from the keyboard. See
your Command Summary Card for details.
Operations Map
Automatic Pilot: To set a course for your hydrofoil, first make sure that the
hydrofoil is selected (by pressing the appropriate key, see your Command
Summary Card). Move the crosshair to your destination point and press key 1
through 5. Pressing 5 moves the hydrofoil to its destination at full speed,
while 1 moves the hydrofoil at its slowest speed. If you already have a speed
selected, you can press the joystick button to move the hydrofoil to the new
destination at the currently selected speed. Pressing 0 stops the hydrofoil.
When you return to the Bridge, changing direction (with keyboard or joystick)
disengages the automatic pilot and returns you to manual control. You can,
however, change the hydrofoil's speed from the Bridge (by pressing keys 1
through 5) without disengaging the automatic pilot.
To re-engage automatic pilot, return to the Operations Map, select the
hydrofoil, then press the joystick button or select a speed as before. Your
hydrofoil will then move toward the previously selected destination. Messages
on the Bridge and Operations Map indicate current status of the automatic
Controlling Auxiliary Craft: When you are in the Operations Map you can also
control the auxiliary craft that are available to you. Depending on the
assignment, these can include helicopters, or a convoy of ships. To control an
auxiliary craft, first select it by pressing the key for that craft (see your
Command Summary Card for details) and then move the cross hair to the
destination point. Press a key 1 through 5 to set the auxiliary craft's speed
and start it off towards its destination.
Auxiliary craft in the Operations Map are colour-coded: Helicopters are green,
and the convoys are gray. Each auxiliary craft is also identifiable by its own
icon. To display the auxiliary craft icons, press D. This changes the display
from radar circles (circles around each craft showing its radar range) to the
vessel icons. This feature is particularly useful if many enemies are nearby.
Time Compression: You can use time compression to speed up events in the
Operations Map until you get to the centre of the action. You can then slow
events back down, or you can leave them speeded up. If you like, you can play
through the entire mission with time compressed up to 128 times normal. If you
compress time to more than eight times normal, any action from the enemy (such
as a missile or cannon shot) will automatically slow it back down to eight
times. This way you can use time compression to make your assignments more
PHM Pegasus was created by the Lucasfilm Games Division. Noah Falstein was the
designer and head programmer. Larry Holland and Edwin Reich were programmers
on the Apple II and Commodore 64 versions. Ken Macklin did the artwork, Chris
Grigg designed the sounds and music. Charlie Kellner, Ron Gilbert and Randy
Farmer contributed algorithms and special program routines. Steve Arnold, Mary
Paterno and Nancy Mohler provided logistical and administrative support. Other
members of the division helped with testing and suggestions.
Special thanks to George Lucas.
TM & (C) Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. PHM Pegasus and Lucasfilm Games
are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Electronic Arts,
Authorised User.
Manual by N. Lavroff & Lucasfilm Games Division. (C) 1986 Electronic Arts.
Home Computer Software
PHM Pegasus is a simulation requiring both strategic and tactical ability. The
object is to complete each mission by achieving its main objective in as short
a time as possible. See your manual for details on the assignments.
Hydrofoil operation is by means of keyboard and joystick (optional). You can
use either to control the hydrofoil's movement, weapons aiming and firing and
any auxiliary craft. Use the keyboard to pause and resume play, to increase or
decrease time compression, to switch between the bridge and the operations map
and to select weapons or auxiliary craft.
Two main "viewing" modes are available at any time -- the bridge and the
operations map. The key table below shows the effect of each keystroke under
each of the two modes.
Remove all peripherals, except for the joystick or FD2 disk interface ( if
fitted): turn on the computer and the monitor. Now follow either the tape or
disk loading instructions as appropriate.
If your Amstrad is a disk machine, first select tape filing system by entering
| TAPE. Insert either side of the tape into the player and rewind fully. Hold
down the CTRL key and press the small ENTER key then press PLAY on your
Once you have switched on , Insert the disk into the drive label side up.
