Soundtracker DMA v2.0
By Zik/Futurs', released on June 2021.
Soundtracker DMA is a music editing software for Amstrad Plus. It takes
advantage of CPC+ audio DMA lists to allow AY-SID and AY-sample sounds while
keeping CPU usage low.
The editor runs on Amstrad Plus with 128KB of memory.
This text file is a minimal user manual, you can read a complete version at:
Soundtracker DMA is freeware.
Please send your comments, suggestions and bug reports in English or French by
e-mail to
== General
- UniDOS is supported (display and browse directories)
- Music is exported as a stream of data
- Filenames are generated from objet names (sample, instrument, song)
- Numbers use hexadecimal notation
== Keyboard shortcuts
- Warning! "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" is enabled
- French, English and Spanish keyboards are supported
Common keys
* f1/f2/f3 * Mute/Unmute A/B/C channel
(from menu, while playing song or pattern)
* f6 * Octave+1
* f9 * Octave-1
* f5 * Item+1
* f8 * Item-1
* Shift + f5 * Next linked item for samples, item+1 for other objects
* Shift + f8 * Previous linked item for samples, item-1 for other objects
* Ctrl + right * Change active list
* Ctrl + left * Change active list
* Ctrl + f6 * Change active list
* Ctrl + f4 * Change active list
Menu keys
* Escape * Go up one level in the menu hierarchy
* Tab * Enter song list editor
* Space * Select current menu entry
* up/down/left/right * Move cursor
Play song keys
* Tab * Move to the next song-list position
* Esc * Stop music
* Shift + space * on "Play Song", play music from the start of the song-list
otherwise, play from the last selected song-list position
Songlist editor keys
* Esc * Leave song list editor
* up/down * Move cursor
* left/right * Move cursor
* f1 * Go to first position
* f3 * Go to last position (song length)
* Return * Set music length (song length)
* Space * Set music looping step (song "loop to")
* Shift + up * Increase value
* Shift + down * Decrease value
* Ctrl + up * Increase value (pattern+8)
* Ctrl + down * Decrease value (pattern-8)
* Ctrl + n * Set pattern number to the first empty pattern available
* Del * Clear the current value (set to 0)
* f0 * Insert one position
* f. * Remove one position
Pattern editor keys
When entering editor from menu:
* Space * Edit pattern (last edited pattern)
* Shift + space * Edit pattern (from song list position)
* Ctrl + space * Edit pattern (last played pattern at last played step)
In pattern editor:
* Esc * Leave pattern editor
* Return * Stop all sounds
* f4 * Pattern+1
* f7 * Pattern-1
* f0 * Insert line to current channel
* f. * Remove line from current channel
* Shift + f0 * Insert pattern line
* Shift + f. * Remove pattern line
* Copy * Play current pattern position
* up/down * Move cursor
* left/right * Move cursor
* Ctrl + 1 * Move to the first line of the pattern
* Ctrl + up * Move 8 lines up
* Ctrl + down * Move 8 lines down
* Shift + 1 * Copy track to clipboard
* Shift + 2 * Cut track to clipboard
* Shift + 3 * Paste track from clipboard
* Shift + 7 * Copy note to clipboard
* Shift + 8 * Paste note from clipboard
* Shift + 0 * Reset clipboard position
* Tab * Increase "skip" value
* Ctrl + Tab * Decrease "skip" value
* Del * Clear field or note
* Clr * Write a "Res" to pattern
* Ctrl + r * Write a "Res" to pattern
* Ctrl + s * Write a "Smp" to pattern
* piano keys * Write note to pattern
* 0-9, A-F * Enter hex value
Instrument editor keys
* Esc * Leave instrument editor
* Ctrl + right * Switch editor (to sequence editor)
* Ctrl + left * Switch editor (to sample editor)
* Enter * Change instrument name
* Esc * Abandon name input
* Return * Confirm name
* Del * Delete last character
* up/down * Move cursor
* left/right * Move cursor
* f1 * Go to first step
* f3 * Go to last step (length)
* f4 * Speed+1
* f7 * Speed-1
* Return * Set instrument length
* Space * Set looping step
* Ctrl + space * Toggle loop
* Shift + up * Increase value
* Shift + down * Decrease value
* Ctrl + up * Increase value (fast, for arp and periods)
* Ctrl + down * Decrease value (fast, for arp and periods)
* Del * Clear/reset field
