DEMO -> Diverstypeins
© Amstrad Computer User (1989)

CTM644 Colour Monitor
GT65 Green Monitor

Mots Clefs


Multi-coloured mania on your Amstrad as the program entertains with a series of colourful starbursts followed by an eye of many colours.

Paru sous forme de listing dans le magazine Amstrad Computer User (August 1989).
Auteur : D. WOOD

- BUGS -
Le listing, comme publiƩ dans Amstrad Computer User, ne fonctionne qu'avec du BASIC 1.1 parce qu'il utilise la commande GRAPHICS PEN, mais il est possible de le modifier afin de faire fonctionner avec du BASIC 1.0 :

20 MODE 0:g=0:i=1:r=0:INK 0,0:INK 1,15:INK 2,11:INK 3,6:INK 4,8:INK 5,18:INK 6,24:INK 7,5:INK 8,26:INK 9,19:INK 10,5:INK 11,17:INK 12,7:INK 13,22:INK 14,0:PAPER 0:GRAPHICS PEN i:BORDER 0:GOTO 80
30 FOR q=1 TO 15:i=INT(14*RND)+1:x=INT(639*RND):y=INT(400*RND):s=INT(240*RND)+20:p=INT(15*RND)+1:GRAPHICS PEN i:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP p:N=INT(800*RND)+30:DEG:PLOT x,y:DRAW x+s*COS(a),y+s*SIN(a):NEXT a:NEXT q
40 i=0:x=320:y=200:d=190:s=300:FOR c=1 TO 14:t=INT(2*RND)+3:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP t:DEG:PLOT x,y:DRAW x+s*COS(a),y+d*SIN(a):NEXT a:d=d-14:s=s-16:i=i+1:GRAPHICS PEN i:NEXT c
50 GRAPHICS PEN 0:x=320:y=200:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP 3:DEG:PLOT x,y:DRAW x+13*COS(a),y+13*SIN(a):NEXT a
60 GRAPHICS PEN 8:x=320:y=200:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP 3:DEG:PLOT x,y:DRAW x+8*COS(a),y+8*SIN(a):NEXT a
80 CLS:GRAPHICS PEN 5:PLOT 1,1:DRAW 639,1:DRAW 639,399:DRAW 1,399:DRAW 1,1:PEN 1:LOCATE 7,5:PRINT"E Y E":PEN 2:LOCATE 2,12:PRINT"1..run 2..list"

20 MODE 0:g=0:i=1:r=0:INK 0,0:INK 1,15:INK 2,11:INK 3,6:INK 4,8:INK 5,18:INK 6,24:INK 7,5:INK 8,26:INK 9,19:INK 10,5:INK 11,17:INK 12,7:INK 13,22:INK 14,0:PAPER 0:BORDER 0:GOTO 80
30 FOR q=1 TO 15:i=INT(14*RND)+1:x=INT(639*RND):y=INT(400*RND):s=INT(240*RND)+20:p=INT(15*RND)+1:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP p:N=INT(800*RND)+30:DEG:PLOT x,y,i:DRAW x+s*COS(a),y+s*SIN(a):NEXT a:NEXT q
40 i=0:x=320:y=200:d=190:s=300:FOR c=1 TO 14:t=INT(2*RND)+3:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP t:DEG:PLOT x,y:DRAW x+s*COS(a),y+d*SIN(a):NEXT a:d=d-14:s=s-16:i=i+1:PLOT x,y,i:NEXT c
50 x=320:y=200:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP 3:DEG:PLOT x,y,0:DRAW x+13*COS(a),y+13*SIN(a):NEXT a
60 x=320:y=200:FOR a=1 TO 360 STEP 3:DEG:PLOT x,y,8:DRAW x+8*COS(a),y+8*SIN(a):NEXT a
80 CLS:PLOT 1,1,5:DRAW 639,1:DRAW 639,399:DRAW 1,399:DRAW 1,1:PEN 1:LOCATE 7,5:PRINT"E Y E":PEN 2:LOCATE 2,12:PRINT"1..run 2..list"


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