Type RUN "EA" and after a short wait, the game will start.
The identification cards in your manual can help you spot and identify the
vessels that are active in each mission. Firing on friendly vessels can make
you very unpopular with the Admiral, so it is particularly important that you
identify the vessels in each mission. That way you won't end up shooting the
convoy you are trying to rescue! Before you start an assignment, read the
mission description in the manual, and select the cards for each vessel in the
mission. Keep the cards handy as you proceed with your assignment, and refer to
them when you need help identifying one of the vessels.
(Note: Some of the following commands are accessible through a joystick. Such
commands are marked with an asterisk *. See Joystick Control section
P Pause/Resume play same
Shift and Q Quit same
V Toggles view between
operations map and bridge same
; Each press doubles time rate
up to 128 x real time same
= Each press halves time rate
down to real time (1x) same
N Return to real time (1x) same
0 .. 5* Sets hydrofoil's speed Sets speed for hydrofoil or
auxiliary vessel
Shift & R Each press doubles radar
scan from 2.5 miles to 40
miles N/A
R Each press halves radar scan
to 2.5 miles N/A
T Selects target for view in
binoculars N/A
D N/A Toggles between radar
circles and vessel icons.
Spacebar Toggles between manoeuvre N/A
and weapons aiming mode
F7 Selects cannon Selects Hydrofoil
F4 Selects chaff rocket Selects convoy**
F1 Selects missiles Selects Helicopter 1**
(Harpoon or Exocet)
F0 Selects Gabriel missiles** Selects Helicopter 2**
Enter* Fire currently selected
weapon N/A
Comma, Full Stop* Aim weapon left, right, up, Moves destination cursor
Up & Down Arrow (In weapon aiming mode)
Comma* Turn Hydrofoil left N/A
Full Stop* Turn Hydrofoil right N/A
Up Arrow* Accelerate hydrofoil N/A
Down Arrow* Decelerate hydrofoil N/A
** when available
* Joystick Control
You can use a joystick either to control the hydrofoil or to aim and fire your
weapons. From the bridge, in manoeuvre mode, you can control the hydrofoil's
movement by moving the joystick left or right, and its speed by moving it
forward or back. In weapons aiming mode, use the joystick to move the aiming
cursor around the binocular view. Fire your weapons in either mode by pressing
the fire button. You can toggle between manoeuvre and weapons aiming mode by
pressing the SpaceBar. From the Operations map, use your joystick to set your
destination cursor, and the fire button to set off on your course.
Software design and head programmer: Noah Falstein.
Programmers: Edwin W. Reich, Jr., Lawrence E. Holland.
Spectrum & Amstrad conversions by Lynsoft UK.
Program Art: Ken Macklin.
Technical consultants: Vern Salisbury, Scott Oriosky.
Sounds and music: Christopher Grigg.
Producer: Stewart J. Bonn.
EuroPackage design: Grapplegroup Ltd.
Package photography: Courtesy Boeing Marine Stystems.
TM & (C) 1987 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL). All rights reserved. Electronic Arts,
Authorised User. Package design (C) 1987 Electronic Arts. C64 is a registered
trademark of Commodore Electronics Ltd.
Limited Warranty
Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this computer software
product that the recording media on which the software programs are recorded
will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days from the
date of purchase. During such period defective media will be replaced if the
original product is returned to Electronic Arts at the address below, together
with a proof of purchase, a statement describing the defects, and your return
This warranty does not apply to the software programs themselves, which are
provided "as is", nor does it apply to media which has been subject to misuse,
damage or excessive wear.
This warranty is in addition to, and does not affect your statutory rights in
any way.
Media Replacement
Electronic Arts will replace user damaged media if the original media is
returned with a Eurocheque payable to Electronic Arts Ltd. for £5.75 (inc. VAT)
for disk or £3.45 (inc. VAT) for cassette.
Electronic Arts Ltd., 11/49 Station Road, Langley, Berks SL3 8YN, England.