DISZ80 is based in the DIS program but produces a source file
containing Z80 mnenomics suitable for the Microsoft assembler.
DISZ80 also includes significant additional features over its
parent DIS. DISZ80 creates a MAP file and supports the extra
entry point commands 'S' and 'L'.
The MAP file is created at the end of the disassembly and is read
on each subsequent disassembly of the same .COM file thus saving
the tiresome reentry of all the branch points.
The option 'S' provides for CALL statements which are followed by
data terminated with a null, for example:
call message
db 0 ; message terminator
The option 'L' allows for the dissambly of COM files for loading
at an address other than 0100H.
Unlike the DIS program, DISZ80 produces a file of type M80
instead of a file type DIS. DISZ80 also differs from the DIS
program in the action taken when such a file already exists. DIS
aborted, whilst DISZ80 continues by renaming the existing file to
type BAK.
The current release has been tested by the disassembly of the
program Z80.COM which includes every standard Z80 instruction. On
reassembly, the resulting .COM was identical to the original.
D. Powys-Lybbe
November 1984
1c Straight Road, Old Windsor, Berks