* Shift + del * Clear/reset complete line
* f0 * Insert an empty line
* f. * Remove a line
* Shift + f0 * Insert a duplicate line
* Shift + f. * Remove a line
* piano keys * Play instrument
* any other key * Stop sound
Sequence editor keys
* Esc * Leave sequence editor
* Ctrl + right * Switch to next editor
* Ctrl + left * Switch to next editor
* Enter * Change sequence name
* Esc * Abandon name input
* Return * Confirm name
* Del * Delete last character
* up/down * Move cursor
* left/right * Move cursor
* f1 * Go to first step
* f3 * Go to last step (length)
* f4 * Speed+1
* f7 * Speed-1
* Return * Set sequence length
* Space * Set looping step
* Shift + up * Increase value
* Shift + down * Decrease value
* Ctrl + up * Increase value (+12)
* Ctrl + down * Decrease value (-12)
* Tab * Copy value to next position
* Del * Clear current value (set to 0)
* piano keys * Play sequence using current instrument
* any other key * Stop sound
Sample editor keys
* Esc * Leave sample editor
* Ctrl + right * Switch editor (to instrument editor)
* Ctrl + left * Switch editor (to sequence editor)
* Enter * Change sample or alias name
* Esc * Abandon name input
* Return * Confirm name
* Del * Delete last character
* Shift + right * Increase offset (for a sample alias)
* Shift + left * Decrease offset (for a sample alias)
* Shift + up * Fast offset increase (for a sample alias)
* Shift + down * Fast offset decrease (for a sample alias)
* Ctrl + a * Create a new sample alias
* Space * Play/Stop sample
Discop keys
* Esc * Cancel file selection
* Del * Go up one directory level (Unidos)
* up/down * Move cursor
* Space * Select current item
Stream save keys - from discop menu
* Esc * Cancel file save
== Pattern & FX options
Valid combinations
C#4 7F F A 35
C#4 7F - A 35 => volume maximum is unchanged
D#4 -- F A 35 => change note but continue instrument
--- -- F A 35 => volume & effect but no note
C#4 7F F - -- => note & volume at maximum
C#4 7F - - -- => note alone (at current volume)
--- -- D - -- => only change maximum volume for current note or sample
--- -- - A 35 => effect only
Res -- - - -- => stop sound (note or sample), no volume or effect change
Res -- C - -- => stop sound (note or sample), change maximum volume
Res -- - X 00 => stop sound & effects
Smp 03 - - -- => sample (at full volume)
Smp 03 4 - -- => sample at specified volume (full or dimmed)
Invalid combinations
List is not exhaustive.
Smp -- - - -- => ignored
--- 7F - - -- => ignored
Volume of samples
Two volume levels are possible for samples: full or dimmed. Hence, volume
column for samples works a bit differently than for instrument notes:
Smp nn - => full volume (when no volume is specified)
Smp nn v => full volume if v>=8; dimmed volume if v<8 (0 included)
--- -- v => full volume if v>=8; dimmed volume if v<8 (0 included)
--- -- - => no volume change
Effect reference
"Special" column effects (leftmost column):
- Txx - Set tempo (T00 is ignored; T01 is the fastest tempo)
- Bxx - Break pattern if xx=0, ignored otherwise
- Exx - Entry point (xx=00 to 3F, ignored otherwise)
- Sxx - Signal to external application (xx=00 to 7F, ignored otherwise)
A/B/C channel effects:
- Axy - Set Arpeggio (3 note arpeggio +0 +x +y)
- Uxy - Slide pitch Up (portamento up), x=speed, y=depth; 0x=repeat
- Dxy - Slide pitch Down (portamento down), x=speed, y=depth; 0x=repeat
- I0x - Fade volume In
- O0x - Fade volume Out
- Vxy - Vibrato
x=speed (1 is the fastest; option ignored if 0y)
y=depth (x0 stops vibrato; option ignored if y > 7)
- Xxx - Stop all FXs (arpeggio, arp seq, vibrato, pitch seq, SID offset)
xx parameter is ignored
- Sxx - Use arpeggio Sequence (option ignored if xx > 63)
- Pxx - Pitch sequence (option ignored if xx > 63)
- Bxx - Change arpeggio speed (Axy or Sxx arpeggio)
- Qxx - Change pitch sequence speed
- Jxx - Change instrument speed
- Zxx - Set SID offset (add offset to calculated note, unit is 1 HBL)
xx is a signed hexadecimal value (FF == -1), default is 0.
This option is not related to a channel as there is only
one SID at a time.
All effects continue until they are stopped, except portamento up/down
and volume fade in/out.