JEU -> Aventure
© The Amstrad User (1990)
20.00 / 20.00
Time Traveller


Solution en anglais par Dorothy MILLARD, testé et modifé par Kukulcan le 24 juillet 2013.

001 - S (by lake)
002 - SWIM (swimming in lake)
003 - S (south side of lake)
004 - S
005 - S (forest)
006 - W (meet an animal)
007 - EXAMINE ANIMAL (a pig)
008 - GET PIG
009 - E
010 - E
011 - N
012 - E (outside hut in the forest where an old woman stands before you)
013 - EXAMINE WOMAN (a witch)
014 - GIVE PIG (she tells you a magic word - Berylda)
015 - W
016 - W
017 - W (steep mountain path)
018 - W (outside cave in the mountainside)
019 - N (inside cave)
020 - N (by abyss)
022 - W (fork in passage)
023 - W
024 - W (inside cavern)
025 - S (dead end where a brick wall blocks your way)
026 - SAY BERYLDA (a secret cache opens in the wall revealing a bag of gold and a rusty key)
027 - GET BAG (valuable)
028 - GET KEY
029 - N
030 - E
031 - E
032 - N
033 - N (narrow ledge on the other side of the mountain).
034 - E
035 - E (mountain path)
036 - N (meadow)
037 - E
038 - E
039 - S (woods)
040 - S (clearing)
041 - E (rocky countryside)
042 - E
043 - E (very hilly countryside)
044 - E (valley)
045 - E (approaching village)
046 - E (next to a well)
047 - EXAMINE WELL (see something)
048 - LOOK
049 - GET COIN
050 - W
051 - N (market square)
052 - E (outside pawnbrokers)
053 - BUY SWORD (using coin)
054 - W
055 - W
057 - EXAMINE PLANK (sturdy)
058 - E
059 - S
060 - W
061 - W
062 - S (lowland territory)
063 - S
064 - S
065 - E (outskirts of a Roman settlement)
066 - E (Roman camp where the commander has you arrested)
067 - GIVE BAG (of gold - he gives you the password for entry to the Roman fort)
068 - W
069 - W
070 - N
071 - N
072 - N
073 - W (south side of ravine)
074 - LAY PLANK (across the ravine)
075 - N (north side of ravine)
076 - N
077 - N
078 - E (outside Roman fort)
079 - SAY TIBERIUS (guard lets you pass)
080 - E (courtyard)
081 - U (upper level)
082 - W (armoury)
083 - EXAMINE ARMOURY (see something)
084 - LOOK
086 - E
087 - N (battlements by tower)
088 - UNLOCK DOOR (using rusty key)
089 - E (inside tower where there is a chest on the floor)
090 - EXAMINE CHEST (locked)
091 - UNLOCK CHEST (using silver key)

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