© Bitmap Vandals (
14.00 / 20.00
Demoware II
Mots Clefs
This demo was released sometime in 1993 I think.
However not many people recieved a copy and I believe I had one of the only copies in existance.
A little while back Ben FALL (Sorcerer) appeared on CSA8 and Richard Fairhurst (CRTC) asked him if he had a copy of Demoware 2.
Ben however did not, so I said that I would find my copy.
This didn't prove to be easy, and I soon announced that I couldn't find it.... until the other day, (sometime in March 1998) I found the disk.
Contain 3 parts :
- Star wars scroller and Ball Mania
- Lemmings animation
- Zygnosis part
CPC-POWER/CPCSOFTS, programmation par
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