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the basic extension for the CPC 464 with new basic commands: BOY, BLOCK, TURBO, SET, RSET, HCOPY, INV, MFILL, MCOPY, MCHANGE, FILL, CIRCLE, PAINT, ACCES, SMODE, SIZE, RON, ROFF, RINK, RBORDER, RMODE, CHAR, HELP, MATRIX, GPEN, LINE, FRAME, DOKE, LINE, GET, CAT, DISPRO, BASE, SCREEN, MAP, NOESC... POWER-BASIC enables the programming of SPRITES (= movable fields, for Representation of figures in games) in any size. POWER-BASIC has new graphics commands and prints screen contents. Fonts of any size can be displayed and figures can be colored. With the TURBO command you can load your programs up to 4 times faster. Representing all 27 colors and all 3 modes. POWER-BASIC can also run on your floppy."